
Life Isn't Fair

Karma has been acting strange. Not the normal Karma strange either. He's been skipping out on class and training more than usual. And people just haven't seen him around as much. What happens when people start to notice? What does he have to hide anyway? I posted it on AO3 first and wanted to see formatting here so I reuploaded.

JustASillyMouse · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

Chapter 2 - Arcade and Movie Time!

Saturday, February 4th

I get to the station, and see everybody already there. Even Korosensei in his 'human' disguise. I honestly have no idea how he fools as many people as he does.

"There you are, I honestly thought you were gonna leave us hangin' Nagi-chan," Karma says as he strides over and throws his arm over my shoulders. I look at the time.

3:15 pm (15:15 pm)

I'm on time. I don't even know what they are talking about unless I missed another text saying 'be earlier.'

"Aren't I on time?" I cock my head to the side.

"No Nagisa, everybody knows that when invited to things you have to be 5 minutes early, plus if we get there early there is more time for games!" Nakamura explains. I've never heard that. I also have never been invited to something outside of Karma inviting me to watch stuff at his house, so I can't pretend to be an expert.

"I uh- okay. I'll be on time next time," I fiddle with my hands. I see Isogai roll his eyes.

"How about we all be quiet, stop picking on Nagisa, and just leave since we still have a five minute walk you goofs," he shakes his head and begins the journey by himself. I really appreciate him backing me up. He really is the gentleman everyone says he is.

We all hurry to catch up to him. On that short journey we all had our respective conversations: me and Kayano; Isogai, Sugino, and Terasaka; and Karma and Nakamura with Korosensei popping in on everyone's conversations once in a while.

I know it's not like I'm going out of my way to talk to Karma right now, but it still bothers me that he is talking to her; even though I'm talking to Kayano. What does she have that I don't? The ability to be evil? I don't know. I choose to ignore it and go back to paying my full attention to Kayano.

We hit the arcade and Karma goes up to buy the tokens.

"So Nagisa, whatcha playing first? I love Dance Dance Revolution; I also have a rivalry with Karma the last time we were here he won, so now I call for a rematch," she said with a look of determination on her face.

"Too late little green haired friend," Terasaka started, "he is playing Skee Ball with me, Isogai, and Sugino. We're seeing who can win. It's obviously gonna be me, so I don't even know why there is a bet in the first place," he said, puffing out his chest; he had way too much confidence.

"You're a dumbass," Nakamura bursts into laughter, "like a top-tier one. Sugino plays baseball. He's obviously gonna be the winner," she reasoned, still snickering.

"It's not nice to make fun of your classmates. Ms. Nakamura," Korosensei scolded.

"It is funny though, especially when they really are dumb," she continued to laugh some more. I don't really know why Karma likes to hang out with her as much as he does. Maybe it's because they are both evil. At least Karma is the fun evil, or maybe I'm just biased and jealous, but I'm sure that's not the case. It's not like I dislike her per say. I just don't get it. She can be super nice, but I swear she just chooses not to.

"Guess who has the tokens," he waves a bucket of tokens in front of everybody's faces and all of our faces light up. He sets it down on the table next to us, "go crazy, kids, well and Korosensei; you can go crazy too," we all take some tokens and go off in different directions.

Just as Terasaka said, he, Karma, Isogai and Sugino went to play Skee ball. Kayano went to play Dance Dance Revolution. Probably to practice for her 'big tournament'. Korosensei played that weird Piano tiles game that you have to be really fast for. I feel like he shouldn't get to play because he is cheating by using his speed, but that's just me. Lastly, Nakamura was trying very hard to get something out of a claw machine.

I have no idea what to play. I'm not very good at arcade games. I wander over to a similar looking claw machine. I literally am trying as hard as I can, and I barely even touched the one I want, and it is making me very mad. I want a Sonic Ninja plush, but I'm just going to give up because these are impossible, and I am very mad. I turn around to leave and bump into someone.

