
Life of a stepping stone - as a villain

When fate chooses you to be a stepping stone, for its chosen son to shine - what do you do in return. Accept it? Wait to die? Hope that the next life will be better? Or fight back. Against fate, against those protagonist, and against everyone. Ali Arya, the handsome and happy young master of the Arya family. The man who had everything - a loving family, a childhood sweetheart, a friend who's more like a brother, and followers who'll not hesitate to die for him. Yet all this love and luxury was only supposed to last until the day he met his fateful enemy - the chosen child of destiny. But as they say, if Good has a God, then the darkness has a devil. And the Devil did found him. [Ding - The Great Villain System 2.0 is here.] [Worry not oh pitiful prey, for I'll turn you into the finest hunter in creation.] [Devil smiles staring at the blind canvas of this planet.] [Paint it red.] From then on Ali started his counterattack against the so called will of the world and fought against all the chosen sons and his enemies. The roles had reversed now. Those protagonists can just be his stepping stones now. As for those heroines, well since these heroes like snatching the girls from others, he shall let them have a taste of what it feels like to be on the other side. To be abandoned and be green'd. ## Join my discord for character arts and discussions https://discord.gg/zFTJsYP7kM DevilDarkness#0506

DevilDarkness · Urban
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94 Chs

A wishing heart - Kevin's goldfinger

After cursing fate for a few times more, Ali looked at the timer which was down to four minutes now, and started thinking what to ask next.

"If I'm the stepping stone and Liv's the villainess, then who's the protagonist?"

[Can't you guess, you just got killed by him?]

"That guy?"

[Kevin Harper is the destined son of heavens on earth for now.]

"So that's why I couldn't kill him. And why everytime I tried, there's a pretty girl jumping forward to save him."

[Yupp, those are all his heroines and harem partners.]

"Wait.. You mean all of them. Aarvi too? I thought she'll be a villainess too."

[Nope, looking at the amount of luck she's hoarding, I'd say she's one of the main heroines for our hero.]

"Damn it. I need to kill that guy." Ali cursed again and felt even more determined to kill this protagonist called Kevin.

"Wait, system, can I kill a protagonist?"

[You can. Same as in the novels you read or the games you played, chip away at their luck, drop it down to an acceptable degree and then they're the same as you. Kill them then, and you'll suffer no backlash of luck.]

"Huh? And here I thought you were the GREAT villain system. This is just your regular average villain system speech." Ali sneered thinking what's so special about this system to be called great when all it does and can do is just what any other run of the mill villain system he came across does.

[I can do a whole lot other than that. Upgrade me a few times and then you can kill any protagonist anytime you want. What I told you now was just the method to survive since I'll be in my weakened state and won't be able to help you much otherwise.]

"Wait, you've been saying this weakened state and falling asleep a few times, what happened?"

[Someone wanted me to do something and I refused. So we both started fighting and the result is this.]

"So you lost?"

[Yes, and that's why I'm stuck here in this world, helping you get a happy ending.]

"Wait, so someone sent you here, against your will, to help me? ME, a stepping stone?"

[Well yes.]

"Who's that generous?" Ali asked.

[The Devil.]

"Devil huh, but why me?" He asked, feeling curious and worried over this unknown entity who wanted to help him and had enough strength to beat a system into submission. There's gotta be some motive behind it, right.

[You don't have to worry about his motives or goals. If the Devil wanted to kill you, all he'd need is just a single thought and you along with everyone else on the earth would be killed in a second. So you can rest assured he just wanted to help you for real and had no other motives.]

"How can you be so sure?"

[Cause he's too strong and you're too weak.]

Ali remained silent hearing that. Well, but what the system said, does sound like the truth. He's really too weak to be of any use for someone who can wipe out entire worlds with a single thought.

"Devil, Is he the one from the myths? Lucifer or something?"

[No. And don't ask what you shouldn't ask. That knowledge will only harm you more.]

"Fine, whatever." Ali said, as he noticed the ticking time.

"So when you fall asleep, will you stop working or what?"

[The system will work just as fine. Just the intelligence, which is my brain, will fall asleep. So you'll have to rely on your own to survive.]

"So you got all those functions of shop, lottery, status panel and what not options? Will they be available?"

[You can see them and access them whenever you wish. I'll transfer all the rules regarding them to your mind to save time.]

System said and next moment Ali felt the similar feeling of images and information popping up in his brain, explaining all the features of this system. It's working methods, gifting sessions and other features.

From what he understood now, this system did seem pretty good. It got all the functions already available for him. The status, the shop, the storage, the appraisal - anything he could think from a system was there already.

"System, tell me everything about Kevin? What makes him the protagonist except his high luck? Like does he have some kind of golden finger or something too?" Ali asked after digesting all the information about the system and thought back on how to deal with his first protagonist in a fast and efficient way.

Yes, the first protagonist.

