
Life Like Thread

a regular boy life where he's managing/adjusting the situation & surrounding's, after his mother decides to put him in a hostel far away and as time passes he is comparing a thread to a life his living..........

Undercover05 · Realistic
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3 Chs

Destination[First day in hostel]

Woodland lake forest academy, Chicago. My mom left me in front of the school, we shared our final goodbyes at the gate. walking towards the hostel with MR.HU (Housemaster) who was in charge of the boy's hostel. 

MR. Hu: ready to make new friends?

Draven: I don't think so. 

MR. Hu: hmmm... a stubborn one 


(Arrived at hostel)

3 to 5 boys came to me and asked for my name & some gibberish info about me, they seem to be of my age Tho.


(a dorm has seven single beds & there were total 4 dorms in a floor, total 4 floors)

I was assigned in 324 no. dorm.

The other kids helped me settle-up my things but somehow i just felt they were checking what things i have bought through helping me. After few minutes they went out, only one kid was left with me seems like another introvert his name was Irvin Atlas


[Clock strikes 7:35(Pm)]

Irvin: Leave this up for now I'll help you to adjust the rest of your things after dinner, if we get late there, I'm sure we would be hearing an earful from MR. Hu


Draven: ok let's go then....


(Had dinner & we were back to the hostel)

Some of our seniors told every one of us to wait in the living room & says that there will be a meeting happening in few minutes, so we stayed.


[Meeting started]

Seniors were discussing the matter of that the dorms should be maintained properly, and they will be starting weekend checking from now on, also i introduced myself here to rest of them.


[Meeting ended]

(Me and Irvin were back to our dorms)


Irvin: Okkkay NOW, for a freshy here i would like to tell you some rules that we have to follow here. 

  *Never argue with your senior*

  *Follow whatever your senior says* & last one 

  *Never tell the talks of a senior & junior to anyone not even the master*.

  [The rules were made in base of respecting the seniors]


Draven: who made this nonsense & was the person mentally disturbed who made this.


Irvin: if someone hears you saying that you would end up in real trouble but i bet, he was a mental one too.


Draven: whatever it's not like i care...


Irvin: you'll see.


(Irvin is little annoying but it's okay... for now it can't be helped)


Tomorrow will be my first day at school & I should just focus on sleeping but....

the moment i closed my eyes laying on the bed, all types of thoughts were rushing inside my head~

  *What will be happening tomorrow in school as it would be my first day here

  *Is mom fine? Is she doing, okay?

  *I'm missing her very much

  *How will i survive here for 2 years 


I was really getting uncomfortable as I was not able to sleep.

Irvin: *coughs**coughs*

Irvin: If you miss your mom and have trouble sleeping let's join our beds i can help for few days till you adjust here properly.

  Draven: okayy....

(It was funny how Irvin wrapped his arms around and put one leg above me while sleeping but it helped me cool down my panicking self)

Draven: *mumbling* whatever I'll adjust with it. 

Irvin: sweet dreams dumbass

[now that i think he's totally annoying i *laughed*]. 

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