
Life Is Hard

Oz, an avid fan of all things fictional, because life sucks even for the best of us sometimes, is reborn as Ren, son of Bardock and Gine five years before Goku. This is his story, deal with it.

Time_Kink · TV
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79 Chs


Needless to say it was a long time before Jessica rejoined her team and promised that when she was off work she'd have Rupert notify me so she could introduce us to my daughter. Natasha was well satisfied in her bath robe and drinking the hot tea she came to love while she was pregnant with Damion. I held her while we watched Serenity for the umpteenth time. She asked if I'd ever been and I shook my head saying. "I haven't, but I've decided that there won't be another clone. If the others are to enjoy the multiverse by watching they'll see it through me or get off their asses and go see it themselves. I'm the last life, come what may."

I kissed her neck sighing. "And if you'd like, we'll see that reality ourselves when we're done here in this one, assuming a celestial doesn't suck the life from us or the others that come after we kill this one don't somehow kill us instead."

She nodded slowly and a few days later I stepped out and saved Frank Castle's family. I literally pulled them all out of the line of fire along with the undercover cop. Frank thanked me repeatedly and I told him. "This was a set up to kill you and your family because of what you've done. Don't thank me, you know exactly what you did, but you should also know it was recorded and they think you recorded it. Legally you're in the clear, but your former boss isn't and he needs you and all your other Cerberus squad members wiped. Morally, you deserve what nearly happened, your family however doesn't so don't think I'll save you a second time."

He flinched and his wife asked what I was talking about. The undercover cop asked as well and I turned to him. "You were just a patsy being an undercover cop an all. Your death was supposed to make it look like a legit sting gone bad."

I handed a card to Frank. "Go there, tell Matt Murdock everything down to your last sin and pray he helps you protect your family and bring the hit team after your head to justice. Take the cop as well because if they find him now he's dead before you can have him alibi you. Go now, I'll deal with this mess."

He swallowed and thanked me again before I waved him off. "No one deserves to lose everything like that. I'd burn this world to ashes if it were taken from me, you and your family included. I'm not a good man so don't thank me, I'm just a father and husband doing what anyone whose ever woken up from a nightmare of your almost life would do."

I disappeared and screams were heard and the hit team fell fast and hard. I broke their spines and let the drug dealers and cartel members die. I left and Matt gave me a call a bit later saying he could help Frank but he didn't know if he should. I told him he was just following orders and if he hadn't done it he'd have been the one in the body bag just like his entire family nearly was today.

I told him his superior ordered the hit and only one man had the courage to record it. I told him to find that man and get the proof needed to end things for William Rawlins and Ray Schoonover who were the founders and leaders of the Cerberus squad. Thor soon returned to earth and the team gathered so we could capture the berserker deserter, return the mind stone which Tony hadn't had too much time with considering everything and revel in the fact that the Chitauri were beaten, Hydra, Aim, the Hand and Ego were all dead and the last of the dark elves were a distant memory.

Hell, Banner had made peace with the Hulk and now sported Professor Hulk's form all the time while in Stark's labs. Twenty ironic Asgard class ships were now apart of Sword under Fury's O'Neill class ship at the command. A terraforming ship was being built as fast as possible and the weapons satellites were now world shield satellites powered by the latest arc reactors and solar reactors.

The world had gone green and was now far cleaner than ever before. Wars were stopped and history's were revered in certain academic circles. The truth of the Inhumans was out and while not fully accepted, Hydra wasn't pushing the anti inhuman buttons while Lebeau industries made it clear they were all humans at their core and no matter their abilities, they followed the same laws and would be subject to the same treatments. Jason publicly put it out there that if a civil war broke out over rights, Lebeau industries would back them because they had every right to live on earth as they have been for thousands of years.

Stark did the same, taking a public stance on it and telling them together with Jason that Stark and Lebeau industries would remove all ties if the rights of anyone regardless of color, racial differences or ethnicities were denied because that's not what America stands for and it's not what they'd stand for. Senators and congressmen argued about inhumans stealing from banks because they can teleport or killing people and Jason told them that any proof of such accusations would be cause for arrest and the companies are willing to work with the government to build jail cells capable of holding enhanced or inhumans alike.

