
Light Human In MHA

Disclaimer: I don't own anything The Cover was put togheter by a reader named LordValmar Allan, a massive fan of One Piece, dies in a strange but tragic manner, his soul wanders into an unknown place where he meets god. God agrees to send his soul into the world of MHA along with one wish. ___________________________________________________________ I'm new to writing, but I'm hoping to create something more substantial than a rushed power fantasy. {I also suck at writing a synopsis sry/ hope the new one is better}

VeganMaster · Anime & Comics
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109 Chs

Awake and Late

When I woke up it was already 10 a.m. I was hugging Rumi close to me and looking to the alarm clock with hate.

It didn't manage to wake us up at all. Upon further inspection it seemed a bit bent, I think one of us woke up and wasn't too pleased about it.

Overall, I think I slept for about 3 or 4 hours. Now, I had to somehow wake up Rumi, she was latched on to my torso. I don't know what she's dreaming but she has a stupid smile on her face.

Poking her cheek didn't seem to affect her. Neither did patting her back. I didn't want to do anything more forceful than that to her... At least not outside of training.

I ended up having to slip from her grasp by turning myself into light. That seemed to wake her up, as she fumbled about grabbing at the bed and groggily got up.

All I could do was smile, this was not the most comfortable place to sleep after last night. We needed to get a new bed for this room.

Her eyes widened as she saw the clock, the amount of panic on her face was almost comical.

"Allan! Why didn't you wake me up?!" It seems that she regained her energy. She always has energy when it comes to arguing with me...

"I just woke up too. Also, when you get mad your ears stand up straight. It's cute." She just looked even madder. My attempt at flattery seemed ineffective. The only reaction it got was a slight blush.

"It's your fault for not getting tired!"She said while huffing. It seems that she isn't as mad as she wants me to believe she is.

"Ok, I'm sorry. Although you didn't really mind it eith-" A kick quickly came towards my temple. She didn't even let me finish teasing her.

With a cheeky smile on my face, I easily dodge her attack. Using that opportunity to lean in and kiss her. She just paused, looking a bit flustered.

I quickly left the room to take a shower. Both of us were already late for work. She had to go to her agency and I had to clean up the canteen.

After quickly getting dressed I left for the kitchen. Quickly putting together two sandwiches and packing them. In that time Rumi also managed to get dressed.

I quickly put one sandwich in a bag and handed it to her.

"We don't have time for breakfast. This will have to do." She just nodded and thanked me.

"I'll take you to your hero agency." She perked up at this. Usually, she just drives there.

"Great, we have time to discuss some boundaries then." Rumi probably wanted to talk more about our relationship. She seemed a bit gloomy for a second.

As we got out of the house I grabbed her hand and squeezed it. The smile returning to her face.

As I was flying us at a manageable speed she started speaking.

"Ok, we need to talk about this." She took a short pause. I let her continue.

"Today you might have left Little Eri at a colleagues house. But you can't do that too often."

I nodded, she probably wanted to say that we shouldn't do much when Eri is at home. Last night we were a bit loud after all.

We didn't want the little girl walking in on us by mistake. Especially since she usually sneaks up and ends up sleeping with one of us every night.

"We will have to be discreet about things..." Her face was red while talking. She avoided saying it directly. To hear a straight forward person like her stutter around embarrassedly was extremely cute.

"Don't worry. Discretion is my middle name." Hearing me say the most cheesy line possible seemed to not calm her at all. She looked at me with scorn.

I sighed. "Look, I know when to and when not to act affectionately. I won't just go around town making out with you." Hearing me say it so seriously seemed to please her.

The rest of our short journey was mostly quiet. When reaching her agency I reluctantly let go of her hand. She gave me a quick peck on the cheek and left.

After looking at her back for a few seconds I quickly flew to UA. I reached there almost instantly. Props to moving at light speed.

Even with all of my speed, I am still late. My greatest enemy remains my poor time management skills.

As I walked down the familiar hallways I couldn't help but reminisce about how I had reached this point.

In the beginning, I thought I chose this world because of its relative safety. At least that was what I was telling myself.

In the end, after living my last life as diligently as possible I wanted some action in this one. I didn't want to go to a battle crazy universe, like One Piece or Dragon Ball. So I chose this world.

Becoming a vigilante was just another way to pass time for me. It provided me with some release. I wasn't taking anything seriously. Until I got recorded for the first time. From then on, I started growing.

A mistake proved to me that being carefree is never a good idea when doing hero work. That time it was just a camera. But what if someone dangerous ambushed me while I wasn't paying attention?

It was these thoughts that woke me up to reality.

Now, looking around, I have friends, a daughter(of sorts) and a (sometimes)loving girlfriend...

During my pondering, I managed to reach the teacher's lounge. I could sense everyone in a meeting, again.

After knocking I entered the room with a smile on my face. "Good morning, everyone!"

They all just looked at me. Judging my very existence.

"You're late... To the first day after your short vacation..." Nezu said, somewhat irritated.

"To be fair, I didn't get much sleep-" I didn't get to finish. I could hear a loud squeal coming from Midnight. While most people just sighed.

I realised that they were all having grave expressions for some weird reason.

"So, what are we talking about?" My lazy tone seemed to tick Aizawa off, again.

"Well, the meeting just started anyway. Take a seat."

Saying that Nezu pressed a button and showed us a screen.

On that screen, we could see the file of a person.

Nezu started explaining "This was the person that tampered with the defensive systems in Tartaros."

A silence took the room, I wasn't too surprised, it was the tsunami guy.

"The police managed to find his body yesterday apparently."

He showed us a picture of it on a table. It was mostly intact, probably didn't get crushed by any debris from the bridge.

"During the autopsy, doctors managed to find an anomaly. This man had two quirk factors. He also showed signs of experimentation."

He then showed us a chart of his DNA and compared it with that of a regular person.

I could see Toshinori clenching his fists while the others looked surprised.

To me, this wasn't really that surprising, it just meant that All for One wanted something from that prison. And since he didn't take the chance to attack us when we were weak.

'He's still not recovered enough to fight by himself.' Is the only conclusion I can come to.

The meeting ended shortly after. Since Nezu wasn't yet going to reveal the existence of the supervillain to everyone.

Or maybe he just doesn't want me to know about it? Maybe that's why he was a bit angry when I entered uninvited...

Oh well. If All for One gets too brazen then I might have to give up on my plan and just attack him head-on, as much as I hate the idea.

Right now, I have Eri to take care of. I also need to go and buy a new bed for Rumi.


I just got home. Sry for the delay.

I tried posting stuff from my phone but the paragraphs get messed up.
