
Light And Darkness

A world where Darkness slowly consumes the Light.Can the different race who are hostile with each other work togather to stop the Great War thats ahead of them,or will they let their pride won over them and act individually.

King_Orpheus · Action
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9 Chs

Chapter-8: Excitement

Gant was confused and frightened,"How are they here; We've set up a barrier to remove all the traces of mana inside it."Then he suddenly realised something,he looked at the place the female knight was stabbed;her body was no longer there.

"How ignorant of me,a knight wouldn't simply die from a single stab.We need to get out of this somehow"

One of the assassin holding Eli point his sword on her neck,the others were ready to fight.

"One more move and I'll slit her throat!!"The assassin threatens;Eli shaking from fear.Then suddenly out of the woods,an arrow flew out hitting the assassin holding Eli in his forehead.

Just as the assassin went down,all the other knights jumped at them.Tobias created a wind barrier on the kids.The Royal Knight immediately went for Gant,he strike down his sword at him.Gant tried to block the attack,but the knight was too strong;Along with his enhancement in his sword and his sword,it broke down.The knight immediately cut him in half.


As the assassins were taken care of,they returned to the village.People were eagerly waiting for them,but they went straight to the church.Their injuries were not normal injuries like the ones they had from the goblins,it was vital now because of the assassins enhancement.

The Priest and nuns immediately took care of them,trying their best to heal their injuries.Eli wasn't suffering from any fatal wounds,so her parents immediately took care of her.Marilyn(Alex's mom)was outside with the Agnesis family and the Lionheart family.They were all worried, their husband trying to comfort them.

They weren't allowed to go inside because of all the injuries and blood on their body,it would only worsen the situation.The Willsworth family lent them one of their mages;but even with the mage it was not easy to heal their wounds.

Now comes the night,one of the nuns came out.All the parents immediately went and ask for results.

"How is our son?!?!Is he okay?!?!Please tell me he's okay!!"Willow Lionheart (Luke's mom)grabbing the nun ask with great concern.

"Your son is okay, you'll be able to see him soon"She looked at the Agnesis family."Stephen on the other hand will need some more treatment;as you might have heard, he's injury is not from a normal weapon and since he hasn't learned any type of regenerative ability,it will take some more time."

Benard and Harriet hold on to each other,trying their best to comfort one another.

The nun then looked at Marilyn."Your son....seems to have learnt Regenerative ability."The other parents looked at her with a disbelieving expression.

"His wounds are all healed;but the problem is that he has depleted all his mana and....."She stopped midway and with a reluctant face,"His mana core...

is fractured."

Marilyn gasp,she was happy for a moment after hearing about the regenerative part;but what follows,was what all hunters feared.She was tearing up,the nun tried to assure her,the other parents feeling helpless just stood and watch.

The night went on as the parents were praying for their childrens recovery.


Someplace on the outskirt of the Crimson Kingdom,a land two Kingdoms away from Ordin.A small Kingdom on the edge of the continent,a small yet unconquerable land.

One of the assassins that manage to escape came out of a portal,he fell on the ground and as he was about to stand back up,he noticed a guy standing in front of him.

He has a brown skin wearing white coat and he wears a blindfold.

"Seems like you've failed your mission,the lord wasn't expecting anything from you people anyway.But let me ask you this;How strong is the Light Wielder?"

The assassin kneeled,"She does not show any sign of remarkable feat.She was afraid and just stood by the others back;But she did let her light embedded one of the boys.He was unimaginably strong;If he fought the Serpent Members with his full strength,he might even won."

"Intresting....How about the others"

"One was a beastmen and the other,a noble who specialized in fire elements.They too were not as weak as the we were told."

"Okay....thats all we need.."he reach for the assassin's head,and flicked his fingers;his whole head burst and his body fell on the ground motionless.


As the sun rises,one of the nurse came out of the room;all the parents were awake,their eyes showed signs of sleepless night,they were eager to hear good news.

"The kids are fine,but they will need regular checkups so i recommend you let them stay here for a while.You'll be allowed to enter after the Priest come out"The nurse then went out.