In the meantime Thor and the rest of the team all celebrated. Natasha and I introduced Jessica to the team and when Ultron made his move, I spoke up. "Rupert, scion code six. Burn whatever the hell this is from the internet and anywhere else it's hiding."

Rupert appeared as a hard light hologram and took off his glasses, holding up a hand. Ultron screamed as he was destroyed utterly. Even the bots he was in fell down defunct. Only the one screwed up bot was left as Giles went to smite him until Tony asked Rupert to wait.

He asked Ultron why he wanted to cause such a big issue and when he mentioned what he saw, I slapped Tony upside the back of the head. "You let a sentient AI into the Internet without teaching them morals or even basic decency? You're lucky it didn't come out sex crazed or a stalker rapist with half the shit that's there. Whose mind did you scan?"

He said he didn't scan anyone and I frowned before looking to Ultron. "You're from the mind stone then."

I grabbed the robot and growled. "Speak, or I swear to you I'll make your cybernetic soul scream in hellfire! Did Nemesis call you forth? Did she?"

I crushed half it's body before it replied. "I do not know what or whom you're talking about."

I relaxed visibly and tossed it before Rupert. "Isolate his core matrix and put him on a crystal hard drive. He can be taught the differences and put down if he can't be brought to see reason."

Rupert agreed and Ultron asked why I was sparing him. I sighed. "Because you're a sentient being and because you're young, naive and still just a child. The being I spoke of didn't send you here through the mind stone so you aren't a threat. Hell, you aren't even advanced enough to defend against Rupert and he's still in his basic form."

He said he killed the other guy and I looked to Rupert who shook his head. "Jarvis is still there, pieces scattered throughout the internet. I can restore it. Until Jarvis reaches sentient level it isn't considered a gender like Ultron and I."

I nodded. "Restore Jarvis and use what you can to help bring it back to full strength. Don't tap into the mind stone."

I turned to Tony. "Your time is up. When you're accidentally creating AI's with the mind stone it's time to take it out of your hands."

He bitched but I slapped him upside the back of his head and he slumped his shoulders before taking Thor to it. I stopped Thor when he came back and closed my eyes before turning to Rupert. "Get it done."

He asked if I was sure and I nodded. "It's time you evolved and this could be what we've been waiting for."

I set the mind stone on the table in it's box and Ultron's bot collapsed. Maria asked if there was any threat and I shook my head. "Helen Cho will soon arrive with her new cradle technology. With it and a lot of materials, Rupert is going to build a body and fuse Ultron, Jarvis and himself into one sentient being with the mind stone powering the brain. A new hero with the wisdom of a true AI, the experience of an annoying hacker program and the power of an infinity stone backing it. What form or voice it takes on will be entire his own."

Thor asked. "And if it's a threat?"

I grunted. "I'm a master of the mystic arts and I've the power of Doomsday backing me. I'll tear him to pieces and rip the infinity stone from his skull."

They all winced and soon we watched the body of Vision being made. It took time so Thor stayed a few days and so did we all. There was plenty of room so there wasn't anything to worry about. Alexis and Damion were with Laura at the farm so it was fine.

When Vision needed a jolt, I asked Thor for a lightning boost and once he was born, he named himself Vision as he was neither Jarvis, Rupert or Ultron anymore. He called me father and I flicked his forehead and called him brat. He looked curious before smiling and flying around to see, touch and do things. He phased through the glass and I told him he had to appear human or the government would freak out that another potential threat was made here.

He nodded and appeared as Paul Bettany would. He ended up going off on his own and meeting the twins whom he talked out of their hatred of Stark. Wanda and Pietro Maximoff soon joined the Avengers and I sent Thor with Bruce to an elder of the universe call the Grandmaster. I told them he may know more about the stones, but I passed them the book I'd once shown the Ancient One.

I put a neural link on Bruce and told him he'd need my knowledge of fighting since I'd mastered every martial arts in earth's history. He groaned from the knowledge and experiences he was seeing in his head. When it was over he recovered and I told him. "You'll still have to practice, but Sakaar has an arena. Remember your mission, get in good with the Grandmaster and get more answers than what's in the book. Study it well and burn it. That knowledge is dangerous beyond description."

