

Imagine living a life more than a thousand times. This is the story of a human, who couldn't die, stuck in a loop of rebirth for more than a thousand times, and exploring the source of power, made him find something that is far beyond his imagination.

adm_7673 · Sci-fi
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43 Chs


Adith suddenly opens his eyes, he is lying in a bed, he wakes up.

He takes a deep breath,

"Ha.. the air in here, it smells like chemical.", he looks around.

" at least my room looks normal, let's look around.

Mirror, a small library, huh? for what? "

He walks around the room, the room was so bright, the sunlight is coming through the window, there is a jukebox, a table, and a chair, a mirror, and a cupboard. He looks at the mirror,

"I look good,d even though I didn't eat anything for days. I need to shave my beard later, I need a dress, what is in the closet?'

He sees some formal dresses like suits and pants, and t-shirts and a watch.

" What's this Ralph Lauren stuffs? I don't need any suits.

Watch? It's different, where is the dial..", Adith placed the watch on his left hand, it suddenly attached with his hand.

"Oh, no!", he felt a little pain.

" What's this ben10 stuff, " he tries to take out the watch, but he couldn't.

Suddenly a transparent screen from the watch popped out,

In a female voice,

"hélwàla úsr, spçós déntsfíéd, làñg éñglísh.

Welcome, User.

Species Identified - Human, Language -English."

Adith: " What's this Holo screen, .."

"Recognizing User face- Success,

Voice - Success,

DNA signature - Success

Every detail was successfully transferred to the server,

The device Is ready to use now."

Adith: "Oh that's quick."

"Hello!, I am ESIA, Eminent Super Artificial Intelligence, I will be your personal assistant from now on. Please give me a name for the full access. "

Adith: " Name, hmm, let me think... ESIA...mm, ok, I am going to call you 'Essia'."

Essia: "Name successfully uploaded, I am Essia, I will be you, companion, from now on, you can ask me anything, I will do whatever within my proximity."

Adith: " Ok Essia, Where can I get some clothing in Gragmund."

Essia: "You don't need to go anywhere, just select the clothing that you need, you can design the clothing if you want."

A new User Interface appeared, there is a lot of collections, shirts, t-shirts, suits and the dress that the eminents wearing.

"A simple white t-shirt with white pants, please." Adith selects the dress,

Essia: "Dimensional service activated, Here is your clothing. " A small portal opened in front of Adith and the clothes came through it.

Adith: " Wow, it only took a blink of an eye, and how can this..?" Adith wears the new clothing,

Adith: " It's perfect, I didn't even select the size, the fibers of the cloth, it's premium, very light, what's this material anyway? " He looks at the window and looks outside.

Adith:" I think this is the backside of the palace, this place looks similar to earth, I can see the great wall,

Well, ha, I just remembered something, ha there is a lot of small capsule pods outside, I can see a pond,

I need to go outside."

He opens the door and walks outside,

"What the fuck just happened, how can this happen? " he looks around, he sees the palace behind him, it is a little far, he sees many trees, he sees tall Eminents walking around, but they are not minding him. He notices that his house was a pod.

"How can this happen? I am at the top, how this thing gets down, I got a top viewing angle, how?

And this thing, pod? this is only a size of a minivan, how the interior is so spacious compared to this?

Hey, Essia, explain this pod and exactly where am I on this planet?"

Essia: "Before that, do you need in ear or out ear audio transmission."

Adith: " Ha, in ear, please." A small sound squeezed in Adith's head.

Essia:" In ear, nanophone placed successfully."

Adith: " Nanophone?"

Essia: " It's an in ear earphone, at the size of a nanobot, It has every function including a microphone, I will be addressing to you by this method. The call function is not available now because of some safety measures, thank you."

Adith: "wow! then answer my first questions ".

Adith starts to walk around in that place.

Essia: " Your pod is a highly developed and customized chamber, it works based on the 4-dimensional principle. "

Adith: "Fuck dimensions, for now, I don't want to hear that. So tell me about this place, Where am I actually?"

Essia: " You are inside the Wall of Gregmund, you are walking through the Ally behind the great palace, your pod number is POD#9605, you can give it a name if you want."

Adith: " Change the name to, Home. and why this place looks like Earth, and what happened to Earth?"

Essia: " POD#9605 changed successfully. For your question, My creator Eminents did this to increase their emotional values, for that they started to follow the human way of living and restricted the usage of millions of advanced technologies. "

Adith plucks a leaf from a small plant,

"This is a real leaf. Plants, and trees on a planet that is 10x the size of Jupiter, this is beyond science.

Ok, tell me about my planet Earth."

Essia: " Checking for results on Earth.

The planet earth is still orbiting the star,

there is no life form found on Earth, the

percentage of life energy is zero, the planet

is now unhabitable."

Adith: " Tell me Essia, which year is it according to the human calendar." Adith stops walking, he was near a pond.

Essia: " The year 203467, January 30."

Adith speaks on his mind,

" Ha, I am in the future I think, the human race is perished. What am I gonna do, are we the last ones standing, me and Emma?"

Adith walks forward,

"Wait what's that? " he heard something, he walks.

"I heard that song before, I know that song."

Adith talks on his mind,

"I know that song, it's English, I heard it somewhere before. Where is it coming from?" Adith walks in toward the song, the sound gradually increased.

¶Let's set fire to the lonely night

You're beautiful...

"Where, here.." Adith walks following the sound,

¶Let's give love another life

Cause you'll be safe in these arms of mine

Just call my name on the edge of the night

And I'll run to you, I'll run to you

Adith suddenly stops,

"Here it is".

¶I would run to you

I would run to you, If you want me to...

Adith pupil dialect, he sees someone,

" How? what's happening? how can she be here?"

the song will be continued.....