
Life of a stepping stone - as a villain

When fate chooses you to be a stepping stone, for its chosen son to shine - what do you do in return. Accept it? Wait to die? Hope that the next life will be better? Or fight back. Against fate, against those protagonist, and against everyone. Ali Arya, the handsome and happy young master of the Arya family. The man who had everything - a loving family, a childhood sweetheart, a friend who's more like a brother, and followers who'll not hesitate to die for him. Yet all this love and luxury was only supposed to last until the day he met his fateful enemy - the chosen child of destiny. But as they say, if Good has a God, then the darkness has a devil. And the Devil did found him. [Ding - The Great Villain System 2.0 is here.] [Worry not oh pitiful prey, for I'll turn you into the finest hunter in creation.] [Devil smiles staring at the blind canvas of this planet.] [Paint it red.] From then on Ali started his counterattack against the so called will of the world and fought against all the chosen sons and his enemies. The roles had reversed now. Those protagonists can just be his stepping stones now. As for those heroines, well since these heroes like snatching the girls from others, he shall let them have a taste of what it feels like to be on the other side. To be abandoned and be green'd. ## Join my discord for character arts and discussions https://discord.gg/zFTJsYP7kM DevilDarkness#0506

DevilDarkness · Urban
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94 Chs

Natasha - another heroine

Driving a little longer, Ali soon reached the magnificent building that was the headquarters for Star Corp, a company which controlled the entertainment industry.

Training a few newbies and managing many A-lister celebrities, promoting them and getting them to height of popularity is what star corp do best. There's even a saying in the entertainment industry that goes like "To become a star, you have to join the star's."

The building at front had 20 floors, each floor meticulously designed to cater to the diverse facets of the entertainment business, from fashion and TV to modeling and movies.

The building stands tall and sleek, a modern marvel of glass and steel that reflects the vibrant energy of the industry it represents. The exterior is adorned with large glass panels, allowing a clear view into the bustling world within. Vertical lines of polished marble run along the sides, adding a touch of sophistication to the contemporary design.

The exterior of the building is adorned with the company's logo, a constellation of stars arranged to spell "SC," signifying the diverse talents nurtured by Star Corp. Below it was a simple line written, which was kinda like the motto for the company. 'Fashioning dreams, shaping stars. - WE make the stars shine.'-

As Ali stepped out of his car, he noticed a woman in her thirties, elegantly dressed in a long blue skirt that reached her knees, waiting at the door. Her name was Natasha and she was the managing director for this company. With Ali not around, usually it's her who handles everything.

Natasha, too noticing him, rushed forward and welcomed him. When Emily called her that Ali was coming there, she came out to wait for him herself, afraid that some idiotic newbie or transfer program employee would step up and stop the big boss himself. After all, Ali doesn't come here for months and would only show up when something important is to be dealt with. So if anyone stopped him and ruined his mood, that'd be bad.

"Welcome boss." she said as she pointed forward and guided him inside.

The crowd all around gave way and when they were a little far away, started chattering amongst themselves about the mysterious man's identity.

"Hey, who's that? He looks important."

"Yeah, even the scary boss had to show respect and stand at the gate to welcome him."

""I heard he's Ali, the big boss. Comes here like once in a blue moon.

"Seriously? That's Ali? No wonder every higher ups are on edge."

"I hope he doesn't notice me slacking off. He's handsome and he got that cold CEO aura too. It'd be bad if my first impression sucks."

"hah, I heard even though he's the boss here, he leaves this company and goes to work at someone else's place, since he's a licking…"

"Hey, idiot. If you wanna get yourself kicked out, do it away from me. Stupid, can't you see those cameras."

Ignoring the chatter of the crowd and snapping sounds coming from a few mobile cameras, Ali just walked forward while casually chatting with Natasha.

"I should just hang a portrait of me somewhere on the ground floor, so you don't have to wait every time I come." Ali joked.

"Maybe, but isn't it cool to have me welcome you instead?" Natasha too followed up in a joking tone and smiled as he nodded his head in a thoughtful manner.

"Nice necklace by the way." Ali said, pointing at the golden chain around her neck with a star-shaped pendant. "Going hard on the company theme, are we?"

"Well, my daughter chose it for me. So blame her instead." Natasha said as she traced her fingers over the chain and held the star sign in her hand.

Hearing about her daughter, Ali remembered the six year old cute and chubby girl, whose birthday was just last month, and steered the conversation regarding her. "How is Sia by the way? You didn't lock her up in a room since it's exam period, did you?"

"I wish I could. At least then she'd be away from the games you bought her. She's literally stuck in front of those screens all day." Natasha replied with a smile full of annoyance and affection, while giving Ali a look that you're to blame.

Ali just shrugged his shoulders hearing that, not minding her complaining gaze. After all, who wouldn't dote on that cute and sensible kid.

Suddenly as if a click sounded in his brain a few gears started shifting and a weird thought came to his head.

'A single mother with a perfect image and pretty figure who has a cute kid girl, who's also quite smart and sensible for her age. Why does it sound like a perfect heroine routine from those shitty novels Shiva used to block on site.'

Thinking up to this point, Ali looked at Natasha again, this time using his system's feature of appraisal, and sighed next second. He was right.

There behind Natasha, he could see a bright shining light forming a halo over her head.

'A heroine huh. Just how many even are there?' Ali thought in surprise. It's just been 3 days since he got the system and this was already the 5th heroine he learned about. 'Are they all for Kevin, or is some other protagonist about to pop out in front of me too.'

Shaking his head and putting all these useless thoughts away, Ali first made a mental note to go home today and check two things later. First was obviously Natasha's whole background carefully. And second, some stupid novels which have similar heroine patterns as this girl.

"What? Is there something on my face?" Natasha asked, as she saw him staring at her for a while.

"Nah, I'm just surprised I didn't realize you were this pretty before." Ali said as he took another glance at her carefully. "Huh, what kind of diet are you on to be that fit even after giving birth to a chubby girl like Sia?"

He nonchalantly added and walked towards the lift, leaving Natasha behind, who just stood there like a statue not sure how to respond to the compliment, until she heard the last words joking about her daughter, and her face turned crimson red in embarrassment.

She wanted to say Sia wasn't that healthy when she was born, on the contrary she was quite sick and thin. But before she could find her senses back and speak up, the doors of the lift had already closed and Ali was already on his way to meet with Isha.

"What's with him today?" Natasha said and thought back on his previous words, as her lips curled up in a sweet smile.

Some employees who saw this scene couldn't even believe their eyes, that the usually emotionless and cold boss bitch could even smile like that.

Noticing her state Natasha just coughed to hide her flustered expression and turned around, as her face turned back serious and sharp like usual. "What're you all gossiping about, get back to work. If any of you don't finish their jobs they can stay here and work overtime."

Hearing her words, the crowd instantly dispersed, thinking maybe their eyes saw wrong. How can she smile one second and give deadly threats like this next second.

Overtime, that's like a curse for corporate employees like them.


Author note - I know 90% of you got various ALT accounts on webnovel. So what I want from you is that you open them and use them to drop a review for this book.. (I don't have to tell you that it should be 5*)

If you can give power stones daily from all those accounts, that's nice tooo. But please for the love of God, MC or me, the author - drop those praising reviews and tons of comments.