
Chapter 2: The Princess

Not too far away, there is a kingdom ruled by vampires, called Tashzuth. The King, Valmir, lived peacefully with his daughter Mia, and his wife Marina. The royalty of Tashzuth was held with high regard everywhere they traveled and no one dared betray them. Until one day when the King Valmir and Queen Marina were assassinated while traveling around the world. Their daughter Mia who was 14 at the time was left orphaned with no clues to who killed her parents.

Four years passed and with the help of her royal court she kept her kingdom running perfectly. Now that she is 18, the court has taken it among themselves to find Princess Mia a husband, but Mia having to grow up so quickly lost her trust in people. So she'd turn down every man that they brought. She didn't need a man to help her run her kingdom.

After denying all of the men brought to her, Mia went back to her room in the castle. As she entered she was greeted by the purrs of her cat, Sneezle. Sneezle is a albino cat. Sneezle has been with Mia since she lost her parents. She was sitting in Mia's open window when the news was told. Then for the next couple days she laid with Mia and comforted her. She is Mia's first friend. Mia and Sneezle laid back in her bed. Mia wondered what's she should do. She definitely didn't want to marry any of the people the court brought for her. She also realized she would eventually have to have meetings with all of the other villages eventually. Mia's head was hurting from all the thinking she was doing.

She decided to take her mind off of things by going to train with her Uncle, General Valkal. General Valkal has taught Mia tons of different fighting styles. From swords, knife, staffs, and even axes she has tons of weapons in her arsenal. She is also trained in a type of hand to hand combat pass down through the vampire line. It was called Moikyot. Moikyot was hand to hand combat that used Vampires ability to transform into bats to their advantage.