
Chapter 1

{A/n: I am not good at giving Titles.....hehe

and one more thing. His past and power will reveal later on as I will start things with the present in vol 1....Powers can be seen in the previous one.}


Alarm: Wake up, wake up and destroy the world!!

Oda: Uwaahh! wake up bitches~

The noisy alarm stopped, waking up Oda or Mc

looking at the clock it was 5:50 in the morning his exercise time.

However, his brain was screaming inside not to go outside plus he was surrounded by his girls and too complex, a dirty relationship which was confusing as hell even stop making sense itself.

He stretches and moans as he felt morning tingling in his spine and receives a morning tent in his boxers.

Sakura: Onii-chan today's a cheat day...

She softly hugs him and kisses his naked chest while feeling his stone-hard abs pleasing him to stay a little longer.

Sakura was a flirtatious and mature girl but had a masochist tendency during special times with Oda. Her appearances were enough to make another fall for her at first sight, super attractive with pink hair and a developed body and a slim figure, and sharp beautiful eyes with a tall height of 5'11.

Kurumi: Honey...please 5 minutes more....Sakura and I need some Oda power to recharge after you destroy us the entire night.

From his right, he hears sweet words of seduction force him to stay, her blossom press against his arms tempting him to break his will to defy her commands.

Kurumi was different compared to Sakura as she was more bold, fearless, and wild from her nature and had white skin was fresh snow with perfect golden ratio her physical appearance was enough to rival anyone and one of a factor of her nature.

Oda: ' Soft ' " 5 minutes more sakura and Kurumi "

As he loves to spoil his girls and they are stubborn and lazy when he is around so he let them rest a bit more as he knows the night was too good and exhausting.

Sakura & Kurumi: I love you..../I lobe you...

They sync and said together in a cute manner getting mesmerizing by them he chucked and tightly embraced feeling a warm sensation sending chills in his body.

Oda: Buttering me up won't do any good you lazy cats but....

He told both of them getting all lovey-dovey with them squeezing their butt and they moaned as they felt his rough hand on their plump butt.

Soon the 5 minutes end with all small talk and enjoy the quality of time like a family ignoring certain elements.

Oda: Kurumi, Sakura...you both had admitted that you want to serve me right....in past.


Breaking the silence with past scars and reminding them there doing he spoke calmly.

Sakura: We didn't know the full context in the first place your pathetic clan plotted that stuff in our mind but PLUS they control....never mind.

She was about to give a big and well-explained answer to his question but was stopped by Kurumi as she knows how to fix this situation.

Kurumi: Come on hubby, you once said yourself

" One often meets his destiny on the road he takes to avoid ".

Plus what you did was not something easy to forget they were our parents...it might be something small as you have a family issue but for us it....too much.

She said with emotions as the first part was to remind him. And in the second he noticed there was a small sense of loneliness and pain in it which was not present in the last tine she confessed to him.

Sakura: Time waits for no one, that's why we had changed ourselves with you. Things are no longer what they were before.

She reached the logical approach but stating facts.

Kurumi: Yup, and now we both had fallen for you and you only.

Sakura: Thinking of anyone other than you makes me....unsatisfied and incomplete.

Kurumi: Disgusting for me through.

Oda: It still hurt my heart you know.....I somehow feel that I should continue to believe that the hate can be transformed into love or Love can be regained.

You both should rest after all tomorrow will be your second year in the first high school while a take care of other stuff.

He stell his resolve to trust their last time going out of the room but stopped as both of his girlfriends said.

Sakura: Onii-chan it will be your first year too you should also rest.

Oda: Sakura you and your roleplay...(Sigh), if I would be lazy too, who will earn money to run this house, my lady.

Sakura: Teehee!!

Kurumi: Come on you are the richest here,

Oda: Sorry I had to.

He exits the room to do daily households stuff then exercise.

Oda: Wake up Daisy!

Dasiy: Hello Master, you are 10 minutes late than usual timing. New meetings and new contracts are being sent by the military and new clan mail by your mother related to inherent.

She unloaded a ton of info bombs on him and further explaining to day tasks as she was more like an assistant.

Oda: Do you need a new security patch and another update I had to create yesterday.

He asked as Dasiy was not human but an personal A.I create it when he was bored.

Enjoy. Your stone motivates author up.

Hate_Lolicreators' thoughts