
Who spilled paint on me?!

Zhuan Kingdom

In Mudberry City-

Mudberry City is a prosperous city, with a dozen of Gift Masters hailing from it. the marketplace is buzzling with countless merchants and stallkeepers trying their luck with their goods.

In a faraway mountain, there could be seen a youth no older than 16, meditating with birds sitting on his body.

the wind is constantly spinning around the youth, as if its controlled.

As the youth opened his eyes, all the wind suddenly exploded in all directions, damaging trees and scaring off the birds.

"Hai... It seems that i am untalented in every aspect, with my low gift training speed and my most common First Class [Wind Blade], it seems im just destined to live an ordinary life."the youth sighed, the sigh was filled with hopelessness and dissappointment.

This youth's name is Luan Zhu, his age is 16 and overall, he's got a not too handsome but not shabby appearance, but unless one takes a look, one wouldnt notice that in his spinal cord, there is a small blue crown tattoo not larger than a fingernail.

"Its time to go back to the manor now"said Luan Zhu as he went back to the place where he lives.

the Manor is named Lin Manor, the Manor Master is Luan Zhu's adoptive father. Lin Yang. Lin Yang's influence spreads over the whole city, only matched by 2 other manor, named as Hong Manor and Sou Manor.

As Luan Zhu enters a room, there is a middle aged man standing there, his brows furrowed as if thinking of something.

"My son, welcome back. How did your trip go?"this man is apparently Lin Yang.

"No gains, Foster Father. i found nothing connected to the death of the Gift Master"

the realms in Gift Cultivation are

Gift Apprentice, Gift Master, Gift Grandmaster , Gift General, Gift King, Gift Emperor, Gift Divination, as for the other higher realms. such things are simply in the legends and unheard of.

Gifts are the ability a person is given by the gods, hence the name. every person on the continent is given one by the time they turned 9.

Gifts are based on their strength , usefulness and also cultivating speed .

the weakest is the First Class Gift.

A gifter can advance through absorbing the star essence scattered throughout the world to refine their gifts.

1st-star gifter is the lowest stage, an increment of a star would be another stage, for example , 1 star - Low Gift Apprentice Stage, while 3 star is Peak Gift Apprentice Stage.

There is a wide variety of gifts,

Informative Gifts are gifts that are useful on tracking,spying,etc.

the Support Gifts are the most respected in the kingdom as it is useful not only in war but also in peacetime and since the kingdom is at peace then it is naturally the most needed one.

It composes of Healing Gifts, Movement Gifts, etc.

and finally,

the Battle Gifts- the most common of all,

It composes of abilities that usually takes form depending on the nature of the user. that can be used for fighting.

and the most mediocre ability is the [Wind Blade].

Just as Luan Zhu was about to sleep, the roof ontop of him collapsed as a somewhat purplish and blueish liquid fell on his face and he accidentally swallowed some of it

"Fck! Who the fck broke my roof and dropped this thing on me?! Do they think im one to bully?"cursed Luan Zhu as he tried to remove the liquid on his face but to his suprise, the liquid has vanished.

"Eh? Where did it go?"asked Luan Zhu

Suddenly, his gift dantian started to radiate light.

As he tried to prie on his dantian, he was suprised to see the purplish liquid there! but it actually tried to suppress the Wind Blade and tried to cover it, the Wind Blade Avatar tried to defend, but to no avail.

As soon as the purplish liquid covered the wind blade, it actually dissapeared!

Luan Zhu thought it dissapeared completely, thus spent no attention to it.

After fixing the roof, he meditated just incase he got attacked while he is sleeping.

Sorry everyone, i am a new author thus i am inadequate and bad at making stories, i live in the Phillippines and English is not my main language so please forgive me for the grammatical errors.

I accept criticisms as it can help improve my story, i also accept suggestions.

Comment down below!

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