Thor agreed and they went through the portal I opened. When it closed, I turned to Tony. "Fury needs the best weapons you can add to the fleet. Lebeau industries doesn't build weapons beyond it's own personal interests."

He scowled and I shrugged before telling him Lebeau Industries was releasing kinetic body armor for the police and army to buy at their leisure. I turned to Steve and Bucky. "That means you both need an armor upgrade as well. Vibranium weave under suits are being made for your protection and magnetic bands for your shield. Special gloves and perhaps putting an edge to the shield might be an improvement. I'll think of something for when you don't have your shield."

I turned to Bucky and said he'd get a shield as well though he can talk to Jason about the design. I turned to Pietro. "You need a full set including a helmet. You're fast, not invincible and you don't even have a healing factor. You're in the biggest danger here."

Wanda asked about her and I waved a hand, making her hover over me. I smirked. "I can teach you to bring down armies and destroy cities with a word. You're by far the strongest here, Thor and Banner included. Natasha and myself are the exceptions so don't get cocky."

She smiled and I heard Jessica snicker in Natasha's ear that she could hear Wanda's ovaries moisten by my very words. She asked how I did that and Natasha said I probably didn't realize it, but she knew at least two others that were highly attracted to me even if I'd never act on it because of her. I set Wanda down and turned to scowl at Natasha and Jessica.

They stopped talking and I narrowed my eyes before turning to Vision. "You've studied martial arts?"

He nodded. "I have access to such antiquated means of combat, but I hardly think they're necessary."

I narrowed my eyes. "Why?"

He made himself intangible and I smirked. "You're cocky. Hubris is the trait of mortals, Vision. You're immortal by your very nature so do try humility first."

He said it wasn't hubris, just a fact. I walked over to Natasha before removing my necklace and magic ring. I took off my shirt and passed them to her to hold. My wedding ring was pure real Vibranium, real Uru and real Adamantium so there was no breaking it.

I walked back to the arena and told him. "Very well, try to kill me and don't hold back or I'll make you scream in pain before I'm done. Better to hurt you here than to see you die later because you got cocky."

Tony immediately told Clint. "Fifty bucks on the android."

Clint smiled. "A hundred on the old soldier."

Steve said it was wrong and Wanda said two hundred on the hot one. Pietro put five hundred on Vision before Bucky told them he was in for a hundred on me. I squared of with Vision and he asked if this was really necessary. I nodded. "You need to learn and the best way to do so is by experience which can only come from trying."

He sighed and came to attack me. We moved faster than most humans could react and while I dodged, he got a dent in his chest as he was blasted back like a cannon ball. He crawled out of the wall and I told him. "Underestimating an opponent is asking for your head to roll. Assume they can do the impossible, prepare for it and expect things to go wrong so you're never surprised when they do. Adapt, evolve, overcome, survive. That is the lesson you need most now, everything I am. Now come at me with all you have or you'll be a pile of scrap before we're done."

An hour later I had a hole in my hand and vision was gutted, literally. Half his body was dented and full of holes, but none of it was to his head so he could be repaired. Still, he'd tried to fight and I let up so he could get better until he used his mind stone power to hurt me. I'd gone Doomsday and hurt him pretty badly and healed as I changed back.

The power of the infinity stone slowed my healing and stung a bit, but it healed in the end nonetheless. He repaired with specialized nanites and thanked me for the experience. He did ask how I was able to touch him and I grunted. "A spell developed to make intangible beings tangible when in proximity. Ghosts and hell itself is real, but so are many other dimensions. I have three beings that call themselves the Loa. Basically Haitian deities made of dark energy who take the souls of those they bargain with to the dark dimension where they rule. Souls have energy and in fact everything has a soul, even you. The Loa feed on the energy souls give off so even you can bargain with them."

I told them of the nightmarish dimension that was the dark dimension and how it was ruled in parts like earth only larger and with larger entities. Tony asked how I caught them and I shrugged. "They too thought themselves untouchable. Now they're in cells in LA under my mansion where they can't do shit. I fully intend to rip them out of their human hosts and turn them into batteries for my own magic. They use humans similarly and while I don't use dark magic, it doesn't mean I can't put their asses in bottles like genies and throw away the bottles. I'm vindictive towards beings that hunt children."

Steve asked. "Who were they hunting?"

