
Memory Loss

The doors of the cars opened as a masked man of indiscernible age rushed down carrying a bleeding woman screaming and demanding that the doors of the hospital be opened and a stretcher brought for the bleeding lady to be laid on but to his uttermost dismay none of his orders were being obeyed rather the hospital was in chaos as the doctors, nurses, patients and even passerby rushed into the hospital screaming at the sight of him while the security guards took their place at the front of the doors cowering with fear although trying their possible best to hide it. They corked their guns ready to release fire if the masked man tried anything stupid though he seemed like he had no weapons but still….they had to be careful .

The masked man dumbfounded by the situation finally came to his senses and realized that he lady he carried was still bleeding profusely and probably would not last a minute if she wasn't attended to so he screamed "Open the damn doors!!!" but the security guards would have none of it . He needed to do something although he really couldn't wrap around his head on the reason why the doctors and nurses ran the moment they saw him and why the security guards were afraid of him, he had no moment to think before his thoughts were interrupted by a quavering voice

"Dr...drop your we..weapons!" a security guard said

His expression a mixture of shock and surprise the masked man managed to blurt "What?….. I have no weapons " He tried searching himself but couldn't because of the lady in his hands. Aha ….the bleeding lady . " Can you get a doctor to attend to her?" He asked calmly this time "She needs to be attended ...…". The sounds of sirens filled the air as the environment became rowdy with a lot of police vans, cars driving round him and helicopters hovering over him

"Holy goodness...WTF is happening here " He muttered as he looked at his surroundings properly for the first time since he arrived. A lot of people were either recording videos or taking pictures of him , he could also see a journalist reporting live on the situation. He felt strange , like he did something terrible and the whole world knows about it but he doesn't or the universe probably turned against him or may be he was in a different universe "yes…that's it..I'm in another universe " That was the only reasonable explanation he could console himself with yet deep down in his heart he knew that multi universes were all fictional and not real . He was lost in his thought when he was hit on his head with a baton by a police officer….he could see stars and glitters …he felt the world spinning at an alarming rate…he also felt the bleeding lady being pulled out of his grip and seconds later he was knocked unconscious by another hit on his head. He fell with a loud thud