
life of a high schooler

"Being a detective is really stressful Hun" A story about a girl who has to create a balance between her mystery solving,her family and love life.

Ebube_Nwokeji · Teen
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16 Chs

chapter 4

"Meeting the girls was not as complicated as meeting the guys. Anna was my childhood friend who I met back when I was in Scotland with my family. She later moved to our neighborhood after much deliberation with her parents. I was happy to see my friend after so long but the only problem is that she went to another school instead of the school I, Leo and Jones went to; all the same, she still came to visit once in a while since our schedules don't tally.

" Jane was the only tomboy among the girls. We met not long ago as she stays with her grandma who happens to live in our neighborhood; at first she was cold to me but later we started talking and that's how I learned that she was only with her grandma because her parents were away on a business trip in another country. They never really had time for her so she was pretty wild and knew things that people her age normally didn't know (she was 16) Thankfully, although she was normally fierce, in front of us, she was a big softie.

How the four of us became friends is a different Ball game altogether; when I introduced the guys to the girls, the girls at first rejected my offer for us to become friends but later on after going on a fishing expedition, we bonded well and even the girls were happy and said they wanted to do it some other time to which the guys agreed.



"Amelia!! Earth to Amelia! Hey Amelia are you okay?" Oh hey guys! " Oh thank God! We thought we lost you there. What were you thinking about?" Oh!I was just thinking of how we met and all the fun times we had" that's so cute Amy but you gotta come back to the present okay? Yeah no pressure.``

"So how's taking care of Marcus been for you? Ugh it's so stressful ;he keeps trying to upset me with every chance he gets so mom could ground me again. Tough luck Amelia; speaking of Marcus, where has that little rascal gone?; Leo asked . "Oh he's out playing games with his friends . That's great! We could go over to my house and watch anime" No can do; my mum would be back anytime soon and she would be so mad if I went out now" "yeah you're right. I really don't want Mrs Stone to be mad and take our precious Amy away from us"Stop being overly dramatic Leo; my mum isn't some kind of monster who would lock up a child simply because of something that trivial.``Well you're right but it's such a huge bummer and this is our last whole day without preparing to go to school or cutting short our meetings because of school tomorrow . "Don't worry guys ,we could always meet up during weekends, do our assignments together and then maybe we could watch some movies then . "(Jones) hey Amy, got some soda in the fridge?" Oh! Am sorry Jones but we only have sparkling water and fruit drinks" " Then sparkling water will do. "(Jane) I will also have sparkling water,(Leo) same here, (Anna) I will just have the fruit drink and so will I; wait a bit,I will go get it.


At Night

Around 9am,I went to bring Marcus back or he was sure to stay there till the next day and luckily, I found him reading a comic book with his friend gesticulating in the manner of which the characters in the comic were moving and even saying their words; It was better because if he were watching a show on TV, not even Mom or Dad's voice could bring to the house. I brought him home just as Mom was parking in the driveway. I had to drag the screaming Marcus through . We were about to escape successfully when I heard Mom's voice " ! Where do you think you are going young lady?" Well Mom, I…I was - playing with Marcus outside! "Hmm ok I thought you forgot your brother and just went to pick him up" "hehehe I guess you thought wrong ; I will just go in now with my wonderful brother. Bye Mom"


Mrs Stone POV

Hmm wonderful brother? It's very fishy but I guess they really bonded well. Oh, I am such a good momma !


Amelia's POV

"Phew that was close, I thought I was done for sure. Good thing Mom fell for my excuse. "Let me go Amelia, you're squeezing me!" Oh sorry Marcus but it's all your fault that I lied to Mom" "My fault! You forgot me and since I was waiting for you, I had to read that stupid book and listen to Liam play the same game again and again!" watch your tongue Mr; don't forget who you're talking to all the same, I sorry for leaving you there for a while " "That's more like it ""okay big boy let's go in or Mom will be suspicious of us" "okie dokie"

Later that night


"Mom can I not help Marcus to prepare for bed " I sorry sweetie but you have got to do it ; besides you called him your your wonderful brother;am I right? "Ugh yes ma'am I will prepare my " wonderful" brother for bed. (Mom) "now that's a good girl"

Amelia's POV


"I can't believe my mom is making me prepare Marcus for bed when school is tomorrow. I wonder if I would be able to get some sleep before I die because of Marcus; anyway I'm doing it so mom and dad could rest early.

Mom's POV


"What a good girl my Amy is turning into. I guess this staying at home to babysit Marcus has changed her for the better; maybe I will let her off the hook tomorrow after school; she's earned it.

At 7:30


"Mom, Marcus is in bed;can I go now? "You can go dear ,I will clear up the dishes before heading to bed"Sure;goodnight Mom" Goodnight sweetie, sleep well " "Yeah tell dad I said good night.

sorry if I maybe confusing you all about Amy and Amelia. I just use Amy once in a while as her nickname. still lovin' so please keep motivatin'.

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