
Light Between The Darkness

Tells the story of a man who had a train accident, due to a foreign object starting to come out of the ground and soaring up to the sky. After death he was in a very dark place, he could not speak, move, etc. His mind must be questioned because he has been in that condition for thousands/millions/billions/ maybe even trillions of years in the darkness. Until one day, the light of hope began to emerge and he was reincarnated in another world where his new life will begin.

AlkiraPutera · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Book 6 - Chapter 1: Deja vu

My mom had finally left leaving me alone in the room, I could feel the circulation of mana I had felt from her now drifting away from me.

"Finally, my mom left too"

 I was finally able to start my mana training again, when I first started practicing, I only relied on what was in my mind instead of the magic theories in this world.


Because what I think with the theory in the book, it is very different, the way of training and use.

What I have been doing so far is just meditating quietly, thinking and feeling the mana around me and making the mana enter and flow in my body, I did this by myself.

The flow of mana starts to enter my body, I have 2 ways so that mana can enter my body. The first is by breathing, the mana enters through the nose then into the lungs and the mana is stored in the heart and makes the Aura Core by itself.

The second way is by absorbing the mana around, passing through the skin and flesh. The mana flows through the blood vessels and is stored in the stomach area and makes a new Mana Core.

The cores in my heart and stomach make my body feel warm and sometimes become hot.

The two ways I can do it simultaneously, and the other effect of the two ways makes me have a new Core in the brain area. The Core in the brain is quite small but somehow the new Core can cool my whole body.

I don't know, what Core is that, but what I read from books in this world there are only 2 types of Core, namely Aura Core and Mana Core.

Aura Core for a Swordsmen and Mana Core for a Mage.

'Well, I don't really care about the this Core, and I think the Core is a gift to me'

I refocused on meditating.


The blue Mana wave and the red Aura wave swirled around and enveloped Alen's body, soon the wave now turned a slightly dark purple color.

'ugh, why does it feel so hot and cold'

Alen began to feel hot and cold, the Mana and Aura waves now began to change color again to Dark. Even Alen's body would not be able to be seen from the outside.


'What is this? Why is it so quiet?'

Alen opened his eyes and he felt deja vu of the first thing he saw, was an ancient room with a dark theme and he was now sitting on a throne that was large and beautiful but also gave a mysterious and eerie impression.

The throne had beautiful patterns, and not just the throne. Even the pillars that supported the room had the same patterns.

He stood up as he walked around, trying to find something and recall what made him feel deja vu. But he did not find anything.

Alen walked in the opposite direction of the throne, and when he was far enough away from it he saw a very large door, the door also had a beautiful pattern.

And of course Alen couldn't open it.


A voice was heard by Alen, he looked towards the source of the voice and saw a ball of light floating above the throne.

And who knows what possessed Alen's body, when he saw the light. Alen immediately ran towards the light and touched it.


Alea and Eden who were talking, began to feel a strange feeling.

"Honey, I think I feel something strange!" Eden asked.

"Yeah, me too," Alea replied.

They felt a pressure that they couldn't put into words, and they simultaneously looked towards the house.


Alea realized that the strange atmosphere was coming from her house and that Alen was inside right now. Alea started to run and she was too late because a second later the house exploded and some of the debris that was blown away by the explosion was aimed at her.

But Eden quickly embraced and protected his wife with his back coated with Aura.

After the explosion stopped he checked on his wife

"Honey, are you okay?"

Tears could be seen dripping from her

"H-Honey, Alen"

Realizing his wife's words Eden immediately rushed into the destroyed house.

Meanwhile Alen was still meditating and he was floating in the air, and the black aura that covered him was now white.

There were also 5 orbs that had tails, just like shooting stars or comets. It was hovering around Alen's body.

Eden broke the door of the room, as it was blocked by something.

"Alen, are you in-"

Before Eden could finish his words, he could only be shocked by what he saw.

He 2-year-old son was floating and enveloped by a huge and pure mana. He was also surrounded by 5 balls that had different colors.

"H-Honey what's wrong, where's Alen?"

Alea who caught up with her husband asked, as Eden suddenly fell silent.

"Ha-Haha honey, it seems we have given birth to a true genius"

Alea did not listen to her husband's words, because she was also surprised by what she saw.