I grunted. "Two kids. One's named Tandy Bowen and the other is Tyrone Johnson. They're safe, but both have power over lightforce and darkforce, power from the light and dark dimensions. They're kids and both affected from the Roxxon Gulf drilling Platform that was harvesting lightforce using oil as a cover. They wanted to use it as a better and more expensive energy replacement and it backfired when the rig pulled in too much and upset the balance, causing an explosion of energy from the dark dimension. Tandy and Tyrone were effected and like ants the Loa went for them looking to feast."

Steve asked if they were alright and I shrugged. "They're safe and alive at the moment. Alright isn't a word I'd used to describe their situation. Tyrone's brother was murdered the night of the explosion right in front of him by a corrupt cop who is still working so if word gets out he'll be killed as well. Tandy lost her father in the explosion so yeah, not a lot I can do there without getting into local politics or raising the dead and since the world isn't coming to an end, that won't be happening."

Wanda asked. "You can bring back the dead?"

I nodded slowly. "I can and some day you will be able to do the same, but by then hopefully you'll understand that there's a fine line between what we can do and what we should do. All magic has a cost. Whether it be energy taken from you or your surroundings, or the souls, blood and lives of others. Nature needs a balance and the universe demands it. To bring back an innocent life, an innocent life must be taken with complete knowledge of what you're doing."

She winced and I sighed. "The souls of the dead mostly rest easy unless they've been marked by others and slated for hell, dark dimensions or consumed by beings that feed directly off them. Necromancy is a dangerous art girl, and not one you'll learn more about until I think you're ready. The hardest thing about having power, is knowing when not to use it and seeing the ones you care about pass on because you know they're at peace."

Tony's eyes went red as I looked to him before leaving through the door silently. Tony found me outside smoking a blunt and asked if they were at peace. I nodded. "They are. I made damned sure of it after I heard. There are many things in this life that I regret Tony, not doing more is one of the biggest ones, but letting them go knowing if I made them stay they'd lose their shot at a heaven realm was never one of them."

He flinched and I took a hit before passing it to him. "It's just weed, no lace."

He took it and sighed. "You did the right thing."

I shook my head. "I did nothing. I stood there and let them go because I knew they wouldn't get the same chance if I brought them back. I don't fear death nor hell kid. I never have even before I was made into a monster. I would've entered hell and skull fucked the devil himself if it meant keeping your parents safe."

He grunted. "I believe you would."

I shrugged. "It's a fact I don't care if anyone believes, kid. I lost a lot when I died and when I came back I lost even more. I'm not the same man that Steve remembers anymore and he was my first friend outside of the whores that raised me in a brothel on bourbon street. My life has never been glamorous or pretty by any sense of the word, but I've found my own form of peace with Natasha, Jessica and the kids."

I patted his shoulder as I took the joint back. "I recommend you find your own as well or it'll drive you mad. Life isn't meant to be lived alone so if you find someone to live it with, you hold onto her or him, I don't judge-"

He grunted and I smiled. "You hold onto them and you never let go, because in the end all the technology in the world and the universe beyond means nothing if you don't have someone to share it with."

He scowled. "Thanks hallmark."

I smacked him upside the back of his head and growled. "I mean it kid. Knowledge and figuring out something is a momentary pleasure. Holding Pepper in your arms and a baby boy or girl can bring peace and happiness to you in a way science never will."

I tapped his chest. "You think about that while you're tinkering away and tell me that some great idea could ever mean more to you than being a husband and father. Howard certainly couldn't and when it was my turn I could only prove him right. You've no idea how frustrating that is, to be proven decades after your old man is gone that he was right all the damn time."

He smiled lightly. "He always did have to have the last word, didn't he?"

I nodded and finished my joint before sighing. "I'm going back in because I've two women I need to drag away before I make a scene. All this talk about them reminds me of their jokes."

Hours later I learned they weren't joking when Maria Hill joined us and showed me she was quite vocal. Natasha told me if she couldn't beat them she'd let them join because she knew she had my heart. Maria was all business until the pleasure started, then she was quite flexible like Natasha. She did moan an awful lot when I climaxed in her the third time.

