
Chapter 12: tweedle Dee and tweedle dumb

... I lied

Once I said this the two boys eyes widened.

They looked like just got caught taking a cookie from the cookie jar.

The two of them started to panic

The older blond pushed me from in front of him and blotted with the brunette not too far behind.

Before I even realized it I had gotten up and started to follow them. I did my best to try and follow them out from the alley but as soon as I got to the main street I lost them.

I decided to go back into the store to see how much damage they had caused. Once I came back and was shocked at the state of the store. CDs were all over the floor, broken glass from the vinyl cabinet was everywhere, and one of our record players was smashed on the ground.

I decided to go to the back of the store to get a broom to sweep up the glass. As I was back there I heard the back door open. When I went to go check I was greeted by a police officer with his gun in my face demanding I got onto the ground.

I did my best to comply and was taken to the police station. When I got there I was interrogated by officer Sprinkle and officer Spoon.

" OK son, we can do this the easy way or the hard way" said officer Sprinkle glaring at me " If you confess to breaking into the store you might not face any jail time just community service" "But, " officer spoon interjected " if you keep being stubborn we're going to have no choice but to lock you up. "

" How many times do I have to tell you," I said to the officers " I work there it's just a coincidence ."

" Sure you do ." officer Sprinkle said in a condescending tone

" Yes, I do," I told him sternly as I rolled my eyes at the officer

" Did you even call my boss, or look at the security footage? " I asked accusingly

" no," officer Spoon replied, " we still haven't been able to contact him to get the tape ."

after officer spoon relayed this information officer sprinkle was livid.

" How many times have I told you not to answer the suspects questions! " he yelled at the other officer which I found quite amusing.

As their argument continued I couldn't help but laugh. Soon after another officer entered the room.

" what on earth did the two of you think you are doing? " asked the officer that had just entered the room

" what does it look like we're doing," said officer Sprinkle " interrogating the suspect."

" why did you already start? " asked the other officer

" What do you mean " Officer Spoon replied

"this kid a minor you can't interrogate him without his legal guardian or parent," said the other officer

With this realization officer spoon and officer Springle, both rush out of the room and start calling people.

Not even 20 minutes later Mr. Charlie comes into the precinct holding the security tape. The only person they were still waiting on was my father.

They weren't able to do anything until he showed up which wasn't for another hour and a half.

After the officers verified his identification him and Mr. Charlie along with the officers came into the interrogation room. When the group walked in Mr. Charlie gave me a sympathetic look while my father couldn't even stomach to look at me.

As we looked at the security footage the officers found that I was right. that I was not the one that had broken in.

After watching the tape officer sprinkle broke the silence

" so if you weren't there to break in why were you there?"

" I forgot my phone" I replied with a deadpan expression

" you forgot your phone?" My father asked me " you went there in the middle of the night for something so insignificant. That is the stupidest excuse I've ever heard. "

" at least I have an excuse" I snapped back

" what is that supposed to mean," he asked steadily losing his temper.

" if you don't know just forget about it" I replied.

Before my father could say anything back office Sprinkle put a stop to our arguing.

Hey, look guys, I’m back!!!! Sorry for the hiatus there was a lot of family issues along with some writers block but now I’m back and better than ever before and I hope you all continue to read in the future again sorry for my absence

The chapter was updated on 7/7/2019

aenxiomecreators' thoughts