
Life of a Magus

Life of a Magus is about the unfortunate Davron, who got killed by the ex-boyfriend of his coworker. 'Are you serious? Just because I approached her during the break?!'[Davron] Instead of being transported to heave, his soul got mysteriously kidnapped and thrown into a brand new world! What will he make out of his new life? Is he going to be a random villager or the typical overpowered protagonist?

Krakowa · Fantasy
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24 Chs

First Meditation

"Good morning, Luna!"[Davron]

Davron just woke up. He slept a ton after yesterday's incident. Walking out of his bedroom, he saw Luna sitting at the glassless window.

Luna noticed Davron.

"Good morning, brother. ..Is everything alright?"[Luna]

Ellena had told her daughters, that Davron was unwell, so they hadn't bothered him yesterday.

"Of course. Your big bro is like an ox"[Davron]

He stood there with wide shoulders, posing to his sister.

"Mhmmm you really look like one! Hahaha"[Flora]

Flora came in from the front door unnoticed. She was also worried about her brother, but it didn't prevent her to make fun of him.

"Yeah, just make fun of this poor me. I already pity your future husband. Poor guy"[Davron]

Flora came to a standstill. She fell to her knees like as if an imaginary sword cut her.

'I beat her first phase, now I need to beat her second phase!'

"Fufufu you should learn a bit from Luna, I bet she will make a good wife."[Davron]


Luna felt her cheeks turning red. She didn't know where to look. Her tomato face was turning around wildly.

Flora imaginary health bar went to zero, nooo even further to the negatives!

"A.. mpfh.. Meanie!! You will taste my sweet revenge! Remember!"[Flora]

Flora sped out of the house, to plan her silly revenge. 'No, no, I'm not running away', she consoled herself.

This was typical for the siblings. Flora was the wannabe big sister, who always tried to play her cool big sister role, however as if Davron would let her! Poor Luna always got the collateral damage from their battles. Davron liked to compare her with Flora to annoy Flora, which always turned Luna into a tomato for the next 5 minutes.

"Luna, guess what changed about me"[Davron]

She looked him from the top to the bottom.

"Did you get better with the knife?"[Luna]

Luna knew that Davron was training with the knife. He wanted to learn something else than archery.

"Ahh, this too. But no, something else!"[Davron]

Luna pondered a bit.

"I don't know, sorry"[Luna]

"I had my awakening yesterday!"[Davron]

"WHAT?! How?"[Luna]

Luna was shocked. Awakening are typically at 15 annos and Davron was far from it. How could her brother awaken?

"Hehehe It just happened."[Davron]

He said it like it wasn't even worth talking about.



"Can you show me magic, pleeeasee"[Luna]

"Nahh, sorry, I need to form a core first."[Davron]


Luna was a bit disappointed. She, like her siblings, loved magic. However, she was afraid, that she won't awaken because of her illness.

"Don't mind me. I'm going back to my bedroom to train. If there's a problem call me, okay?"[Davron]

"Mhm, okay"[Luna]

Davron went back to his bedroom.

He sat down on the floor. The floor was cool and felt nice in this hot weather.

Davron started to read Beginner's Mage's Guide and Meditation by Lorai Gentano. AIS was, like always, a big help to Davron. He memorized and understood the books quickly.

Beginner's Mage's Guide was about the basics and fundamentals for every beginning mage. It showed and explained all the steps about forming a mana core, connecting to the Magic Network and so on.

On the other hand, Meditation by Lorai Gentano was a meditation manual. Meditation manuals are instructions about how to meditate. There are a lot of those manuals and not every worked alike. Some were better and some were worse. The mediation manual in Davron's hand was an ordinary widespread one.

"Let's start"[Davron]

Davron was sitting on the ground. Like the book said, he closed his eyes and started his first meditation.

It was unfamiliar for him. Davron need some time to familiarize himself with it. Then, like in the book, he tried to feel his body absorbing mana. There was a foreign feeling, he felt something entering his body. It was mana.

[Attention! After analyzing host's mana and the mana entering host, AIS came to a conclusion]

[Conclusion: Outside and inside mana are different with different frequencies!]

Davron heard the messages, but he didn't spend too much attention on it. It was already hard focusing on the meditation, he didn't want to make it even harder.

The next step was imagining that he attracts mana, like a magnet. Davron imagined being a mana magnet. Slowly he felt a small increase in the absorption rate.

His first meditation was a complete success. Steady and slow, he was planning to increase his mana in the next days.

"Hmmm, I wonder if I'm able to see the mana"[Davron]

It was a random idea. Neutral mana was typically transparent, but Davron thought he could try his Truth Seeking on it.

Davron activated his ability and tried to concentrate on mana. All of a sudden, blue particles appeared in his view. They were floating all around Davron.

He saw single particles slowly flowing towards his body. Out of millions of particles, only a very small amount heeded his call, the rest didn't care about him at all. It needed to be mentioned, that he could only see the particles in a small radius around him, because Truth Seeking just wasn't strong enough yet.

A blue mana particle had just entered his body. Davron couldn't use Truth Seeking to look inside his body, so he didn't know what happened to the particle after entering his body.

Ordinary mage couldn't observer their mana paths and mana core, they could only feel it. Like Ellena, she couldn't see her mana paths, but she still felt that they were damaged.

"AIS can you show me my insides? Especially my mana paths."[Davron]

[Yes, host.]

Suddenly, Davron received the image of his insides in his mind. He didn't even need to move, to look at everything.

There, he saw a complicated network of mana paths, pulsating in a mysterious interval.


A particle entered his body. It traveled right to the nearest mana path.

"How fascinating!"[Davron]

It felt great for Davron, seeings himself absorbing mana. He meditated until dinner. With an empty stomach and exhausted mind, he went out of his bedroom to spend the time with his family.

Davron's life was built upon hunting during the day and meditating in the evening. Slowly and steady, he made progress on his mana capacity.

Even Ellena was shocked seeing how much effort he put in. She knew, he will become a great mage!