


taty:"ohhh...you look cute in this clothes"


taty:"hey..let's go to them"

ayosh and candy :"okay"

then they arrive and ayosh said

ayosh:" hey guys where is my drink"

joe:" hey catch..haha"

ayosh:" i will kill you if you do it"

tam:"stop nagging each other"

joe and ayosh:"yes..father...haha"

tam:"good children"

taty:"hey let's i have a lot of work"

ayosh:"did you find a part time job"

taty:" a cafe near my home and i will start today"

ayosh:"really congratulation i am really happy for you"

joe:"okay let's go"


then ayosh arrived home

ayosh:"hey mom i am home "

mother:" hello sweetie how was your first day ?"

ayosh:"i was good"

mother:"okay let's go to eat dinner"

ayosh:"okay mom i am going to change first"

mother:" okey sweetie"

ayosh:" mom i joined the acting club"

mother:"ok sweetie"

after changing her clothes she went to eat her dinner.

ayosh:"oh the food is so tasty..thanks mom"