
A meet & greet, bus trouble, so basically a very long, but boring night

Once I regain consciousness I wish I hadn't. My brain is trying to pound out of my skull, and my mouth tastes like death. Oh god I hate hangovers, it's one of the reasons I don't like to drink, especially getting wasted. I try to remember everything that happened last night, and the last thing coming to mind, is sitting on one of the lobby couches. But wait, I'm clearly lying down now, in a bed. I slowly open one eye, and when the brightness of the room penetrates and pain shoots through my brain, I close it quickly. Oh god this is gonna take a while, and I alternate between the eyes, and slowly they become accustomed to the brightness. I sit slowly up and the sheet covering me falls down and I realize I'm naked. Worry shoots through my brain, and I scan the room quickly. I see my clothes, neatly folded, weird, that's not my style. I'm alone it seems, but the relief leaves as quickly as it came, because the door opens, and I hear shuffling feet. Just in the nick of time, I cover myself, just before the person comes into view. It's not Luke, or Asswipe, I'm not familiar with this person. A tall man, mid thirties I think, red short hair, blue eyes, slightly crooked nose, and small thin lips. He's casually dressed, blue jeans, yellow sweater, and red converse. Very youthful. He stops in his tracks when he sees I'm sitting up, "Oh, you're awake. Yeah, so uhmm…", but I raise my hand and he stops, "did you undress me?" Right away he shakes his head no, "no, no. absolutely not, no my wife, she's downstairs. She'll be here soon." Relief washes through me, but the next question pops up, "Why am I here?" I ask, staring him down, and he shifts on his feet. "Well, when we came back from our date, last night, around 2 am. You were sleeping on the couch peacefully, but there were some men, two to be precise, eyeing you and whispering, and my wife didn't like it, neither did I mind you. So uhhh….. We took you up here, our room. We don't have any ill intent, I hope you don't mind us doing that. We just felt it wasn't safe for you on that couch", he walks to the couch, and sits down, as far away from me as possible, making me feel at ease a little bit more. Phew, no unwanted sex with someone. We sit in silence, and when the door finally opens for a second time, the man visible relaxes and a fond smile paints his face. The woman who emerges is small, like really small, even I'm taller. She has a pixie haircut, with bubblegum pink hair, every facial feature is small, except the eyes, big and blue. She is dressed in Black jeans, a white t-shirt with 'Hell Yeah' in red letters, A leather jacket with metal studs and black biker boots. A total contrast to the man. "Oh, you're finally awake. How do you feel?", her voice matches her physique, small and sweet. "Hungover", I groan, and rub my forehead, which has been pounding non stop. "I understand by your husband's explanation that you saved me. Thank you, I really appreciate it. I normally don't drink, but that stupid game, never mind. And the two you probably saw, have been trying to get close to me for ages, so really, thank you from the bottom of my heart", the woman beams, a big smile on her face. "No need to thank me, you would have done the same", she walks to the bathroom and comes back with a glass of water, and hands it to me, "here, take this", she says as she dumps two pills in my free hand. I take the pills gratefully and drain the whole glass, "I better get back to my room, I have a busy day today. Thanks again for the help", I say, as I sit sideways on the bed, my feet touching the floor. The woman approaches her husband and blocks me from his view, I scoot out from under the covers, grab my clothes and head into the bathroom. When the door closes, relief finally comes crashing through my body, and I'm literally shaking. I was really lucky these people helped me, If they hadn't, I shudder at the thought and shake the feeling off. Nothing happened and I need to be more careful. No more alcohol or games. When we're at the hotel, I'll stay in my secret room. It's the safest. I get dressed and check if I still have everything, phone, key card, both still in my pocket. I leave the bathroom and face the married couple, sharing a sweet kiss. I clear my throat, "I'll be leaving now. Have a nice stay, and thanks", both smiling brightly at me. I turn around and when I'm at the door, about to turn the knob, the woman speaks, "Wait, so stupid, but we never introduced ourselves. I'm Angela Retter, and this here is my husband, Kurt Retter." I walk back and shake her hand, and then I shake his, "I'm Nadja Miyazaki. It's nice to meet you. Good day", and I smile and leave them, exiting the room. I look for the elevators and press the call button when I finally find them. The elevator arrives and the doors open, I get on and press the button for my floor. Finally in my room, I fall on my bed and groan, the pills still haven't kicked in. I close my eyes and regulate my breathing, so my head doesn't pound as much. Gradually as I lay there, the pain in my brain lessens, and I sigh in relief. I slowly get up and walk to the bathroom, I take a quick hot shower and do the rest of my morning routine. Once I'm done, I check my phone for the time and see the notifications. Oh no, I missed texting with one of them. I open the app and respond right away.