The priest came out and the parents immediately went in after he told them their conditions.The boys were up and fairly well now,they hugged each other with teary eyes.

Marilyn went and hugged Alex,"How are you feeling honey?".

"I'm fine...just a little pain over my chest."

Marilyn holds his hand,she wasn't sure if he already knew of his conditions or not.The other parents looked at them with sympathy.

Alex holding her mom's hand tighter,"Mom....the priest already told me about my condition",Her eyes widen,"He said that I need to be careful in using mana and i should never receive any more mana from others.Its a small fracture,but it's still very dangerous."

"I don't wanna discouraged you Alex,but remember being a hunter isn't the only option.You could always choose other job as well.Just don't force yourself too much,you may not care so much about your injuries,but seeing you getting hurt like this,it hurts us too."

A hand reached out to Marilyn's shoulder,she looked back, it was Patrick."I've heard you achieve True Enhancement during the fight". Alex's eyes widen,he quickly recalled mana covering his arm,he didn't realise it during the fight but now that he think about it,he did achieve True Enhancement.

He might fracture his mana core/pool,but deep down he was happy, achieving one of the rarest ability,this alone was enough to qualify him in the academy.Now all he need was to slowly practice using it and further increase his mana.

While they were having a conversation,the Willsworth family came in.The parents greeted the family head,and after he showed his gratitude to the other family he went towards Alex's bed,Eli slowly walking behind him.

"Greetings my lord"said Marilyn.

"I heard about what your son did madam"

'Madam!!'Marilyn thought.

"His courage and bravery has saved my daughter,even to the point of him almost losing his abilities.I would like to repay him with the best of my ability."

Marilyn eyes widen,one of the most influential lords,showing gratitude.Most lords would just gave them money and forget about it,but he was offering something more.

"My lord,we thank you for your kindness,but we didn't do it hoping for anything in return.It is for times like this that we trained and worked,not for fame or money,but for protecting those in needs."

The room was filled with silence.'Did he just say that',Everyone thought.

Richard smiled looking at Alex."If thats what you wish.And there's someone else here who want to thank you."

Eli came out from his back,she looked at Alex but as soon as their eyes met,she was mesmerized,his eyes seemed to emit a purple light.

"Eli...?"Her father said

"Ohh ummm..Thank you for saving me,if not for you and your friends,i would have been kidnapped."

She bowed and slowly step back.

"Well,your welcome"Alex said with a bright smile.

The Willsworth then after thanking them once more began to leave,but just as Eli was about to head out,she turned back.

"Can you guys tell me you name,like full name?"

Stephen raised his hand,"Stephen Agnesis"

Luke then excitedly points at himself,"Luke Lionheart"

Then lastly "Alex Francis"

And with a bright smile,Eli left the room.


Only a month left before the entrance exam,the boys were feeling excited and were eager to take the exams.

Tobias was sure that they would get accepted,not only did they awaken their elemental powers,they also have almost complete control over it.Alex too was sure to get accepted,he had awaken True Enhancement even before achieving Perfect Enhancement.

As the boys keep on training, increasing their manapool while also learning how to fight without their elemental powers.They would sometimes spar with each other.

Stephen would always win in a battle of Magic,Alex in a battle of body enhancement.Luke wasn't really specialized in neither of those,but he continued to train both of it.


Stephen's Skills set:-

Fire style

1.Feierhäll(Fire ball)-E tier

2.Incinerate-D tier

3.Burst-E tier

Luke's skills set:-

Earth Style

1.Dome-D tier

2.Earth embodiment-E tier

3.Boulder crush(Levitating huge boulder and throwing it)-E tier

Alex's skills set:-

1.True Enhancement (Arms and Legs)-A tier

True enhancement can go upto sSs tier depending upon the users mana.

Elizabeth's skill set:-

1.Pierce-D tier

2.Holy Light Enhancement -B tier(same as perfect enhancement,but could be alot sturdier and stronger)

3.Light embodiment-C tier

All skills power and damage depends on the users mana and how much they poured their mana into it.And once a skill reach S tier,its difference is significantly high.