
Journey Part 4: Doing some good

Kakarot and Bulma were currently moving by car. Wanting to speak a little easier while moving, he didn't see the problem with it. But in return, she had to spar with him a little more to not neglect her self defense. Luckily, Bulma picked up a need for fitness, thanks to Chichi and her sister Tights.

Towa was having a feel for driving a car. Understanding if she ran out of power it would be good to use the mode of transportation to help move. Mai sat next to her giving instructions on the controls.

Stopping for a break, a portable lab was pulled out for them to work. Finding a kinder tech person, Bulma was more than happy with their journey so far and slipped into a nicer relationship with him.

She was genuinely becoming friends with him and ignoring most of what Chichi asked her to do. The woman Mai wasn't that bad either. After hearing her life-story and why she was a mercenary, she found it funny how modest the woman was about specific talks.

"Hey Kakarot," Bulma came over with a spaceship blueprint. She stopped once seeing a white-haired woman floating near him. Seeing the tail of a Saiyan, she left it be. Mostly. "..hi.." Feeling the vast difference in power, Bulma was smart enough not to fight or cause a problem.

"Bulma & Mai, this is Towa, my magic teacher." Kakarot introduced the woman to the member of the Demon Realm like it was nothing. Which by his case it was really. "Towa, this is Bulma & Mai. A new friend of mine I made recently."

"Only a friend," Towa greeted Bulma politely. Her look to Mai lingered oddly a bit. "still pining over that wife of yours?"

"No, we ended it. Well, she mostly did. I did not fight her on it. It would have been a losing battle, and she was right." Kakarot's tail unfurled a little out of his control. Trying to understand the possible angle she was going with. "The marriage is over, which is darkly funny considering we lived apart for so many years it should have been something I resolved easily. But, the teachings from yourself and a few others helped in the long run."

"Oh, so single now and free." Towa wrapped her arms around the base of his neck still floating. Her Magic was going down his spine and up to his neck to the front of the face. "Then the Link we have can be fulfilled even faster."

"Link?" Bulma's nose crinkled as she was in one with Chichi, the same as so many others in Capsule Corp. "A baby?"

"Haa, yeah. Not that I was against sperm donation; she wanted the natural way." Tail wrapping around Towa, who grin grew wider. "That is no longer restricting me, so I can defintely move forward in various ways emotionally."

"Married at such a young age." Mai was puzzled, and a little sadden.

They have divorced already. Then again the situation is still very confusing still.

"How tantalizing." The woman held her face at what all could have happened. The scandal alone had her mind racing with various possibilities.

"Something like that." Towa was mostly wanting to have an offspring made from the genetic material that was changing in Kakarot daily. "He will produce a good heir to help me secure my Family's Legacy and save my brother before it is to late."

"Your brother..." Bulma didn't have a recollection of Towa from talking with Chichi. So she had know idea who her brother could possibly be. "..is he sick or something?"

"Controlled by someone." Towa's eyes became downcast. Her Dimension and her brother died, but other Dabura's out there didn't have siblings. It wasn't the same.. but it would be if Kaakrot succeeded and the Goddess Jiutian helped recover her brother's essence. "I have been training Kakarot on ways to stop it. Which he finally got.. after several years, mind you. Just needs to be stronger now."

"Working on it." Tapping his scouter, no readings popped up beside a few animals. "Time is a factor, but a day hasn't gone by that I haven't trained in some way to get stronger."

"If I think you are regressing, I will push you harder. "She" was very specific about that cannot happen." The mention of the Goddess went without saying. Kakarot was planning mostly and searching for any other problems that may pop up. "Just because you and Chichi are the strongest in the Dimension currently, does not mean you should take it easy."

"I am not going to let King Piccolo get that wish, so it is a moot point." Kakarot frowned at her. "Besides, Yamcha and Old Gohan are climbing up at a fast pace. With Pasta and Bongo coming in clutch afterward."

He just wish he could find the old coot sealed away first.

"The threats are.." Towa stopped herself from explaining in this way. "Something is coming from far away, and the Boss was specific in telling you this. It may be years off, but you know regular humans can not compete with them. One of the things you and Chichi agree on."

'No point in becoming strong if everyone is dead in the process. Especially if the Unending Army sets sights on her or me for abusing our power. We are not to kill indiscriminately unless it serves our goals. I for one, am ok with murder but not genocide.' Thinking it over he double-checked the information given. 'As long as I don't use my Aspect themselves to do the wanton acts, everything is fine. Still have my Ki and Magic to do so.'

A few back and forths went on before the situation ended ok enough. Towa had to go an check on something, and Kakarot was finished with his spell preparations. A small manipulation of water molecules was promising and just needed a spot to test it on.


Making it Rain-


As the trio came across the Desert Village that evening, Mai and Bulma stuck to going by car with Kakarot flying in the sky. He observed the area with a sky view to better understand the layout and how far it needed to reach for the spell to work.

"Perfect." Kakarot found a good spot after feeling the wind brush against his tail. "The coming hours unless things change will cause the clouds to move over the city. Until then, however, it should help form a good water supply."

Floating up with his hands focused on the ground, his Magic poured out in a red-black wave. Clouds formed up in seconds as droplets of water came down already.