Me: Yes, yes I'm here. Sorry we played a drinking game, and somehow I had to drink a lot. Last thing I remember, I was sitting in the lobby. This morning I found myself in a bed. Quite confusing, but nothing happened. A nice couple saved me from people eyeing me sleeping

He's probably busy, so he doesn't answer. Arriving at the restaurant, I'm later than usual, so only Alfred is sitting at the table. I first got my breakfast before joining him, "Good morning", I say, but I didn't expect anything back, I was kinda rude yesterday. "Good morning. You had an interesting night I believe", he looks at me with a big grin, "I've wanted to say the same for a while now, they are not my kind of people, to put it nicely." My eyes grow big, and a smile slowly creeps on my face, "it all felt like a set up to get me drunk, so I had to leave. I may be wrong, it's just how it felt", I take a big bite out of the croissant, and sigh with bliss. I was starving. He resumes eating too, and we enjoy the comfortable silence. When I'm finished, I feel like myself again, well more or less. The headache is gone, courtesy of the pills and coffee. My stomach is content, being filled. "Are you ready to leave?", I break the silence. "Yeah, let's just clean this away first", and he gets up and collects his dirty dishes. I do the same and we drop it off at the cart. In the loddy, on the couches, are the others, laughing at what Luke just told them. When we join them, a weird vibe settles over us. That was to be expected, some really don't like me now. I don't care, so I don't pay attention and chat with Alfred over comics. Slowly, conversation between them starts up again, and is almost back to normal when Asswipe arrives. When I lock eyes with him, his eyes turn dark and foreboding, and I really don't like it. "When we don't have to dance today, could you stay at my side?" I whisper to Alfred, when we exit the hotel. He looks first at Luke and then at Asswipe, before his eyes look at me. "Are they bothering you?", he whispers back. "Let's just say, they are really trying their best to get me alone. And that is something I really don't want to happen." He looks at them again and then nods firmly, "we need someone else though, for when I'm on stage. Who do you think will help?" I think for a moment while my eyes scan the people before me. When they land on Chester, I look at Alfred, "how close are you with Chester?" His eyes cloud over in thought, "I'm the closest with Chester, so I think he is the best choice", I nod, happy we're in sync. "Could you ask him though?��, I whisper again, and he nods his head. We get on the bus and I pick a seat, away from Luke. Alfred takes the seat next to Chester and during the ride, I can see them whispering, and glancing my way, but also at Luke and Asswipe. At some point, I catch Chesters eyes and he gives me a thumbs up, so he is on board with the plan. I feel a little better now, knowing I won't be alone. We arrive at the venue and go inside. We all practice the performance once to make sure everything is in order. During dinner my phone vibrates in my pocket, and I get it out and see I have a text.

Tarzan: How the hell did that happen? What game was that? Are you okay? I was so worried when you didn't text back. I didn't tell anyone, or your phone would've exploded. Don't ever do that again, please? I really don't like it.

Me: Ever heard of 'Never have I ever'?

Tarzan: Yeah, but everyone drinks when they have done the stuff mentioned.

Me: Somehow now they didn't. It was all sexual stuff. I'm apparently very experienced, and they aren't ;)

Tarzan: Really? All sexual? Like what? Must have been really kinky, or others would have done them too.

Me: Like being watched while having sex, or a threesome. That kinda stuff.

Tarzan: That sounds very specific.

Me: That's what I thought too, so I left and went to the lobby. I didn't want them to follow me to the room I've been secretly using. That's where I fell asleep, and a married couple saw me, and some suspicious men, so they took me with them to their room. Nothing happened.

Tarzan: I'm glad there are still some nice and decent people.

Me: Me too. I don't want to think about what could've happened. So enough about me. How are you guys? The shoot finished, right?

Tarzan: Yes, the first one is finished. And we already started the second today. It's going well and everyone is happy with the first shoot. Although some are quite annoying.

Me: I've heard. To be honest I find it quite funny.

Tarzan: Yeah, that may be, but we've had enough. There's a reason why they are best friends. Both are annoying as fuck, in the same way.

Me: Sorry you have to put up with them. I'm sorry, I wish we could talk longer, but I need to finish dinner, or I'm going to be late. I miss you and the others. Goodbye Tarzan, dream of me, as I dream of you.

Tarzan: Goodbye Beautiful. I'm glad you're okay. Bye bye.

After texting I put my phone away and ate the last of my dinner. I tell Chester I need to use the restroom, so we both leave the dressing room. On the way back, "so are they really trying to get you alone?", he asked, looking questioningly at me. I stop and he does too, "why did you agree to help me, if you're doubtful?" I ignore his question and ask mine instead. He shrugs his shoulders, "mainly because Alfred asked me", he says with a sheepish grin. Okay, honesty, much appreciated. "Well, Luke has been trying for months now, and it's not him I'm afraid of, he's harmless, Gerard, the manager, he has a twin brother with the same interest in me. He already felt me up, and last night could've been so much worse, if it wasn't for that nice and friendly couple. Just watch them, you'll see it for yourself" I tell him. He looks at me silently and then turns to go back to the dressing room. Inside, Asswipe(Gerard) is standing in the middle, about to make an announcement, and when he sees me, that evil creepy grim comes back on his face. Chester sees it too and takes his place beside Alfred, whispering. "The audiences have expressed their desire to meet you personally, so after tonight's show, we'll do a meet and greet." He doesn't wait but turns and leaves the dressing room. I just sigh, it's no use making a fuss.

