
Life With Cats

Life With Cats is a novel I've worked on for about a year now. It's a warm hearted story about a woman who dies of old age surrounded by the cats she loves with all her heart. She longs to continue living with them, forever. Thankfully and unknowingly the God of Laziness cared for her life enough to grant her another chance. She decides to continue her Life With Cats. Updates coming soon!

Cilliez · Fantasy
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29 Chs

Skills and Roles

"Miss!" The owner had come by to the door, she knocked once and called out to get my attention. I was woken up from my small nap, but I felt refreshed already. I look over and Mystic was the first of the cats to wake up.

"I'll be right out!" I call out, I want to take some of the cats outside with me but I want to pick carefully. I should leave Mystic here so she can help out the others. Doggy probably had to come with me, or he'd start having withdrawals from being inside too much. Though I should probably also figure out a way to fix his fur a bit, as it's a bit of a mess right now. Beard trimmer? That could work.

"Okay, who wants to go outside?" Pretty quickly there's a large divide. The Mean Girls quickly lay back down, as if to say, no, we have better things to do. Since Mystic will stay, and Doggy will come. That leaves just 7 cats to figure out. This is like trying to figure out what kids you want to take with you to the supermarket. All of the troublemakers are immediately left home. Velvet will stay home until she gathers a bit more courage to be outside. Snake would just hide constantly, which would make me super anxious. Is he still following me or not? Did he get lost somewhere? No, Snake would stay home. I decide to take Doggy, Silk, Shiver, and Fern. I don't know how I'll be able to travel with them in the future. I really need to sit down at some point and go through my skills. Wait can I just unsummon them for now? Let me check.

"Open skills?" Is that gonna work?

[Masters skills have been noted down in the pad.]

[Summoned Beast]

Master can summon the following:













[Summon]: Must use either their name or a mental image of the beast.

[Sleep]: The beast will be unsummoned and can be summoned again.

[Orbit]: Select all or a few beasts to stay within a short distance around the Master.

[Protect]: Beasts will prepare for battle.

[Info]: Use to pull up beasts' stats.

[Hunt]: Select all or a few beasts to start hunting.

[Alert]: Select a beast to stay on alert.

[Roles]: Give the beasts their own roles to accomplish, beasts like finishing tasks.

[Call]: Like ringing a bell, all summoned beasts will return to the Master.

This is a lot of reading, but I have a much better understanding of everything. My biggest goal is to find a place to settle down and find a way to get income. I know this is exactly what I did in my last life, so it's nothing super interesting. However, in this world, even though my cats have magical skills and are immortal, I still want to treat them like the cats that they are. Cuddle them, love them, and give them the ability to have a lazy life. Well, I also can't help but feel interested to see how they'd be in battle. Who would be the strongest?

"Okay, [Orbit] Doggy, Silk, Shiver and Fern." I wasn't sure how the skills worked yet, but I wanted to try them out for now. After commanding them to [Orbit], the four of them sat by my feet. They looked up at me, waiting for my movements.

"Let's go." I got up from the bed, petting some of the sleepy kitties before heading downstairs. The cats followed me within the [Orbit], out of the four of them Doggy is the one that seemed the most excited to leave the room. Silk is excited too, but Shiver kept him in place. Fern is just the usual loyal kitty he is. I wonder when the rest would receive their skills too. I'd have to check their stats later.

"Did you have a good rest?" The owner brought me over to a table, on it are two bowls on either side with soup inside. I hadn't gotten to eat anything in a while, so I was happy to sit down and begin to scarf it down. I nod in response.

"If you want, I can drop off some books about our language that you can read through. They might be helpful for you." I really wanted to learn the language, it was annoying to answer only in yes or no responses. There were a lot of things that I wanted to ask, one being to get the owner's name. I can't just keep calling her 'the owner', so I nodded slightly at her suggestion.

Just one chapter for today, but I'll drop four tomorrow night! I hope you all have a good Thanksgiving~

Cilliezcreators' thoughts