
Life With Cats

Life With Cats is a novel I've worked on for about a year now. It's a warm hearted story about a woman who dies of old age surrounded by the cats she loves with all her heart. She longs to continue living with them, forever. Thankfully and unknowingly the God of Laziness cared for her life enough to grant her another chance. She decides to continue her Life With Cats. Updates coming soon!

Cilliez · Fantasy
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29 Chs

My Babies

"Master!" Hana cried out. I have difficulty walking in because she's clinging to my leg in desperation. It was what she used to do wherever I wanted to go out. She'd hold on tight, and never let go, even if it were raining, she'd be stuck to me like glue. She's the clingiest of them all, except for Velvet, who is very clingy but on a more affection level. Hana however, would pout and cry, as if she was a child being abandoned by their parents by the side of the road by even the smallest amount of distance.

Now that I'm safely in bed, everyone has arrived together. I decided to share with them my plans. If this were the real world, they'd just be nothing more than my cats. My beloved cats, however we couldn't talk to each other. Now though we can, so I wanted to do my best to communicate with them. No matter how strange it felt to ask my cats for their opinion, I feel it's the right thing to do.

"Time for our first Meeting." I declared, however suddenly I heard a knock on the door, startling me.

"Missy, I brought the things you asked for!!" Areth kept knocking on the door. Okay, I guess the meeting will be after this. I get up and answer the door. All the cats stay still, as if trying to play dead, which is really funny given they're all invisible anyways.

"Thanks Areth." Oops, I forgot to pretend, oh well. She seemed surprised but she handed me the items and rushed downstairs again. Must be busy down there, since it is about to become dinner time down there.

"Okay, now the meeting can begin. Is anyone thirsty by the way?" I gobble down some of the fruits and put down the glass of water on the table.

"I'm parched." Grace jumped down from the bed, and waited sweetly by my feet. I thought so, okay, I finished the last of the fruit and poured the water into the bowl, setting it down for Grace.

"Anyone else?" They seem alright for now, but I expect they might be thirsty later so I left them to their own devices. Okay, now it's time for the meeting.

"Before the Meeting starts, Master. Can I ask some questions?" Mystic stoically asks. Her voice is so elegant, but in a 'I know my stuff' kind of way. Am I able to curse? Oh well. (Maybe not, changed to 'stuff'.)

"Sure, go ahead." I sit back down on the bed and Velvet climbs into my lap, purring loudly in happiness. Tulip, Grace, Hana sit off to the left on the bed. Fern, Silk, Shiver and Doggy next to them. Snake is still under the bed, typical. Frankie and Snake are off to the right of the bed, both looking extremely bored out of their minds. Mystic is sitting by me, watching the others intently. She seems to have kept them in line today well, though her skills are better suited to being used during [Hunt], which is part of my plan.

"I wanted to ask that we get more freedom. I understand if it concerns you, but I think some of us could awaken skills soon, but we can't do that if we're stuck indoors. I hope you'll consider it." Mystic finishes and licks her paw, using it to rub her face. She said her piece, basically.

"I agree, I wanted to start off small today and just take some of you out. But in the future, I'll be giving out tasks and [Roles] out to each one of you so that you can be useful. If you can all awaken your skills soon, it'll be very helpful." I had been thinking about it before bed, but even though I wanted to treat them all like cats, because they are cats. They're somewhat more than that now, now they're my companions. I want to rely on them, just as much as I wanted them to rely on me. To do so, I had to be less protective. In the first place, God granted them immortality so I shouldn't be concerned that they'll run away and get hurt.

"First of all, Snake?" I call out, and Snake sticks his head out from under the bed.

"Uh, yes, Master?" Snake seems to prefer being in the shadows. Always under something or hidden away, so I was thinking he'd probably awaken a stealth skill later on. However, to do so, he probably shouldn't spend time under the bed.

"I've decided to let you go outside and roam around while I'm not here. I'll [Summon] you back or [Call] you if I need you back though." I struggled with letting go of their reigns at first, but Mystic is right. I need to trust them. Snake seems to be content with that.

"Thank you." And he goes back under the bed, without a single thought. Such a little weirdo he is, my little weirdo.

+1 later today!

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