The performance receives another standing ovation and everyone gathers in the dressing room to freshen up. If we're going to meet the audience, it has to be not as sweaty as possible. Once everyone has changed and is at least a little more presentable, we take a seat at the table, and the first people make their way over. It takes us about an hour and a half to meet everyone and I'm actually enjoying myself. I didn't think I would, but everyone is very nice and praises our performances and skills. I'm at the end of the table, and next to me is, unfortunately, Luke. We dance the most with each other so of course we're grouped together. But even now, he's very professional and friendly. He hasn't said anything flirty or dirty to me all night. When I said goodbye to the last people, the others were already halfway out of the room. I get up and follow them, thanking the people working here for a nice job. I'm the last on the bus, and find a seat. It's chilly on the bus and I burrow in my hoodie, and close my eyes. December is approaching, and with it the colder weather, with frost and maybe snow. But it's very unpredictable, sometimes the first snow comes in January, or maybe even February. But the digits will drop below zero. Driving becomes a problem, with icy roads. The trees are bare of their leaves and somehow it has something beautiful. The renewal of life, when springs come and the trees become green again. There is still plenty of green visible during the day. The dark greens of fir trees, and not the fresh greens of loaf trees and the flowers once spring and summer roll around. Personally I like the winter, but that's mostly because my birthday is in December. I really don't like to get older, but I celebrate the day I came into the world. Sadly it's also the death day of my mother. I can't say I miss her, but the idea of a mother is precious to me and I'm sad I've never known that. And when I think about it, I can't say I've ever had a father, even though he was there in the beginning. I get yanked out of my thoughts when the bus suddenly slides to the side of the road, after a loud pop. The bus driver brakes and we slide, quite fast to a lamp post. I'm up front, so I see everything clearly and I hold my breath and brace for the impact. The bus driver keeps breaking and we finally stop, nudging the lamp post slightly. The bus got jarred slightly and when everything was still, the boys jumped up excitedly, screaming and punching each other on the shoulder. Like they just had a near-death experience. The bus driver is shaking and I get up and check up on him. He seems fine, not injured, just shaken up. "Everyone okay?", the bus driver shouts through the bus and all shout back that they're fine. He gets off the bus and walks out of sight, then I hear a loud curse and I get off as well. The bus driver is at the back of the bus, and when I get closer I can see that the tire blew out. The driver is obviously angry and he whips out his phone and punches the screen harder in his anger. While he makes the call, I get back on the bus, "a tire blew out and help is coming", I inform the bus. I sit back down and close my eyes. This may take a while. The others settle down too, and the bus becomes quiet, and I doze off.

My hands stroke through super soft locks, it feels like water flowing through your fingers. Lips gently brush against the skin of my throat, leaving fire in its wake. I gasp as teeth bite down, followed by a tongue soothing the inflamed skin. I arch my back, pressing my breasts against a firm chest, my hardened nipples rubbing sensually over smooth skin. The sensation shoots tingles down to my pussy, wishing to be filled. I hear a groan near my ear and my earlobe gets sucked a second later. My hands travel down over his strong back, muscles flexing. Firm yet soft to the touch and I let my fingers trail down and back up. He shudders at the light touch, "you're mine", he whispers and he puts his arms around me, under my arms, over my shoulders, his hands grab my head just before he crashes his lips against mine. The kiss is heated, possessive and loving at the same time, and I lose myself in him, and the pleasure his tongue gives me. He scoots up a little, to get better access, nestling himself right between my legs, his crotch against mine. He fits perfectly. The kiss never broke, and he sucks my lower lip into his mouth, then bites it, and I moan. One of his hands caress my skin, all the way down to my hip, and there his fingers dig into my skin, holding me. He slowly inches closer and closer to my... I get jolted awake, and with the dream still imprinted on my brain, I'm disoriented and don't understand what happened. My eyes slowly focus, and when my vision is clear, I see the road speeding under us. Oh the bus is moving again. I relax back into the seat and let my mind wander. The dream reminds me of one night, back in the beginning. The sex was slow, with lots of touches, kissing and licking. Maybe it was just a memory, but now I'm horny, and alone. I groan internally, and see the hotel come into view. Just a little bit longer and I can escape to my sanctuary. When the bus finally stops in front of the hotel, I wait for the others to get off, and ask the driver how he's doing. He smiles at me and tells me he's fine. I smile back and get off. I walk slowly inside and to my luck, I don't see the others. I still repeat the trick with the first floor, but today I take the stairs up to the third floor, why? I don't know, I just feel like it. I always follow this feeling, telling me I need to do this. So I do. There I use the elevator to go up to my room. I use the key card, and hear the lock click. I open the door, and I see light burning. I didn't leave the lights on. Maybe one of the cleaners? I shrug it off and go right into the bathroom and start the shower. I slowly strip, not hearing the door being opened due to the shower. When I step out of my panties I turn around, and my heart flies to my throat, making it hard to swallow.