
Chapter 10: stood up

... The rest of the week went on like any other

School every day 7:20 till 2:10

Then going to my part-time job whenever I am needed.

Time started to fly by as my day to day activities have started to become a habit In just a short instant two weeks have gone by

Today is Saturday, September 24

The day I will go get my Virginia license

Over the past couple of weeks walking everywhere has become tiring.

For short distances, it's not to bad, but time-consuming.

I try to be a punctual person for when I have to go somewhere, even though you wouldn't be able to tell that about me recently.

Even after I get my license here that doesn't mean all will be ok

I still have to worry about getting another motorcycle, which is going to take a while.

A few days ago I had called the DMV trying to see if it would be possible for me to get my license by my self or if I would need an adult. Unfortionetly I was told I would need a parent or guardian as I'm still a minor. For a bit, I contemplated calling my father so he could go with me or pick me up so I could go.

When I called him he immediately sounded agitated. In the background, I could hear several people talking

He told me to hold on and then started talking to the people in the room with him asking them to give him a moment as he had to take my call

I heard the other end of the line start to get quiet when he suddenly started talking " Is something wrong? " He asked in a hushed voice

"No sir, I just have a favor to ask of you," I told him

" When I wrote my information down in the letter I said to only use it in emergencies," he said

" I wouldn't have called you if someone else could do it, " I told him

" If someone else could do what? The favor you wanted to ask me? " he asked

" Could you go to the DMV with me on Saturday? I got my license back home but it is not valid here. I need to take a test or something to transfer the license for here " I told him

" Why aren't you able to do so by your self " he inquired

" I'm not eighteen yet so they said I need a parent or guardian and so that's why I kinda need you to come with me. " I explained

" Hold on, " he said " I have to check on something "

The phone was quiet for a few minutes while I waited for him to come back on the line When he returned all he said was " I'll pick you up on Saturday at 10"

Its been a couple of days since that conversation

It's 9:45 am

Since I was already ready to leave I decided to laze around the house and wait for my father to come.

I attempted to watch TV while I waited, but the anticipation I felt from his upcoming arrival had me unable to keep still. As I don't know him too well I have been hoping for a moment like this so we could become better acquainted with one another. As I was

unable to stay still I went around the house cleaning up whatever seemed to be out of place just in case he may want to come in.

I wouldn't want him to think that I was ungrateful for what he has given me, I thought to myself

As I was cleaning up I happened to notice the time

Time had flown by as it was already 10:30 in the afternoon

"He's late, " I said looking at the clock disappointed. He said he would be here at 10:00 I thought to myself. " He doesn't seem to be the kind of person to be late, " I thought out loud

I took out my phone thinking that it was possible I missed a message from him or something else to explain his tardiness; when I checked there was no messages or missed calls. I tried to call him but his phone went straight to voice mail and his mailbox was full.

I continued to wait for him to come or reply to me for another thirty minutes before I gave up on him.

He stood me up