
Light As The Sun

Mel, a girl who was born imperfect in the world where being different is a crime and justice is served for those perfect. Avoiding from being pursued by the empirean king ànd queen while she uncovered the whole truth of her existence and genealogy. Will she bring the light on the utterly landmass of darkness? Or she will meet her impendent doom?

Shaiyeann · LGBT+
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1 Chs

Chapter 1: The Darkness Prevail

As I stepped on the gloomy soil of my shambles abode, the desolation of the surroundings weighed heavy on my heart. The trees stood blackened and lifeless, the once vibrant plants now withered and fragile. The people of Purine, consumed by hopelessness, drifted aimlessly, their actions tainted by random bursts of violence. But the most disheartening of all was the absence of the sun, which hadn't graced our skies for the past five decades.

"I despise this endless darkness! Where is the sun? I've waited countless tomorrows for its return, only to see the situation worsen day by day," I exclaimed, stomping my foot in frustration.

As I surveyed the suffering residents of Purine, my eyes fell upon a disturbing encounter. One resident grew agitated and began to harm an innocent passerby, his face twisted with disgust.

"Don't look at me! You useless scum!" he hissed with venom.

The terrified victim stammered an apology, fear etched across his face. The aggressor growled like a feral beast, his eyes burning with madness and his sharp teeth tearing through a twig in his grasp.

"I-I-I'm sorry for disturbing you, sir," the trembling victim managed to reply.

Thankfully, a loud siren cut through the tension, diverting the man's attention and allowing the victim to slip away.

"Lucky for him," I murmured, relieved.

Days like these had become the new normal for us in Purine. While we were fortunate to have enough food, the absence of the sun left us unsatisfied. But for me, an imperfect being unaffected by the darkness, life was even more complicated. The jealous and disgusted glares directed at me made me fear for my safety. Rumors circulated that I was a transwoman, which led me to hide my identity beneath my mother's cloak, woven from rattan.

As the afternoon wore on and the sun remained elusive, I resigned myself to staying indoors. Outside, the violence escalated, with people hurling objects at each other's homes. As the hours passed, an eerie silence settled over the town, and I became curious about the outside world. Peering cautiously through my window, I saw that everyone in the vicinity had turned to stone.

"It's nighttime again," I muttered to myself.

Realizing I had abandoned my plan to find a job, I made the decision to return to Purine the following morning. But as I rose from my slumber, the darkness remained, and the sun continued to elude us.

"Just another night," I sighed.

Venturing outside, I roamed the town in search of employment. However, despite my efforts, I couldn't find a single job that would accept me. Frustrated and disheartened, I was approached by a man named Jon, a merchant, who offered me a job. He suggested I visit his tent near the town plaza.

"I wonder what he has to offer," I mused.

Without uttering a word, I nodded in agreement and followed Jon to his tent. He mentioned the possibility of me living in his tent, but I declined the offer, wary of living with strangers.

"I am here to find work, not to live with random individuals. Are you out of your mind? How can I trust someone behind a cloak and mask, asking a stranger I just met to live with them?" I retorted.

Jon quickly reassured me, stating that he had no ill intentions and that I had approached him first. Annoyed by his accusation, I bit my lip, concealing my frustration.

"Well, I have no time for such offers. Please tell me about the job, if it's not something suspicious," I replied coldly.

Jon reassured me, stating that the job was simple and the salary would be sufficient for a modest life. Reluctantly, I agreed to take the job, not wanting to pass up any opportunities.

As our conversation continued, a troop of Gandela Knights marched towards Purine, the General proclaiming his intent to kill any transwomen in their path. Panic surged within me, and I sought refuge in Jon's tent.

"Are you okay?" Jon asked with concern.

"They will kill me," I whispered, my voice trembling.

Jon attempted to comfort me, promising that they would not discover my true identity. As the knights reached Jon's tent, my heart pounded with fear. I watched as Sunni, one of the knights, entered the tent and began searching for me.

"Please, don't answer them," I pleaded in a hushed tone.

Jon nodded in agreement, understanding the gravity of the situation. Sunni's gaze locked onto mine, but Jon held his ground, denying my presence in the tent. To my surprise, Sunni ceased his search and left without finding me.

"That was too close," I breathed a sigh of relief.

Yet, Sunni's warning lingered in my mind. I couldn't relax, knowing the danger still loomed over me. I knew I had to tread carefully to ensure my survival in this treacherous world.

Days passed, and I found solace in the depths of the forest, hiding from prying eyes and the ever-present threat of the Gandela Knights. It was during one such night, as I lay in a fitful sleep, that I heard the crackling of fire and the rustling of leaves nearby. My eyes snapped open, and I surveyed my surroundings, a sense of foreboding settling upon me.

I cautiously rose to my feet, ready to defend myself if necessary. My heartbeat quickened as I spotted a figure emerging from the darkness. It was a man, his hands stained with blood, and his body worn and battered. The fire burned in the direction he came from, casting an eerie glow upon him. It was Sunni.

