

He was still half asleep but the dungeon was getting brighter rapidly 'Huh what's going on..'

A black pixie was flying in the second room "This is strange.." the pixie focusing his attention on the blue rock asked "Hey can you talk?" 'I tried before but I couldn't' "No.." "Wait yes I can now!" the light was slightly dimmer "Hey calm down you use mana when you speak." the pixie said in warning but it was also surprised

"Your room is bigger than the normal ones did your master get here already?" the pixie asked this time doing what he should be doing

"Master? I'm the only one here." he replied confused

the pixie looked worried "Just wait here.." he said before leaving quickly.

'Where would I go? I can't exactly move my body..' sighing he realized what he was doing was pointless thinking about what the pixie said he realized the pixie had said he used mana when he spoke 'Does that mean the blue light is mana..?' yesterday when he doubled the size of his room he had blacked out around the same time as the light disappeared 'That means my life is connected with my mana doesn't it? If I truly exhaust all my mana I die?' thinking about it scared him 'There should be a way to get mana quicker or to store it right..?' "Right?" but there was no response he was alone in the tiny stone room waiting for the pixie to come back.

several hours passed by before the pixie returned this time there was a second pixie which seemed to be older

"So this is the one?" the older pixie asked "Yes." the black pixie replied

"Can someone tell me what's going?!" the little blue rock asked

"Well it seems to be that you are able to function without a dungeon master." the older pixie said slowly he had never seen a case like this before

"Okay so then explain what I'm supposed to do..?" the rock asked he wanted to know floating around was easy but boring

"Well you are a dungeon most dungeons just exist and gather more mana the bigger and better they are. But you don't seem to be like most dungeons."

thinking about it the dungeon realized that he had gotten the blue light back faster after he had gotten bigger

"Is there a way to store mana?" the dungeon asked this was the one thing he felt he needed to know right away

"Yes but normally a dungeon master has to help you do it!" the black pixie put in trying to join the conversation

"Is there any way without a dungeon master?" the dungeon asked he didn't know why but the idea of being under a dungeon master was off putting to him

"If there is it's unknown.." the older pixie was getting more confused and decided to just try to let it happen the way it normally did "The dungeon master normally shows up after at most a month.." as soon as he finished speaking he motioned for the younger pixie to follow him.

'...' the dungeons mana was already nearly completely used up

not having anything else to do he tried to destroy another wall but this time it wouldn't crumble thinking if there was any other way to go to sleep he tried pulling the blue light back into himself the light started dimming and he blacked out again.

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ZodiacRewindcreators' thoughts