They say best friends are between two people and three is a crowd, too bad I don't have three but nineteen. Do you have friends? Well, who doesn't, but do your friends like mine that's like a family and own big space in my heart ❤ well if you have lucky you and if you don't have luckiest you because you get to read this story.
5..4..3..2..1 they all came back.
"So you guys realize one of you can just simply buy the Washing machine without moving a finger"
They all thought for a while then Sophia volunteered to buy the washing machine and disposed of the old one thank you, Jesus I guess you are wondering why I am the only one with no money well my mom does not believe in being rich and spoiling your kids apparently my sis is in college in America so mom is not able to monitor her spending lucky her.
While I am the baby who she likes to insult a lot. I ran up to my room and looked at the clock 2:34 pm I can't believe this was time and I haven't had my bath I ran to the bathroom quickly, having my bath I hurriedly changed my cloth to new ones, feeling tired and lying down just to think of my dad and brother.
I know he sent me out but i still miss him and my stepbrother David who came into this world when my dad cheated on my mom because his family (igbo) value boys more than girls my dad being the type of person that is sometimes being controlled he slept with a woman she got pregnant and took care of the child badly after getting pregnant for another man she threw the boy back to my dad he brought the boy home and my mom treated him like the son she never have, she hardly lay a finger at him trust me the boy is so stubborn many people that know him must have a bad story to tell of him funny enough he is just 2 years old if the boy does not cause accident he is busy fighting both people who senior him and those he senior sometimes he is sweet another time he is a pain in the ass i can remember when he recently came into the house he had a big protruding stomach a bended leg couldn't open his mouth cannot walk without falling all this was symptoms of kwashiorkor (check dictionary if you don't know the meaning) then all of a sudden all thanks to my mom he could run and talk his stomach was the size of a normal child despite cheating on my mom she chose to stay with him then all of sudden he send us away, thinking of this brought tears in my eyes few minutes later my pillow was soaked with tears my tears.
I guess GOD has a purpose for everyone and everything he could turn a nobody into a somebody there was a sudden knock on my door I clean my eyes and ran to open it.
"Pls can you lend me your hairdryer mine is spoilt and I just order a new one but can you give me yours".
My hair is short and beautiful as normal African hair is supposed to be, I handed my hairdryer to her which she collected.
"Thanks," she said leaving when she suddenly came back
"What happened?" She asked with a concerned face.
"Nothing why ask," I said pretending like I don't know what she is saying.
"Why are your eyes red? Were you crying? " She asked, but I was speechless cause I don't know how to answer all her questions she came closer and hugged me not able to hold it any longer I burst out crying wetting her shirt more which got already wet due to her hair.
"No matter what happen just know that I am here for you always sis," she said patting my head
"Thanks, sis," I said hugging her and entering my room now feeling sleepy due to crying too much I slept off.
I woke up the next morning around 7:35 dragging my lazy ass downstairs with the oversized T-shirt I call a gown.
"Hello, good morning" I greeted anyone present hearing me right now but got no answer great I am the first to wake up.
"Which means I am the one meant to make breakfast," I said groaning loud I just hate this stupid rule which states anyone who wakes up first is responsible for breakfast and the last person to wake up will make dinner its all fun and games except when it falls on you like today it isn't funny again I wish mummy was around she is always the ticket out of not making breakfast cause she is the chef and captain when it comes to food by the way where is my mother, I ran to her room knocking and waiting for a split seconds before I dashed into the room.
What's up lovelies or should I say heartbeat thanks for reaching this point.
Love and make up