
Life Stealing System: I Became Immortal After Reincarnating!

[Winner of WPC August Contest] ---------------------- Darius had died a miserable death, being betrayed by his closest friends. His final thoughts were ones of regret, as he could only dream of a much better life than the one he had gone through. However, it seemed the universe wasn't done with him as he transmigrated to another world, because of some unknown God named Lilia. It was only after finding the dead body of a monster that he realized that maybe his second chance at life wasn't going to be as simple as he had imagined. [You have stolen Life Essence.] [Steal more Life Essence to become Immortal.]

JALLEN · Fantasy
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42 Chs

Chapter 13 - Life Steal On Humans?

"Um, let's just go and try to kill some other monsters," said Darius as he wanted to see how his [Life Steal] skill would react with other monsters.

He wasn't sure what was going to happen, but he could guess it and from his predictions, he thought that he would be able to gain more Life Essence depending on the strength of the monster he would be facing.

It just made sense for his skill to work like that or else what would even be the point of trying to hunt monsters which are stronger than goblins, there would be no benefits and no reason to do so.

Ashe nodded hearing his response, wondering if he wanted to be a much stronger monster than a goblin.

"Do you want to fight the strongest beast in this D-Rank Danger Zone?" asked Ashe, wondering if Darius would accept.

However, it wasn't even a question in Darius's mind as there was literally no reason to respond "No.".

If Darius was about to get badly hurt then she would be intervening, there really was no reason to refuse such a good offer.

He knew that Ashe wouldn't always be there with him which is why he was currently trying to make the most of his time with her, exploiting her as much as he possibly could.

"Then, I think I know of the perfect monster for you," said Ashe, as she indicated for Darius to follow right behind her.

While they were running toward the monster which Ashe had chosen for Darius, she couldn't help but ask some questions about his system as she hadn't met a Supreme.

Well, she had met some but only for far away, she had never gotten the chance to actually talk to one, so she was obviously excited about Darius having one.

There was also the fact that she was going to be able to see him grow which would be quite nice, that was what she was most interested in seeing, his progression.

She didn't know what field his system was helping get the best at, but just like all the other Supremes of this world, there was no useless field.

Even if it might seem useless at first, by developing it, it would at some point be insanely strong.

"Darius you have the right not to answer but what is the currency of your system like what do you need to give in exchange for strength? If I knew maybe I could help you or something?" asked Ashe.

Darius hearing that only smiled as he completely disagreed with what she had just said.

There was literally no way that she would help him if she knew was his "currency" was.

'I don't even know the effects of the skill on humans,' thought Darius, as he fell into deep thoughts.

'Actually, what would be the effects on humans? Would I need to kill one to find out?' thought Darius, talking to himself.

He didn't mind killing someone if it meant that he could test how his skills would react, he had killed many before, so one more wouldn't change much.

And if Darius killing humans would give him more power then Darius probably wouldn't hesitate to kill some humans to live longer and to get stronger faster.

'Well, who cares about that? I might not even have to kill them after all,' thought Darius as he suddenly had an idea.

"Wait, Ashe can we stop for a minute I want to try something it's for my currency. It would really help."

Darius that if he mentioned his currency then Ashe would instantly agree as she just seemed invested in helping him way too much.

"Sure, no problem," exclaimed Ashe stopping right away and waiting for Darius to explain what he wanted to try with her.

'Wait, how should I do this?' thought Darius, looking at Ashe's body weirdly.

He wasn't looking at it lustfully at all, he was more analyzing it, looking at it up and down over and over again.

"I think this would be easier if you closed your eyes," said Darius, waiting to see if Ashe was going to accept.

She didn't even say anything as she closed her eyes. It was kind of crazy, she was listening to everything that he was saying only because of the nature of his system.

Darius also wasn't even sure if his system was one of the Supreme ones, he didn't know if Ashe hadn't understood him well.

'Alright now all I need to do is find out, how to use [Life Steal] on humans,' thought Darius as he slowly approached Ashe who still had her eyes closed.

"Um, sorry," said Darius, as he started touching the palm of her hand.

Then, he started multiple places with no success as he didn't hear any sort of beeping noises.

"Uh, can I like cut your skin a little, I need some of your blood," asked Darius, as he realized that this was simply the next step and if that didn't work then the skill would probably only work when killing another human.

Darius hoped for it to work with only blood, but he wasn't sure if it was going to.

"Sure, just don't make it too deep. Oh, and here," she said handing him another weapon which looked a lot cooler than the knife which he currently had.

It was a small dagger which was perfect for small cuts in the skin.

However, Darius couldn't help but wonder why she had done that.

Ashe who could feel his hesitation explained right away why she had done that.

"It's just that only awakened weapons can hurt me, so your knife wouldn't have even made a dent in me," she said, still with her eyes closed, smiling.

Darius nodded hearing that, understanding the motive.

Then, he slowly cut into her upper arm and he could some of her blood slowly leave her body, as it began running on her arm all the way to her hand.

Darius seeing that blood simply approached his hands and touched her blood.

Then, a beeping noise resounded inside his mind.