
Life of a Graduated System Welder

LinYu was just a mere mortal when he got slapped in the ass by a flying truck-kun. After a hundred years accompanied only by his System, he’s looking forward to seeing another living creature. Any living creature be it human or otherwise. This day, his System said sayonara and set LinYu free. LinYu goes down the hill to the nearby town where other people exists as he cries internally: “Finally! Living, breathing people!” While everyone he meets swears up and down that he is a deity sent from the realms above, LinYu still thinks that he is a mere mortal. Join LinYu on his freedom journey as he meets with other mortals, cultivators, creatures and beings from all over the realms. … 1. LinYu is already invincible throughout the realms. There is no levelling up for him anymore. Imagine a professor being thrown into kindergarten… and you have LinYu VS the others that he will meet along the way. 2. LinYu thinks he is a mortal. But after everything that he has gone through… you would think that he could be a master villain. But just remember that even if he thinks he is one… he ain't. Please take everything you read with a pinch of salt. 3. Straightly no romance even if all arrows are being pointed towards him, no arrows will return from his end. 4. Anything goes in this novel. There will be multiple ‘holes’ that will only be filled up later on in the story. From systems to other potential main characters that can have an entire novel dedicated to themselves. This novel is full of roasts for cliché scenarios and stuff like that. Basically, just treat it as a tumblr post and you shouldn't have issues I guess. 5. A fun hearted story. Please do not take everything to heart. And always remember, morals are for mortals. If you are above sixteen and still require parental guidance on values, view of life and world view… Well best of luck. … - [Calling all grammar and spelling nazis… I NEED YOU.] As I normally write in Chinese… I foresee grammar errors in this novel. If any kind readers can point them out to me, I will greatly appreciate it. Although I promise to do my best to edit and correct any mistakes… I still got this feeling that there will still be mistakes I missed out. - [ We are mere mortals. Keep it civil.] Look I know that some of my characters have issues. (AKA I wanna wipe out the world) But as mere Earthlings… know your morals and do not be swayed by any books you read. While comments and criticisms are always welcomed… lets not get personal. PS: Don’t explode on me as if you just ate a dynamite for lunch… Like my creations, most of the time I would have this urge to shove the dynamite into your beloved family’s parts where the sun don't shine on when triggered and I’m still trying to get it fixed with therapy so don’t make me slip back into the darkness. Thank you.

NightmareButterfly · Eastern
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5 Chs

2 - Meeting a Protagonist

Throwing his thoughts to the wind, LinYu ran to the gate that will free him from the hill where he was caged for the past hundred years.

When they first arrived here, the system had planted a purple bamboo forest that surrounded the hill preventing LinYu from escaping the vicinity.

Over the years he had explored the entire hill which was as large as a small town back on Earth. It was a pleasant enough place given the enormous area that he had. But the major downside was the lack of social interaction which was driving him insane.

Back on Earth he wasn't exactly an extrovert, but he wasn't a total introvert either. When he had enough of reading and personal time he would then hang out with his friends over a beer or two and recharge at home for the week when the night was over.

If he was a total introvert, he might not mind but LinYu swears up and down that it would drive even an introvert insane if in his position.

For a hundred freaking years that parasitic system in his mind was all he had and the only source of entertainment was… nothing. No novels, no mangas, no shows and the worse part besides having no internet?

The endless trainings, studying and examinations.

Well, to be honest physical education and sword fighting was fun but when these things are forced daily with examinations every week, one burns out faster than a piece of lint.

Even though he had created some artificial intelligence with the help of the system to reminisce Stabby and Siri from Earth, it still wasn't enough at all.

For crying out loud even Batman had Alfred at home to keep him accompany! In no freaking way these robots can replace social interaction. Not to mention the hard taunting work that he had to put in to get these robots in the first place.

During the course of his education, LinYu tried and failed many times to go over, under and even through the bamboos that kept him caged.

One thing for sure is that anything that came from the system is surely of top quality and boy was it hard to cut through these bamboos. LinYu knows. He tried… and he died many times from exhaustion.

