
Chapter 108 Preparing for a Blind Date!

"Since the Crown Prince is here, you could refine your painting by studying him closely," Queen Mary indicated with a smile to the painter Lady Lebrun, then she had her maid bring a chair and forcefully seated Joseph on it.

Brian, upon seeing this, cast a helpless look towards Joseph and, holding the potato promotion plan signed by the Queen, took his leave.

Lady Lebrun very professionally directed her assistants to set up the painting equipment. She squinted at the sunlight and, once satisfied with the angle, began to revise the painting titled "Child of Divine Favor."

Joseph had plans that required a painter as well, so he assumed the posture of prayer as the Queen had requested and inquired of Lady Lebrun, "Excuse me, would you be able to paint a 'The Last Supper' like that of Da Vinci's?"