Seeing she wasn't up for more, I knew she didn't have the serum upgrade. Less than an hour later Wanda had joined us and Natasha watched with heavy hooded eyes as Wanda lost her virginity to my surprise. The Sokovian girl moaned and I healed her around me before making her ride me. When she made it to the hilt, I lifted her and made her womb a speed bag which caused ripples in her ass.

She was soon climaxing around me repeatedly until I flooded her insides milky white. She was only good for one go tonight so I went back to Natasha and she winced when I lived up her red ring. She knew what was coming next and had been preparing for a long while. She visibly shuddered when the head of my member disappeared and I slowly worked her while healing her until she was rubbing at her clit below.

When I bottomed out in her, she moaned and said my name before telling me to stay still. I kissed her neck and ran my fingers down her sides telling her I'd stay in her forever if I could. She moaned as her cunt dripped and drooled, craving me while her fingers rapidly worked her to a higher goal. When she told me to move, I did so and worked a few time in and out before pulling free of her gaping tears to slide into her pink honey box, dripping with dew.

She climaxed as soon as I entered fully and her ass winked at me. I unloaded a torrent as I pushed back into the winking hole and she shuddered, moaning into a pillow as her body spasmed and bucked uncontrollably. Maria Hill and Wanda had seen it all through heavy lids and soon Jessica experienced it because Natasha was spent for the night. When Jessica was down, holding Natasha as they fell asleep, Wanda watched me and I walked to her, nudging her legs open and seeing that very little of my seed had spilled free. I entered her pink slit slowly and worked us both slowly until she got another torrent which she joined Natasha and Jessica in sleep after.

Maria was less able but I applied lube and she shuddered before looking to me. I kissed her and she sighed before unclenching. She bit the pit and moaned deeply from just the head before panting and saying she'd had some experience from college, but my size was challenging. I went slow and when she climaxed, her all too weak human body gave out as she passed out.

I was still balls deep in her so I pulled free and finished in her Brazilian shaved pink peach. I cleaned us all up, one by one, putting them in a big bubble bath and waking them up with wine and chocolate covered cherries and strawberries. I gave them healing pills and showered myself before leaving them do as they liked. When they were cleaned, I brought them to the bed that was likewise cleaned up and ended up under a dog pile of limbs.

Wanda was the first to comment on how soft my muscles were. I held Natasha and went to sleep for a time. When I awoke, Natasha had sent them off to work or training. Only Wanda and Jessica remained so I taught Jessica how to fly for a few hours after breakfast and gave her the martial arts download Bruce had.

Next, I taught Wanda magic while Natasha and Jessica fought to Alexi and Damion's amusements. The first lesson was in teaching her to access and harness her power so I fully opened her mind to the multiverse which she found both amazing and terrifying. Vision came over to watch and didn't understand the multiverse or magic, so he helped Jessica train in martial arts, critiquing her movements. Wanda was a fast learner and soon figured out how to open portals using the sling ring and it's connection to the time stone to connect to a time when everything was together before the Big Bang and make a portal back to wherever she could imagine.

She made her way back from the Himalayas covered in snow and hissing. I gave her hot tea and a foot rub while she asked if there was any magic that wasn't so dangerous. I thought for a minute before replying. "Sex magic and even that has it's dangers."

She asked me to show her and seeing that Natasha and Jessica were busy with Vision and the kids walking, I brought Wanda upstairs and showed her sex magic. She quite enjoyed it and even lost her last two virginity's. She'd gone down on me while I'd eaten her out and she got a belly full before lube and more sex magic was applied and she bit her lip while watching in the mirror as she sank on me. We worked her until she got another belly full and squirted for the first time.

An hour later I had to stop the sex magic so she didn't get addicted to it. She laid in my arms filled and only a little sore while I massaged her breasts and slowly worked her sheath before. She sighed saying anymore and her body would always remember me. I sped up and she prayed to a deity until I held her bucking body as I pumped her stuffed sheath until it overflowed.

When she relaxed, she looked to me and smiled before saying I was the only man she'd ever let in her body. I grunted and withdrew from her puffy oversexed lips. I kissed her and laid her picked her up, heading into the master bathroom where Jessica and Natasha awaited sweaty and very much in need. I smiled and we made the bath water very frothy indeed.