"You're very bad at claw games, Nagi-chan," when did he get there? I really hope he hasn't been there for very long. I have been trying for that same plush for an embarrassingly long amount of time and still haven't got it. I was about to plead my case, but he moved me out of the way.

"Move and see how a master does it," he winks at me and sticks a token into the slot. My eyes flicker up to see the claw perfectly move into place and be picked up then be dropped into the box area so he can grab it. I was way too excited, but I have been trying for a very long time. I wasn't the one to get it, but I still get to squish it. He grabs it from the claw machine and hands it to me. It is a thousand times softer than it looks. I smile and look back at Karma, but as excited as I am, I hand him back the stuffed animal.

"You won it, so you should keep it," I smile. I'm sad to see it go, but I'm happy it's going to Karma. He hands it back to me.

"I don't want it. I got it for you Nagi-chan," he smiles and ruffles my hair. I could feel my face heat up.

"Thanks Karma; you really didn't have to though," I look down and play with part of the plush creature.

"You're right, I didn't need to, but I wanted to. Now I have to go beat Kayano at Dance Dance Revolution," I wave him goodbye and wander over to some other various arcade games that I am equally as bad at.

After about 20 more minutes of failing, I went to go sit down at the table we put our tokens on. Korosensei came to join me after a few seconds.

"Why do you look so sad, Nagisa?" he asked. Honestly, I really didn't even know myself.

"I don't really know. I don't really feel sad per say. I just don't know what to do. Everyone has their thing that they really like here, but I don't. I'm not really good at anything here," I sigh and lean my head onto the back of the booth.

"I don't think that's all that's bugging you, is it Nagisa?" Now I really don't know what he means. I was about to say something before Karma came to join us. He slid into the side next to me.

"What are you guys talkin' about?" Karma started to cough.

"You okay, Karma?" I looked at him, my face full of worry.

"Yeah of course. You come out of an intense dance battle with Kayano and not come out a little tired," he chuckled. I've never seen him be tired before, but I guess I have no room to question it.

"Okay Karma, but who won," I'm sure he won because he is surprisingly a beast at that game. He sighed, putting his hands behind his head and leaning back onto the headrest.

"Sadly not me this time; she had more practice though, but I'll get her next time," he winked at me. Though it did make me blush, it also made me wonder. It just feels like something is up.

"Who won at the Skee Ball tournament?" I was hoping that he won because then I wouldn't have to worry.

"Sugino, then Isogai, then me, then Terasaka. Sugino and Isogai have been practicing baseball together, but at least I still beat Terasaka," he shrugged. He was making good points, so I disregarded it and shrugged it off. After a few more minutes of me, Korosensei, and Karma talking, the rest of the group came over.

"So, I see you got yourself a plush, Nagisa," Terasaka pointed to my Sonic Ninja plushie. I blushed remembering how Karma got it for me. I shake my head, as I look down at it.

"No, I didn't win it. Karma saw I was struggling to get it, so he won it for me," I smiled and looked down at the toy.

"Aww, that's so cute," Kayano cooed. It made me blush even harder. I was about to make a comment on it, but Karma beat me to it.

"Yes, that may be cute, but getting to a movie on time is even cuter because now we have to just eat snacks since we took so long here," Karma rolled his eyes as everyone looked at their clocks.

We all rush to get our stuff and make it to the movie. When we get there Karma does as he said he would, and buys everything.

During the movie I sat on the far right side with Karma on my left and Korosensei on my right. Karma was next to Kayano, then Nakamura, then Isogai, then Sugino, and lastly Terasaka.

The movie was just as good as I thought it would be.

We were walking out when Karma stopped me.

"Hey, do you want to come over tonight before you go home? I want to tell you something," I could feel my heart flutter. Even though it was a small gesture, and I've even though been there a thousand times, I still like spending time with him. Alone. Without Nakamura. Although I am wondering what he has to tell me.

"Of course Karma I would love too!" I smile brightly at him causing him to smile back. We wave goodbye to our friends and head our own way.