
Lifting of the Veil (BL)

Waking up at the beginning of the apocalypse was not the worst thing happening to him. He not only did not remember a thing but was also somewhat impaired. But, despite navigating through dilapidated streets filled with questioning sand, he picks up a friend. Meeting a group of survivors and getting his own ability wasn't too bad either. However, 'Hey! Stop being gay with me!' Everytime his friend gets an inch he craves a mile, what's with that clingy fellow? Both MC and ML straight, mutual bending, shou perspective / perspective of MC and ML, they will probably be a reversible couple.., love interest falls in love first, more on the romance side WARNING: LOTS OF SWEARING, BLOODY, GORE The artwork does not belong to me and if anyone knows the artists of this work, please let me know and I will credit them.

watAm0Te · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
39 Chs

21. I will bring you

When the girl heard them coming she turned around. "You are...?" She looked flustered at Lenny and Loki. 


"What's going on?" Hunter asked.

Loki sighed. "The three from across the door are missing."

Nick interjected "The High Schoolers."

"Yes... Hi, I'm Amanda." The girl said. She had an ample figure and her body was stunning. Her face was small and sweet, earning her a good opinion from one at first sight.

Hunter threw a fleeting look at her before observing Jack who had his arms crossed, asking "Do you know where they went?"

"I think they went back to where we woke up." The girl said, feeling worried.

"What wanted they do there?" Hunter frowned, why are High schoolers running around, he didn't even understand why they were not part of one of the two groups.

"I....I don't know...." Amanda stammered before looking away.

Lenny sighed exaggerated "Out with it." His patience was thin, he wanted to get the medication for his sister, she wasn't really there the whole time and this new withdrawal was wholly his to organize, he didn't trust everyone else either. He even had to take Sean out with them because he was scared he and Emely would repeat their little sleeping thing.

"They said that Emily had dropped a few tablets back then... when they found her."

Lenny kicked the couch. "They want to get high??? Now?"

He wasn't the one who found his sister, it was the three Boys who did, they helped her so he was obligated to search for them if they had gone missing. But now he has changed his mind.

He turned to Lilly and then looked at Loki. "If you are searching for them then give me a map to the hospital and I will go alone. Tell me what you need and I'll take it with me."

Lilly understood and looked in question at Jack. "No problem" as she got his answer she went to her room to write what kind of medication she would need.

Lenny glared at Sean "You are coming with me."

Loki said "Okay, then we are going to search for them, we meet at the apartment again and discuss the situation. Jack went after Lilly for paper to draw a map.

"Thank you very much" Amanda bowed lightly before shyly running back upstairs in her room. Entering her room her face fell. How utterly useless from the boys to go missing. She did so much for getting her hands on Emelys substitutes. When the boys mentioned it as she asked them how they found Lenny' sister, she used her charm to get them to search for the medication. 

After a little while she peeked outside and scurried to Emelys room, but the door was locked. 'Damn Lenny, what's so good about his sister, that he hovered over her, even locking her in her room when he went out. She was just a junkie', she sniggered. 

"That's a funny face you are making." a deep voice whispered behind her. As she turned around she saw Hunter's beautiful face. She panicked before realizing that he was behind her and had no way of seeing her face. She loosened her grip on the door handle before asking sweetly "Why are you saying that?" She blinked innocently.

"I saw your face through the mirror there." He pointed to his left, to a wall.

"Wha?!" She cried, following his Hand, but all she saw was a dilapidated wall and no mirror.

"Oh, I saw wrongly, there are no mirrors here." Hunter shrugged.

She couldn't help but glaring at him. "What do you want."

"Lenny left like the wind and we have no idea where the place is where the boys found Emely." he opened his arms, looking like the helplessness himself, and said "Nobody else knows either..so I hurried after you."

Amanda was flustered for a moment, not wanting to engage a second longer with this person, then she saw Casper coming out of his room, his long hair tied in a ponytail. "Where do you want to go?" 

"To the place where Emely was found, searching for High schoolers." Hunter answered.

"I will bring you." He declared.

"Then let's go." Hunter said, while the long haired man led the way downstairs. 

Before closing the door Hunter turned back. "That's not your room, is it?"

Amanda shuddered and fled.