

"So. What if you wrote a special novel just about your daily life?"

"...why would people read a novel about a person whose daily routine is sleeping, writing, going to school and sleeping again?"

"Ah right. Your life is bland. Should go for Woo Young's instead."

Klein and Han stare at the sky while laying down at the rooftop. The others decide to eat at the cafeteria while these two decide to take some fresh air after some time. You know how it is in the cafeteria.


"What are you two doing here?" Jamie, who is on duty, pops up and sits down next to Klein.

"Nothing. Just. Fresh air."

It takes him a few minutes before joining them laying down. It just...started with Han following Klein's action. Now it's three of them staring at the sky. Since he's here, Klein decided to ask him a few questions.

"What year are you?"

"...you don't even know my class.

I am in my third year. Class A."

Han chuckles at them and looks at Klein.

"How can you not know anything about our school president?"

Klein just closes his eyes and starts to snore. Both Han and Jamie are sure that this guy does not want to reveal why he doesn't know a lot of things regarding the school.

Not a surprise.

He probably just focuses on his own world that he doesn't even care about what happens in his surroundings. Jamie had to continue his duty now so he said goodbye to Han and walked back downstairs.

"I forgot we're at school for a second."


"Louis. Can you help me with my physics?"

Louis stares at Klein before giving him a smile. The young author just decided to drop by Louis' house since his teacher had decided to do a quiz tomorrow. He's very f*cked since it is the deadly subject, physics.

He can only ask Louis for help because he doesn't want to hear Han and Woo Young complain about him not completing his notes. His notes are not incomplete but just all in short form.


Well everyone would doubt it.

"Sure. So...you came here straight without going home?" Louis asked before letting the boy in.

"Yeah. If I were to go home to change, I might end up laying down and fall asleep instead."

"Sounds like you. So which chapter are you struggling with?"

"I need help for chapter one until six. You can teach me one chapter."

Louis is concerned about Klein's request because he's going to fail if he only studies one chapter. He decided to grab an exercise he just printed and gave it to Klein. Klein knew what the use of the handouts are for and sighs.

"So this paper includes chapter one until the last one?"

"Yeah. This should be good for you to study. I can start teaching now if you may?"

Klein nods and the class begins. Louis teach him the question that always come out and also gave him some tips about how to remember these stupid laws of whatever it is. Needless to say, Klein starts to understand some stuff today but it's not guaranteed that he can remember them until tomorrow.

A revision is a must for him tonight.

"...Thank you."

"No problem. I…was pretty nervous about you being here but I guess it's fine now."

"Hm. Yeah, it is fine."

Louis looks down before looking up to the guy again.

"...Um…Thank you for not giving up on school. I am glad you're still with us."

Klein stands up and grabs his bag. When he reached the front door, he turned around and gave his tutor a smile.

"Thank you for the notes."

Klein walks away with the smile fading from his face. It is a tiring day, he can't believe Louis can study that much. He starts to wonder whether that guy is a human or an alien. Ah right. He's previously like Louis too. He can't call people like them aliens.

He's a real human.

Han texted him about the new chapter and he had to rush home. Writing everything down, he lets Han check it while he cleans himself and eats. After that, some revision would do.

"How did I forget what I just learned this fast…"

Right when he looked back at the exercises he did, he did not understand any single thing. As if everything he works hard for just went like that in a few minutes. He inhaled before looking up on the internet about the question.

Well, he just got back from Louis' house, he can't just bother the guy again.

Then, he got a call.

"Klein. For this chapter, you talk about dead fish three times-"

"I know. But are you an expert in the wave chapter?"

"Nah, that is probably Woo Young's specialty. Why?"

"I have a quiz tomorrow. I am studying."

"I refuse to believe you're Klein."

"...How dare-"

Han ends the call knowing that Klein is going to be mad. And since he was feeling mad, Klein decided to use the anger he had to start studying again. WIth more focus this time. You know how he is, the more anger he has, the faster he has ideas for writing.

Or he just had more of an urge to study.

"Ah. I got the answer."

After 30 minutes, he finally found the answer for question number one. He put his head on his book to rest a bit. If this one question is tiring, he does not know what will happen to him once he starts to answer the big final exam in his third year.

For once, he actually wants to go back to the past just so he can encourage himself to not lock himself up in his own room.

"I hate human emotion. Get rid of it for me, god."


Hana: This question is easy.

Klein: (゚ー゚; H-how-

Han: Unlike certain people, she's actually studying while attending school.

Klein: Han. One more word from you and I will fire you.

Han: Aha, Hana is still the worst if you compare her grade with mine.

Edward: What did you say-

Han: I would rather die in your hands than my boss' hands.

sorry for not uploading yesterday.

I was asleep the whole day.

ShoRincreators' thoughts