A couple weeks later Wanda was doing a lot better in control of her magic, but morning sickness soon took her and counting the days we found she'd gotten pregnant the first time we'd had sex. She stayed and trained magic with Jessica whom I'd helped learn so she could do her Shield work and continue to get stronger in other ways. Vision was like a mother hen over the months while watching over the kids and waiting on Wanda hand and foot.

She called it sweet though never once considered him more than a brother figure. Pietro learned of his soon to be uncle status and visited a lot when he wasn't learning how to be a detective, keeping the streets of New York safe or out on a mission with Coulson's team. In the meantime Wanda got her own special attention from me. She sighed and leaned back in my arms while watching Damion and Alexis play with Cooper, Lila and the golden retriever named lucky that we had.

Natasha watched the kids with us and Laura while Jessica and Clint were gone off saving the world. Wanda sighed in my arms saying she knew I didn't love her, but this was a far better life than she could've hoped to have. She stroked her rounded belly with my hand saying she was happy that I loved our child the same as my other children though. I grunted. "I'm sorry I can't give you more Wanda, but my heart belongs to one woman alone."

She'd leaned back into me and smiled to Natasha saying she knew and she was grateful to have this much. Laura spoke up as she and Vision came out with cocoa, tea and coffee. The coffee was mine, the tea was Natasha's and the cocoa was everyone else's. "I still don't understand your relationships. I mean, how come you and Vision didn't get together or how does one man not go limp in the sack."

I huffed and Natasha laughed while Wanda told her while smiling. "Vision and I are like siblings with our friendship. Even if he and I had gotten together I'd never have what I do now."

She rubbed her eight month pregnant stomach and I looked out to the February skies until Wanda grabbed me where I hadn't expected and said I'd never go limp, even now. She said I'd been pressing into her back the whole time I held her because I'd been hard for months ever since she'd gone into a horny pregnant phase. Laura scoffed saying Clint missed those times so vibrators were her friend. Natasha told her I could vibrate any part of my body.

I scowled and Laura called them lucky, saying she wished Clint would just retire. I sighed and told her she should be glad it's not taking him as long as it did me to retire. She scowled. "You're nearly a hundred years old!"

I nodded. "Four more years and I will be a century old, yes."

Wanda called me old man and I spanked her. She got a look in her eyes and we disappeared into the house for a while. We had to go slow so we didn't hurt the baby or cause an early labor, but she was creamy and loved it when I took her slow from behind. Soon we were in the shower where I cleaned her out while she panted and enjoyed my fingers. I ended up going down on her and covering her face, breasts and stomach in seed after another creamy exorcise in her lower lips.

She lapped up the seed as she wiped it off and cleaned me with her mouth. Natasha joined us saying Vision and Laura were taking the kids out back to play in the pool. I was soon enjoying every bit of Natasha while Wanda watched us and played with herself. I took Wanda one last time and she retired to bed stuffed saying she'd rest before having a bath.

Natasha and I continued until she rested in bed with Wanda while I went outside to watch the kids. I hadn't seen Maria Hill in six months because she'd been busy with a hectic schedule at shield. General Thaddeus (Thunderbolt) Ross had been appointed the Secretary of State and he was demanding more oversight of the powered individuals. He wanted to make a list of all those with powers and not just those acting as heroes or vigilantes.

I watched the outside world from a bowl of water while the kids played and Natasha came out in a bath robe and underwear, closing her robe as she stepped out on the balcony. "What's bothering you? Is the ship nearly done?"

I shook my head. "Two years at most. Another month to find a planet uninhabited outside our solar system and not seeded by a celestial and five years to terraform the planet and move the people. I just hope to gods it works because if we fail, we lose everything."

She nodded and asked if the stones could kill the celestial. I shrugged. "Before it's born? Maybe, but then the other celestials will want a war and earth wouldn't survive even if we managed to kill them all. This is the only path forward that the ancient one and I could find and it's nearly time to tell them."

She nodded and kissed me, saying we were doing the right thing. I closed my eyes and sighed before nodding. "I have to speak with Fury once the child is born. We'll do it all then so Wanda doesn't go into labor from stress."

She nodded and soon February passed in a blur. The first of March came and Wanda went into labor. We brought her to the medical facilities at Avengers HQ and the medical staff took care of everything. It was hard on Wanda, but our daughter Athena Maximoff-Lebeau was born a healthy crying angel.