As according to the system every world has one main protagonist, then a couple of secondary ones and then dozens of smaller ones and backup ones - heavens sure are thorough in their games.

And Kevin is supposed to be the main protagonist of earth.

Seeing all that knowledge, it's easy to doubt that Kevin won't be so simple right. So if he wanted to kill Kevin, then he needed to know everything about him first.

[You don't have to worry so much about him. That guy's luck has already dropped down to the level of a class D protagonist. Which is on the smaller scale.]

"What? But I haven't even started yet, and he's already down to die. Don't tell me you did it to make it easy for me. Kinda like a trial run."

[Nope. It has nothing to do with me.]

[Kevin Harper was supposed to rise from rags step by step over the years, but due to some unexpected encounters and changes made by an anomaly, and their consequences, his luck has already outdid itself trying to save his life. So you shouldn't have much of a hard time killing him.]

"I understand nothing of that dialogue?" Ali said feeling even more confused now. "Is there some other guy messing with him? Like some regressor dude or some other villain with system guy? Otherwise how come a protagonist gets so pathetic."

[There is no one else. As I said, it was because of an anomaly.]

[An anomaly is someone who shouldn't exist in the world. Someone who's free of the world's rules, laws, fate and control.]

"So am I an anomaly now too. Since I got a system and broke my fate?" Ali asked, still confused.

[No. You did change your fate, but you're still under this world's control, who'll try to put everything back on track again. You are called a Variant.]

[An anomaly, on the other hand, is someone who has no predetermined track to speak off. So every action of theirs is just them messing with other people's lives and destinies.]

[They're simply the bane of heaven's game.]

"That's dangerous. Give me an example." Ali asked feeling curious.

[Like if I take you from earth, and drop you into another world where you shouldn't be - then you can be considered an anomaly for that world's plotlines.]

[Did you get it?]

System asked and Ali just thought about its previous explanations.

To be honest, he kind of felt scared thinking much about it. After all, as the system said any action of an anomaly is just messing up plans of fate with every breath.

Hell someone might die someday because the oxygen of their part was taken in by an anomaly after a morning jog.

"So this anomaly, if it can make the main protagonist suffer so much. I can still be safe relying on you right?"

[You don't have to worry too much, there are no more anomalies in this world. It's all solved and settled now.]

"You did it?"

[No, someone else did.]

[But that's not important. The time's almost up, so I'll tell you whatever information I can get on Kevin so you can kill him fast.]

[Most protagonists have something special that makes them unique. Let's call it their goldfinger.

But the main protagonists are different.

Since they have luck many times higher than the others, their goldfingers are usually also many times higher and better than others.]

[Kevin's goldfinger originally was something called a wishing heart. Which would help him get whatever he wished instantly.]

[He could be the richest man on this planet if he wished for it. He can be invisible, invincible, and the very impossible if he wished for it.]

[But for every wish to come true, his luck gets used up.]

[And since he doesn't have much luck left now, his original goldfinger is already stripped of all its powers. What he can manage now is barely just 1% of what he would have achieved before. So you got it quite easy now.]

"Wow, I should really thank this anomaly then." Ali said, finally breathing a sigh of relief. When he first heard about Kevin's goldfinger he literally felt insane but now it was fine.

"You said to awaken a goldfinger, one needs luck. Did he awaken it already?"

[Yes he did. A much lesser version but same nonetheless.]

"That explains how he can become such a good fighter all of a sudden." Ali thought in realization, remembering how Daniel could beat Kevin easily in the morning, but by night time he lost and had to beg for mercy.

This guy must've used his wish to get stronger or something.

"Hey system, even if it's a goldfinger it shouldn't be so unreasonable right. So what're its limits?" Ali asked, thinking there has to be a limit and conditions for everything, right. Like one wish daily or something like that. Otherwise the plot for protagonist would be over in the first chapter alone.

[You're right. There is a limit. And that's decided by the world. Like he can't wish to be immortal where everyone else in the world is a mortal. Or he can't wish to be able to build intergalactic spaceships when no one else could even see past a distant star.]

[His wishes can grow more the more his luck and plot progresses in the future. So he can't directly wish to be the ruler of the earth and be successful at the beginning.]

[Everything has to be done step by step.]

[Like if he wished to be the richest man on earth, it won't work as it's simply unreasonable to do so. But if he wished to be the richest man in his colony, his luck can just let him win a lottery, or get a bag full of money and complete it.]

[That's why when he wished for a job, he didn't become a CEO directly, but just got hired as a security guard.

Or when he wished for fighting abilities, all he got was the fighting experience similar to what normal fighters have on earth.]

"That's good I guess."

[Plus due to his limited luck now, he's further weakened. So just drop whatever luck he has left by either stealing his chances and ruining him and others around him, or ..]

"Let him use as many wishes as possible and then when he runs out of luck and can't wish for anything else, kill him."



Author note - How'd u like that.

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