
bodies disappered

as I followed them to find slenderman we found him awaken focused looking outside the window, as we told him about zalgo and the bodies we asked him what we should do with them, he told us to show him the body before doing something, as we went to show him the body....it was gone completely gone we could see the blood heading somewhere down the basement, as we all questioned ourselves slender told us not to worry the bodies are downstairs being watched since someone hates the odour of blood and hates to see the mess, as someone came from the basement they looked creepy at first until he asked "For hells sake clean the fucking blood and smell of blood, and the stinky ass body is in my basement go downstairs don't bring a body upstairs here next time or I'll have fun scratching you or killing you bit by bit."

I looked at him all confused and wondered who he was and where he came from, until...