
Life Simulation: Rage Of Gods

As many problems was happening like virus, natural disasters, and other things. Humanity started praying for god to forgive their sins, and save them from all these continue calamities. Gods took the pity on the humanity, but as they cannot directly interfere with the mortal world. They had send a incarnation of god to help the humanity in this dangerous period. But, discovering that gods can not enter the mortal world directly, the greed of humans overcame them, as they want the power of gods for them. So, humans started experimenting on him as his power was still in growing phase. This whole experimenting things were first opposed by some people, but after that all humans readily agree to do the experiments. In experiments, humans discovered some things regarding the power of gods but it killed the incarnation of gods. As the gods got to know about this they all got enraged and started to cause the mess and disasters on earth while humans used the result of the experiments to gain some powers. Which can only be possible for some people. In process of giving powers, many people died. The process of giving powers simplified, and can check who can awaken these powers. A man who had suffered due to the two faced humans all his life, died, and born as newborn angel and got system of life simulation, while he lost the almost all the memories of his human life. What will happen with this angel with human soul in this war between the fight of gods and humans? And does demons will still watching all this or will do something big? Only time will tell. Which side will this angel with human soul will choose?

Nemesis_Writer · Fantasy
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11 Chs

The First Sleep

As when the world was trembling, it was all due to the energy released from the new born angel, as he was new to the energy, and does not know how to properly control, and just wildly exhausted it in that single moment in a fit of rage.

As exhaustion came upon him, Genesis got dizzy, and started to loose the consciousness, and fell sleep in the mid of the air, resulting in him start falling to the ground.

Dale could not stand watching this all happening in front of him without doing anything. Dale flew opening his wings in front of everyone, gathering their attention upon himself.

As this was happening, primordial start fragmentizing going from this place.

Dale landed carrying genesis on ground, after seeing primordial gone, everyone was gathering around Dale, as to look up at the health of Genesis especially angels as they may have scared by the primordial but there love and devotion for each other is unquestionable.

Supreme angel came at front, getting the genesis from the dale to his lap.

"I am going to get the Genesis to rejuvenation bed, as this is the first sleep of the genesis, it would prevent from leaving any side effects of exhausting all anergy forcibly and at first time of using the energy at that." Supreme angel said. Which raised quite a stir in the angel.

All angels know of the Rejuvenation bed as a mythical place, where all negative effects would be negated, all curses, all demonic magic on the user of this magical place.

Supreme angel flown in one direction to go quickly while carrying the genesis.

Quickly a majestic place came in front of him. This place was in the circular shape like maze which was protecting something inside it.

Supreme angel quickly placed his hand on the most outside wall of maze.

Placing the hand, he closed his eyes like focusing his on something.

With increasing focus, a formation to appear on wall, like a synergy is coming to be between the frequency of the energy, and focus with the formation itself. After this formation start to solve itself, everything was same but still felt like everything is different from before.

Wiping the sweat from the forehead, supreme angel muttered, " doing this thing is really tiring."

After saying this, supreme angel walked, and directly walked through the wall that stood tall like unmoving mountain. Passing through the wall, supreme angel was moving toward the centre of maze , where there was a Bed.

This bed was what is considered Rejuvenation bed by everyone, it was the gift from the manifestation of the holy energy.

Every angel outside was in so much tension that they really want to know if Genesis is okay or not.

As supreme laid out, the unease that was on face of Genesis, and gradually relaxed in his sleep.

As this was happening outside, there was a whole different going inside the mind of Genesis.

Genesis was standing on a place like where was completely still without any kind of movement. There was a screen in front of with giving notifications and giving information on something.

A floating screen appeared in front of him.

"Ding! detecting the effect of the rejuvenation bed, some memories of the past life will be given."

With this, a surge of memories got into brain of genesis, this result in genesis sweating a lot on outside making supreme worried of what might be happening with Genesis.

After getting all the memories, genesis was completely in a state of confusion as what is reality and what is just his imagination. To top it all off, he didn't even know what is happening with him.

Looking at screen, genesis have the idea that this screen may have answers to all his questions that he have right now, and decided to first ask origin of this screen, and spoke in his mind scape, "What are you ."

"Host, i am a life simulator to simulate life in the myriad of worlds." Life simulator

"So, what were the memories that i just saw." Genesis said trying to get some information on what just happened.

"Host, that memories were the part of memories of your previous life that you got, due to the effect of the rejuvenation bed."

"Why i only got the part, instead of all the memories." Genesis didn't like the feeling of not even completely about himself.

"Because, host you memories is sealed by the world, not just memories of your past life, but inheritance of connected soul as well, to know any more about this all you have to complete the quests provided in the life simulator." - life simulator

What are quests, show and explain it to me. I wan to get all the memories quickly, as these memories were just about how to do basic things and some initial education of life.

"Quest 1:- Get the good score in the life simulations until host got reward of 'blessings to angel race'. It is explained to host that every life simulation will give it's own reward, but to complete this task it is necessary to get the 'blessings to angel race'.

Quest requirement:- 'blessings to angel race' - 0/1"

"How can i get it quickly so as to complete the quest." Genesis

"The more good you perform in simulation, the more there are chances that you will receive the Quest item quickly."- Life simulator.

"So, when can i the life simulation, and what is this all about."- Genesis.

"Host, life simulation is where your soul would travel in various worlds living many life, where your each life would have it's own motive to complete, which would be a standard for appraising your score in life simulation, and as when you can start your first simulation. Host is recommended to go into solitude for the time of life simulation, and suggested to start. it when host is alone."- Life Simulation

"Ok, i understood, i will go back to conscious and go into solitude."- Genesis

The next moment, genesis wake up relieving the tension of supreme angel.

But as supreme angel saw there is still a mark on the right arm of Genesis, which symbolize the Curse of the primordial, which meant rejuvenation bed was useless to remove this curse.

As supreme angel was thinking this, genesis spoke bringing him back to the senses," Supreme angel, i want to be alone for some time, so i want to go into solitude. Can you arrange it for me?"

Supreme angel nodded and said," okay, if that's what you want i will arrange it for you, but we are always there for you."

After saying this supreme angel was gone to arrange this, genesis also understood the sincere feelings in the words of supreme angel, but he have to do this to get answers to his questions and it might also help the Angel race as the name of item in quest was 'blessings to angel race'.

Author note:- Guys , continue your support, and please comment, as that give me motivation to continue to write for you. Thank you "-".

Guys, please give you honest reviews to the story, real criticism is welcome.

I know it's late to add simulation after so many chapters, but believe there will be life simulation in the next chapter. And a good one at that.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Nemesis_Writercreators' thoughts