[Sunni's POV]

As I marched with the Gandela Knights towards Purine, a conflicted storm raged within me. The command to kill all transwomen weighed heavily on my conscience. Deep down, I knew it was unjust, but defying a royal order came with dire consequences.

One of my loyal men, Jordan, confronted me about the transwoman I had spared earlier in the merchant's tent. He reminded me of the gravity of my actions, the disobedience to the King's and Queen's orders.

"Sunni, you have disobeyed our command," Jordan stated firmly, disappointment etched on his face.

I tried to defend my choice, to make him see that she was innocent, but his mind was clouded by duty and loyalty to the crown.

"What did I do wrong? She didn't deserve to die," I countered, frustration seeping into my voice.

Jordan's expression hardened, his loyalty overpowering any sense of justice or empathy.

"It's not about what she deserves. It's about the order. And you, my friend, have disobeyed a royal command," he proclaimed coldly.

The weight of his words sank deep into my heart. I feared for what would happen next, for the consequences of my defiance.

"Please, Jordan, reconsider. She is just a woman trying to survive," I pleaded, hoping to find some understanding.

But his resolve remained steadfast, and he ordered the other knights to bind me. They tightly wound a thorn-made rope around my neck, crafted from the deadly Orozco plant. It constricted my breathing, the pain searing through me. Jordan's men dragged me, weakened and struggling, to the presence of the King and Queen.

In the grand hall of the Gandela Kingdom, I stood before the monarchs, their piercing gazes rendering me powerless. The King, with his commanding presence, towered over me, his eyes filled with a mix of anger and disappointment.

"So, you have defied our orders. Why?" the King demanded, his voice cutting through the heavy silence.

I mustered the courage to speak my truth, to make them understand the gravity of their command and the injustice it carried.

"I could not bring myself to harm an innocent soul. She had done nothing wrong," I proclaimed, my voice filled with conviction.

The Queen's eyes bore into mine, her voice laced with disdain.

"And you killed your own men for the sake of a transwoman. Are you mad, Sunni? Are you willing to abandon your duty for such a lowly life?" she sneered.

But my mind was made up. My allegiance to justice and compassion overshadowed any allegiance to a crown tainted by hate.

"It is not about a lowly life, Your Majesty. It is about upholding what is right, no matter the cost," I replied, my voice steady.

Silence hung in the air as the King and Queen exchanged a glance, their decision unknown. My fate hung in the balance, unsure of what awaited me.

Finally, the King spoke, his voice filled with a mix of resignation and disappointment.

"If you are so adamant about saving her, then you will go to her. You will be given a chance to bring her to justice yourself," the King decreed.

Hope flickered within me, a small seed of possibility planted amidst the uncertainty. If I could reach her before the T-Exterminator would, I might convince her to choose a different path, a path away from her impending demise.

Gratitude surged within me, the King's agreement offering a sliver of hope. I bowed before them, acknowledging their decree.

"Thank you, Your Majesties," I whispered, relief washing over me.

The following nights were filled with anticipation and anxiety. The knights prepared themselves, ready to fulfill their duty at any cost. But deep within me, a hope emerged, a hope that I could save her from the darkness that threatened to consume her. My heart beat with both fear and determination as we prepared to depart.

"Sir Sunni!" I exclaimed, rushing to his side.

Gently, I helped him sit against a tree, my hands trembling as I assessed his wounds. Blood flowed freely from his chest, forehead, and left arm.

"What happened to you?" I asked, my voice filled with concern.

Sunni's eyes dimmed, his breaths becoming shallow. He gazed at me, his voice barely a whisper.

"This is nothing... but it marks the end of my journey, my dear," he replied, his words poignant with finality.

I couldn't comprehend his words. Panic welled up inside me, and tears streamed down my cheeks.

"You're not dying here, not today," I pleaded, grasping onto a sliver of hope.

Sunni's smile was weak, but filled with warmth, as he reached out to stroke my cheek.

"Please... don't cry. You have a long path ahead of you," he whispered.

Confusion and sorrow mingled within me. I desperately searched for a solution, promising to find Jaolin herbs to heal his wounds.

"No need... my dear. This is the end of the road for me," Sunni murmured, his voice fading.

I refused to accept his fate, my determination warring against the despair threatening to consume me.

"You're not dying. I won't let you," I pleaded through sobs, my grip on his hand tightening.

Sunni's voice grew softer, his eyes slipping shut.

"My love, the journey I embarked upon... it leads only to darkness. And now, it is time for me to bid farewell."

I couldn't bear to lose him, to witness his life slip away. In a frantic attempt to save him, I held onto him tightly, promising to take care of him.

But it was too late. Sunni's hand grew cold, and his breath ceased. The man who had shown me kindness and spared my life was gone.

Overwhelmed by grief, I knelt beside Sunni's lifeless body, tears flowing freely as I mourned his loss. The darkness seemed even deeper now, and the weight of my loneliness pressed heavily against my heart.