
The life in the huge game

in the arena there's 21 condominiums, we checked into a room, the price of room per year is 16,500 sports Yen, the cashier gave me the number of our room and the assigned key, we reached the room, it is just a simple room, with white bed, Comfort room, study table, dinning table, air-condition, appliances and etc.

I hide the president and my mother at my room "I'll be joining the game" I said to them, "if someone knocked at the door, just hide, unless if I send you a message", then I suddenly leaved the room.

I joined the chess festival, and it's presented during that time, I am confident to enter the game, while waiting for the end of the previous game, I enjoyed watching the big chess pieces moved in the huge field. When the game finally ended I played at the black side, I was doing well while watching my face and my hands moved in the big screen, I enjoyed the game with the cold temperature, and that cause me to win the game, I received 1000 sports Yen but 20% of it goes to the game maintenance so I only received 800 sports Yen, the crowd shouts and jump they're all amazed at the game, I know that you know that is is hard to leave in this place, 800 Sports is not enough for our daily needs, Affordable food costs 180, I have to pay my statistic papers so I can be listed on the top list,