
Life of a Somewhat Criminal

A girl named Meka Hatchet is running away from Los Angeles to find an old family home named “Alte Liebe” which she had an association with when she was small. A few years back, her brother disappeared with no trace. After searching for a while, she finally finds her brother who previously disappeared. She leads a small life of crime to help pay for some mistakes her father made earlier in her life which leads her to meet a strange young girl who is alone in this cruel world.

Heather_Andrade · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
2 Chs

Chapter 1

I got up with a hazy idea forming in my head, which I swiftly carried out. The first move; get a backpack and fill it with necessities such as toothpaste, clothes, shoes, food, etc. Then, check underneath my desk (so my mom wouldn't discover it. Or she'd confiscate it) an envelope with tickets. One for a bus and the other for a plane. I stashed the backpack in my small walk-in closet and tears stained my cheeks before opening my bedroom door and descending the stairs into the deathly quiet living room.


"Yes, honey?" She responded warily, setting her coffee cup down on the table. I pondered about what to say, sighing before I leaned against the fridge, resting the palms of my hands on its cool, smooth surface.

"What would you do if I—I left?" My voice wavered. Just the intention of leaving felt like a knife, digging into my side.

"Why would you even ask such a question. First, it would hurt me. A Lot." She gripped the handle of her mug firmly, staring into my eyes as if she were trying to find any sign of bluffing.

"I was thinking—of taking off—for good reasons, don't worry." I waved my hands in the air. "I was thinking of looking for my brother." Her eyes met mine and I could see her hazel eyes, clouded with anxiety and panic.

"Oh god, Meka… Not you too. It took five years for me to get over your brother's disappearance." I blinked rapidly, scooting against the refrigerator, glancing at the stairs in case my mother intends to have one of her 'bad mom side' moments"

"Mom—" I took in a sharp breath as she trudged towards me, grasping my shoulders, as I looked into her eyes, filled with alarm.

"Meka, please don't—please don't go."

"Mom I have too."

I grabbed her hands, gently took them off my shoulders, and lingered towards the staircase. I looked back at her tear struck face, guilt washing over me. Often at times, my mother would always give me her famous pouty face. Making me and Charlie guilty. But this time won't cut it, I meant what I said, and I will find my brother. No matter what.

The stairs groaned in a loud protest underneath my feet as I lifted one foot after the other. Life seemed to move in slow motion as the conversation from earlier lingered in my mind, which gave me an unsettling feeling, which I hated. One second ago I felt confident about it. I went into my bedroom and took my backpack out of the closet to make sure I had everything.

I figured that I'd have everything packed and ready to go the day after my 17th birthday. Which isn't that far away. Precisely three days from now.

One thing I hated was that I would be leaving my school. Meaning I wouldn't be able to see my crush, Vicky Burne. She's in the same grade as I am and dangerously hot in every way. Of course, I cannot act on it because my mother thought it's very "inhumane."

I tried to brush the thought away and patted my warm, flushed cheeks. Feelings will not stand in the way of the mission that I thoroughly planned for many years. I tried to push the thought to the back of my mind, but it hung and stuck its tongue out at me.

"What if Vicky could come with me" I muttered to myself as I paced around my room. Of course, she wouldn't. She's perfect. She would never want to leave. For me, I'm leaving for revenge. I must find my brother and make him pay for the despair I have felt for years.

I slung the backpack over my shoulder, looked out the window, and watched the beautiful sunset on the horizon. This would be the last sunset I'd see from this window and I have to treasure it. The journey would be difficult because I have no clue whatsoever to where he ran, but a year ago I had made a list. A list of all the favorite places he liked and that's where I would start looking. When I finished the list, I set it down and looked at my brother's bed, noticing a piece of paper wedged under the mattress, sticking out slightly.

"What is that?" I murmured to myself, confused. I don't remember hiding something underneath my bed.

I hung over the bed and lifted the mattress. An envelope laid flat and tied to it were three flat flowers trapped inside a glass keychain. I picked it up, carefully tore the top, and the read:

Dear Meka,

It may be years from before you saw this. After all the tossing and turning you do in your sleep, you have finally found this letter I am writing to you. You may be thinking, "Hey, he is going to tell me where he is." But no. I couldn't help but remember all the mystery novels and thrillers you'd read as a kid and thought, "I'll give her a little adventure." But one thing I would do is apologize. I didn't want to leave you. I didn't. And you'd seen me on the news, yes? Don't be surprised. Yes, I may have decided to live the life of crime, but it was to repay what dad owed. He left us because He was too stupid and owed a lot of debt. He accidentally gambled you off.

I paused. Tears pricked my eyes. I took a deep breath and continued.

I couldn't accept it and thought, what if they found where we lived? So, I packed my bags and planned to leave before you got up. But of course, my goddamn foot hit the table, and everything fell. I wanted to tell you this. Really. But I must pay it off. I 'm not coming back home. However, I want you to find me. Runaway and try to find me. Meka and Charlie? Charlie and Meka? The best detectives Greenwood ever known. We could repay the debt and solve mysteries together? If you do, if there is a keychain attached to the letter, look closely at the place where it was bought. (plastered small on the bottom of it) Go to the place and the journey starts there.

- your mysterious brother, Charlie.

I clutched the keychain in my palm and felt around the glass case, looking for the engravement which I found near the bottom, reading '✰The Albastor gift shop✰'.

I flip it over, desperately looking for an address which I soon found in small gold print on a slide of glass attached to a string which said '3815 1st Ave S, Birmingham, AL 35222'.