
Chapter 18

So releasing over 100 thousand people just out into the wilds of the north had some pretty devastating effects. They just raped and pillaged their way south stealing food, kidnapping women, and killing indiscriminately. Even the more peaceful groups of Free Folk were still stealing all the food they could carry before heading south.

The north seems to be in control of the Starks still. It's hard to tell fine details, I'm mostly basing this off of Army positions and Banners. So when I don't see any Flayed Men banners I know something must have happened to the Boltons. The rest of the Starks, their bannermen, and Tully's bannermen including the Freys were at Riverrun. However, they started marching north a couple of weeks later. Can't say why with any certainty, but it's probably because of the descending horde of savages that are plaguing the entire northern portion of the continent.

As for the other kingdoms. The Tyrells allied themselves with the Lannisters after Stannis assassinated his brother. Stannis' fleet was still driven off at Blackwater Bay. They then fled north. Joffery was still assassinated. Big funeral processions did make following the events of King's landing easier. Shortly after the procession for King Joffery, there was one for Tywin Lannister. Dorne seems to be doing their own thing. The Vale is currently in a local civil war, I have no idea how that started. Unfortunately, the Ironborn seem to be doing well. They've been building a lot of ships. Then the various factions collided. Stannis, Starks, and Tullys vs Free Folk vs Ironborn, Dorne, and Targaryen vs Tyrells vs Lannisters

That's how I spent the year. Destroying Castles, scouting the south, making peace deals, overseeing my people, and finally finishing learning Valyrian. This had been my busiest year here by far, but I still found the time to slip into my warehouse to practice my Valyrian. By the end of the year, I was fluent in common, old tongue, various Valyrian dialects, English, and Pokemon. I was also able to read the written form of those languages if they had one. With my learning from her complete, I dropped Sarea off near the outskirts of Bravos with a couple of pieces of jewelry she could sell for funds. She didn't necessarily want to go, but I wrote that up to the fear of the unknown, Stockholm syndrome, or just not wanting to leave behind the modern amenities. I didn't really care though I wanted her to teach me Vlayrian, not a permanent maid and companion, so I needed to be rid of her before I accidentally brought her with me.

I was soon met by a baby boom. Over 16 months after the giants were all brought together as a single group and I started to see the result of hundreds of new baby giants. Now typically this would be part of a cycle of over 20 years where the mother would die then there would be no more babies until the children grew up, however with Walts here healing there will more pregnancies much sooner. Of the babies born 2/3 to 3/4 are female and normally a couple of babies and children die each year, then mothers die in childbirth. So the clan is primarily younger women and older men. But now the women of the clan are getting older, because Of my intervention.

Around this time was when Winter set in. I asked one of the Children of the Forest if the seasons would return to normal. He said they would, but it would be a century before they fully returned to yearly seasons. The magic that caused the Winter and Summer cycle has bled into the world and it will take a long time to disappear. This coming winter will still be the longest winter in centuries. Which isn't too much of a problem for us. Our races and the animals beyond the wall were made for this weather. Giants could survive naked in the coldest winter, but now we have clothes, fire, and the beginning of some shelter.

This winter would be devastating for the rest of Westeros and the world. Their still ongoing War of the five kings means that for close to the past five years there have been fewer farmers and more consumption of food. In the original show timeline, there had been countless deaths and multiple armies completely destroyed which would have at least meant significantly fewer mouths to feed. This time, however, most of the armies are still largely intact. I don't know what they'll do if they keep fighting it will increase food consumption, but if they don't fight their food might be stolen/destroyed. Not even considering if they don't fight more people will survive and thus need more food. I can't imagine they'll sue for peace with Cersi on the throne after murdering the Tyrells. Or

with Stannis having made an alliance with the Starks and Tullys. Or with Daenerys Targaryen invading Westeros with the Ironborn, Martells, Tyrells, and Dothraki.

My money would be on Daenery's winning. Not even because of the dragons, but she also has 3 of those. She'll win just because she has the largest army that has been widely untouched by the rest of the war. I'm sure at this point it is not a matter of if she'll win but by how much she'll win by. Although I guess a well-timed betrayal or trap could turn the tides. Maybe a 4th side will emerge like a commoner uprising or the Iron Bank deciding the only way they'll get their money is if the control the country. No matter what this war will continue into the coming winter. Then this winter will kill large portions of the populations from starvation because they haven't prepared for a winter that will be longer than 10 years. Then after winter, best case scenario they'll need years to get over the devastation and so they'll start rebuilding. Depending on who does and where another war might start or the tensions behind a war might start rising. No matter what no one will be trying to do anything with the true north for the foreseeable future.