Throughout his years caged in this enclosure, on over one occasion was he reminded with a wise quote from a popular series back on Earth: Resistance is Futile. (Side note: Star Trek)

When LinYu completed his Plants From Around The Realms course, he realised it would be wiser for him to request a gate rather than working on escaping himself since these bamboos were tougher than diamonds back on Earth even though it was just a common plant in 'these parts'… wherever these parts are.

As much as the system educated him on each subject that it tasked him with, it never introduced him to the place that he was staying at, so LinYu did not know what he will be facing. Will he be meeting humans? Demons? Monsters? Aliens? Everything is merely up to the heavens at this point.

LinYu had pestered the system with further information but every single time the system would only reply with "Unauthorised" or "Insufficient level" to bait LinYu into working harder. But never did once the system explain anything. Even after graduation!

"Fucking Bye. Bye? Ya that's all that you fucking say. Fucking bye! You say bye bye and all the other responsibilities fly away like a freaking… Ahhhhh!"

Throwing his hands up in exasperation, LinYu stomped on the ground and yelled out his frustration.

God damned system. Parasitic worm. Who ever created that piece of filth should have been swallowed and not birthed. Who the hell in the right mind would make such a system? Like I swear to god if I ever get my hands on that idiot I'll…

LinYu's inner voice stopped grumbling only when he reached the main gate. Made totally out of purple bamboos, its gigantic structure towered over LinYu, making him feel smaller than the 190cm that he was standing at.

On the outside he looked as cool and calm as a warrior but internally? He's just a little whiny bitch.

Okay LinYu. This is the moment. Finally! I wonder if there is anyone staying near me. Well, assuming that I'm on a hill I can't be located in the middle of nowhere right? Right? Okay calm down. Breathe boy breathe. Remember your training. I'm a cucumber. I'm an ice cube. I'm like a prowling tiger. I'm… Whatever here goes nothing!

Mentally preparing himself for the moment of truth, his mind raced with feelings of uncertainty. He is still unsure if the system is jesting when it said that he graduated even though he could not feel it attached to his mind anymore. Will he still be caged? If not, what is out there? Will he be meeting anyone? Anything?

Taking one last deep breath, he mentally prepared himself for the pain of getting zapped to pieces and gingerly took a step over the threshold.

Before he could heave a sigh of relieve and cheer for his long lost freedom, a tiny figure slammed face first into LinYu's chest.

Thanking the heavens that his physical education paid off for his sturdy core, LinYu held the figure steady with one hand, preventing the figure from falling backwards onto the dusty ground.

A small boy that looks no older than ten stands before him. A twine held back his long stringy hair but must have been loosen during his run allowing a few strands to frame his tiny face.

If not for the jagged scar running down from his right cheek to the chin, he would have been adorable. But even the scar could not hide the fact that this boy would be a beauty when he grows older, with the scar scoring extra manly points in LinYu's eyes.

LinYu saw as the young boy's expression turned from anger to confusion and fear in just a matter of seconds. It would had been amusing if not for the fact that the boy was fearful of LinYu.

Suddenly self-conscious, LinYu reflected on himself. He might not be the most handsome man that one would lay eyes upon but he sure as hell don't look like a monster. So why was the boy so fearful of him?

Before LinYu could open his mouth to ask, both of them heard panting voices carried forth by the winds.

"Stop there! Stop running bastard! You fucking twat!" Frantic footsteps accompanied by trots of what seemed like horses could be heard even before seeing the figures.

The little boy visibly tensed and LinYu could see the burning anger in the boy's wide eyes.

Unsure if the insult thrown at him or at the fact that these people were chasing him angered the boy, LinYu raised an eyebrow and placed a hand on the little boy's shoulder, trying to calm the little wounded creature.

"Wait till I get my hands on…" Suddenly all sounds of footsteps stopped and LinYu could hear multiple people sucking in their breaths.

"What the fuck?"