A distance away, the villagers looked to the sky in disbelief.

"No way.." Mai was amazed as the water seemed to flow towards a hole in the ground. "..it's making a pond."

Bulma checked over her wrist computer and atmospheric reports for the area. Her face was pensive as the place needed more than just a pond to survive.

"Plant a few bombs here and there and we are good for something bigger."

At the mention of bombs, Mai came over to assist. Explosives were something she was good at planting if not just using. The mech that Shu used was already fitted a little better, thanks to Bulma working on it.

"Shu.." Mai muttered a little in regret at the passing of her last partner. Looking towards the sky were her jailer went about doing good for strangers gave mixed feelings. "..I wonder if he will kill me in anger one day?"

Her words didn't go unnoticed by Bulma, who loaded up more bombs.

"Depends if you don't plan on turning over a new leaf." The genius said simply. Whether the mercenary heard or not was a different story. "Mai, the rain is picking up already! We need to be quick!"

Hurrying, a few more explosives were planted before detonating at once. Timing the chain allowed a much larger portion of the land to be uncovered. The aftershock traveled enough to alert the village nearby.

In a matter of minutes, several people came over to see what was going on. Bulma and Mai already having taken shelter in the portable lab. The heavy rain water was not entirely under his control once it grew to strong.

"Well, to prevent from raining evil water.. a measure of control had to be given up." Kakarot floated out of the rain clouds after laying a spell to prevent thunderstorms from developing. "The winds are not picking up... so good."

"HEY!" A villager shouted to the floating monkey-tailed man. "WHO ARE YOU!?"

Moving over, Kakarot shielded them with the use of his Ki. Making a bubble to prevent the stinging effects of the downpour. Seeing the soak turbans, Kakarot couldn't hide his smile.

"You are Nam right?"

"How does the Deity know me?" Nam and his fellow villagers were in awe as they kneeled.

"Yeah, mortal still. So none of that." He gestured for them to get up. The smallest amount of Negative energy existed in these people. To troubled just to survive to be able to do anything malicious maybe. "I was wondering if you could help me with something in return of the water provided now."

"We would gladly help if we can, just tell us what it is." Nam spoke for the villagers. Trading water for help, it couldn't be to troublesome what he wanted.

The rain went on for a few more hours before breaking a bit in the area. The clouds scattered enough to rain across the village to provide much-needed moisture.

Kakarot only wanted to spar with Nam and a few others in the village. Mai and Bulma joined in to participate in the sloppy conditions after the rain lessened.

"It is late, may we continue in the evening tomorrow." Nam waved goodbye. Exhausted but happy as can be.

Taking a break working on a few gadgets, Bulma was working on her Dragon Radar. Kakarot was working on the Prototype Dragon Ball Containers. Analyzing had given enough of a data reading for a scientific model.

"The Blood Rubys are a decent case material so far." Holding the empty gem in hand, besides losing the red color due to him draining the evil Magic out, it was less durable than before. It is still bulletproof, but it could be crushed with enough effort by anyone with a power level over 500. "Here we go!"

*Ripple!* Transfering his Ki inside, a small pulse of power went out. The Dragonball five feet away also shined a little.

"I only had it out for quick reference; I didn't expect it to react in any way." Kakarot looked at the four-star ball to see if it would do anything else, but it didn't. "Ok, moving on then."

*Ripple!* Transfering his Magic inside, a thick pulse of power went out. The Dragonball five feet away also shined once more. Just a different color this time.

"So, what to do now?" Holding the Blood Ruby up, it felt almost like a part of him. Even lighter than before, generating a slight trace of energy. Closer observation proved it was sucking energy in from the air. "Huh?"

Tapping his scouter, the flow of energy was traced. The Dragonball had black strands coming from it. A then twin trail came from another area to. Bulma had a trace of the energy.

"Hey Bulma," Kakarot called out to the scientist. She looked up at him in wonder. "change the scouter to micro frequencies." She gave a tap finding the trail from her odd on first sight. Even wiping her hand through it. "It won't harm you. It exists in most people."

"What is it?" She looked over wondering why he didn't take a break yet really. Especially after the work he subjected himself to. 'That stamina is ridiculous.'

"On a low level, Negative Energy." Kakarot pulled with his Magic actively and sucked it all in. The area immediately cleared, with Bulma even having an air about her now of calm. "How do you feel right now?"

"Better a little. Aggravation from the scanner range not improving high enough." She pointed at the Dragon Radar, which had smoke coming from the back of it. The circuits were fried from the increase in the power output she just applied. "The Dragon Ball looks shinier some how."

Kakarot (Richard)

Soul: Intuitive Adaptability

Aspects: War, Longevity, Sex, History

Spirit: 1,546,798 = Soul Refining Art

Ki: 633

Magic: 447

Styles: Demon Realm, Saiyan, Army (SFPC)

Skills: Flight, Ki Blast, Sense, Telepathy, Power Up, Ki Shout, Volley Burst

Abilities: Absorption, Majin/Timebreaker Mark, Shapeshifting

Controlled Regions: Gurumes, Fungus Town, Village of Nam

Linked: 30 Saiyans, Old Gohan, Towa, Mai

Magmatidecreators' thoughts