

Imagine living a life more than a thousand times. This is the story of a human, who couldn't die, stuck in a loop of rebirth for more than a thousand times, and exploring the source of power, made him find something that is far beyond his imagination.

adm_7673 · Sci-fi
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43 Chs


"Age 5, LKG aka Lower kindergarten. Yes, I am studying at LKG now. Isn't it funny that the world's most intelligent creature studying at LKG at the age of 5? it's funny from my pov. This is how the education system works here."

"My parents and family members are like

'Adi is 5 he should be in kindergarten now."

Ma: "Priya's son started going to kindergarten, so we should make an entry for Adith at kindergarten. He is 5."

"My mom after hearing gossip from our neighbor lady about anything related to a school or something."

She's like,

" hey after kindergarten, he is going to this school that Priya told me".

"So the point is that the education system in India is screwed. The parents have a great amount of influence on their child's life."

"An individual's future is carved from the beginning of an education. A worthless system where individual skill is the least emphasis. I fixed many problems regarding this thing. But finally, I realized it's a waste of time. Anyway, I am not going to try and fix this problem in this life and probably there's no chance that I am going to rectify this in my coming life also. I have a lot of boring stuff to do. First I need to be vigilant about changing this reality to my way. I like to have an ordinary life, in this life."

2 years passed.

" LKG and UKG are finished. I am 7, my appearance is changed. I didn't use any of my future vision to make me remarkable. I look like an ordinary child following conventional child footsteps. I don't have any physical problems, yet I have a large forehead and thin hair and I am studying at lower preliminary now, the first standard at St George school near my house, Wayanad."

"Hum.... it's boring. I know everyone here and there is nothing special going to happen now. I think I resided in this scenario more than a hundred times. Yep, the teacher is going to call me for an introduction."

The teacher: "Adith, introduce yourself to the class and everyone welcome your new classmate, Adith Mohan."

"Here we go!!"

" Hello, my name is Adith Mohan. I am from Cheekkalloor, it's close. My father works in the textile. My talent is nothing special. My father's name is Mohan and Mom's name is Meena. And I have an elder brother whose name is Akash.

Thank you."

"Everyone clap for Adith's introduction".

"Hmm, I can't say I don't want this stuff. Let's pretend to be happy."

Everyone clapped and Adith went and sat in his place.

"The classroom is full of noise because there is a lot of children. At 12.30 everyone starts to eat lunch after a small prayer. It's my first day in school after so many lives."

The teacher: " Everyone please eat your lunch, and children don't waste your food."

"Where's my bag? Ha, here it is. To be honest eating lunch is the best thing in school. we get time to play, that I won't right now, and my mom's cooking is fabulous. I missed this feeling for a long time. "

Wait a minute, WTF!!.

" Dude don't say that I forgot my lunchbox. Fuk I forgot my lunchbox. Why am I forgetting these tiny details? Great start man... what am I gonna do. The little Fantasy that I imagined right now made my tiny stomach hungry. Let's ask this child."

Adith: "Hey, dude can you share your food with me? "

"Why is he looking straight at my face like he didn't understand anything?

Ho, fuck I need to be childish in this kind of situation. "

Years passed....

"I finished High School. I am 16 now and have grown a small mustache and a beard. I have a large forehead, and my hair's short, with a tiny beard. My eyes are black, nothing special there. I started ignoring my looks a long time ago. So I don't mind going bald or scratching my skin.

I joined " Kanniyambetta Government Higher Secondary School " for my higher secondary education and it's close to my house. The main reason I am studying here is that because, in my original reality or the first life that I lived, I studied here in this school. Talking about this school, it's huge!!!.

There are a lot of students studying in this school. In my class itself, there are 60 students. Yes, it's a bit over but it's the reality of Indian education. I took Biology science as my core subject. Many students in my class took this course because it's popular and for that reason, many of them are forced to study by their parents. Coming to me, I took it because of the popularity factor, in the first life. Now, I don't have anything to study, because I have gone through every shit in my past lives.

My first day in higher secondary school. I know every detail that's going to happen today. No uniform today, everyone is wearing a colorful dress except seniors. When I enter the gate, originally I will search for the classroom by asking someone but that is not necessary now. I will go to the toilet and the seniors will question me, asking my name and some stuff like that. On the way back to my classroom another senior group will call me and they say to me to sing a song, that I will. After the cliche Indian school ragging I will enter the classroom on the time, and I will sit on the bench in the second row. I will speak to the ones who are sitting beside me and near me to know them and come to be friends, that I already know them.

I need to be normal here and retrace my original life steps. A small change can cause a butterfly effect, that I don't need in this life. The teacher will come exactly at 9.55 am. Here she comes. She is going to introduce herself, and many students start to introduce themselves. After the introduction at exactly 10.28, there will be students who come late. It's the first day so the teacher won't say anything to them. This is the last bunch of latecomers, after this late one's introduction, the teacher will give us the rest of the period to know each other by speaking with each other."

"The class is loud and I am speaking with the one who is sitting next to me. His name is Rahul."

Adith: "Hey, in which high school did you study? "

Rahul:" Oh, I studied in the 'Capital'. what about you?"

"This is boring. I know his past, present, and even the future. But I need to pretend to let past this one. "

Adith: " I went to 'Panamaram', where is your house?"

Rahul: "Dude who Is the beautiful late comer. oh, she is pretty".

Adith: " What are you saying? there is no one...."

The class suddenly became silent. The teacher went near the door to speak with someone.

"who is that?"

"Hey who's that..."

"It's a girl I think she is in our class."

Random murmuring in the classroom intensified. Everyone is looking toward the doorway.

" What the heck is happening right now. Who is that? This can't be happening, I am so careful until now and retraced the paths without any major change. How this can transpire?

The time is 10.49, how can this occur. wait...