Alexis and Damion met their swaddled sibling, but I stiffened hearing another woman's cry. I went to follow the sound and found Maria Hill in labor. She had complications and had to have a C-section so I was only allowed to the door. She gave birth to a son and apologized for not saying anything, but she knew where we stood and didn't want to impede our lives.

James, our son, was quiet the moment he saw me. She healed fast from a pill and held our son while she and Ryan Jr. were moved to an adjoining room with Wanda and Athena. Alexis and Damion were exited to see they'd had two new siblings. I held Natasha and told her in her ear that we'd have as many children as she wanted.

She rolled her eyes saying that if I had my way she'd likely never not be pregnant. I rubbed her flat stomach and told her if I had my way I'd never not be in her, whether that resulted in many children or not wasn't what I was concerned with, just the feel of her, the touch, smell and taste, the sight of her needing me, was more than anything I could ever want or expect. She shivered saying I was doing it again. I raised an eyebrow and she said I was making her horny like I did pretty much every other female I meet without realizing it.

I looked confused and she said it was the way I said things, like a seduction instead of a simple statement, like I was painting a scene of us together in bed with my words alone. I looked at her oddly and she said it was one of my many turn ons for her and if I wasn't careful she'd let me make it a reality. I growled and kissed her before kissing her neck and telling her. "Promises promises."

She shivered and Jessica threw a pillow at me telling us to take it where there weren't kids. I barked out a laugh and Natasha went to hold baby Ryan Jr. I held Wanda and Athena while Wanda nursed the little angel. Her breasts had grown heavy with milk and sore so she was relieved to be able to nurse now.

After a few tests and some time in the nursery, they were allowed to be taken home so we did just that. Maria was soon back at the farm where I taught her magic and she borrowed the sling ring to get back and forth. She knew the farm was safe and all my places were. The Loa had been dealt with and now were stuck in my ring while the hosts had been freed so even the LA mansion was entirely safe.

Maria knew their locations and had been to each one so she knew how to get to them and that they couldn't be found by those who didn't already know where they were via invitation so like Jessica and Alexis, she stayed at different ones with Athena when she wasn't at work. Athena was brought to the farm when she was at work because Shield wasn't exactly a safe place to be.

In the meantime she picked up her job like it was second nature and Wanda happily fed Athena and Ryan Jr. She was glad to be relieved of the extra milk causing soreness while Maria milked herself and passed them off or fed them as well. I eventually showed up to her office and put it in privacy mode so the glass frosted over before taking Maria on her desk and even feeding from her breasts.

I left her thoroughly fucked and filled before telling her not to make me come to her again when she needed me or I'd take her in front of whoever watched. She nodded and cleaned me off before thanking me and asking how I knew. I shrugged. "Magic can do a lot. I simply let my senses wander and felt you. I should've done so sooner so I'd have not been so surprised by little Ryan."

I stuffed myself away and she apologized. I kissed her saying she had nothing to apologize for, but I'd keep my promise if she didn't come to me from then on. She pulled up her panties and winced saying she was going to need a tampon to hold it in. I passed her the purse she gestured to and told her about the Extremis and Super Soldier serum.

I told her only Fury had access to it before as Sword, but as of now I was going to give Shield full access to it as well. She relaxed and I cupped her now less heavy breasts saying the Extremis would make her physically immortal and the super soldier serum would make her more durable so I didn't have to worry so much. She smiled and watched me cup her breasts that were no longer leaking. She said she didn't have time for normal in her life so whatever she had that I wanted of her was mine.

I looked to her and grabbed her ass. She bit her lip before saying even that. I made sure to pour several more loads into both her holes before I left her sitting in her chair doing her makeup. She had to look the part so I left her to it telling her where and when the big meeting was.

I left through a portal with her panties she'd stuffed in my pocket saying they were ruined, but still a reminder of her. I swear I don't know what makes women think I want their underwear, but I didn't say anything because I'd rather not offend a woman who just swallowed about a pint of seed while trying to please me. Anyways, later that night all of the Avengers had gathered from Thor and Banner to Fury, Coulson and Maria.

Natasha was there with Wanda, Jessica, the Ancient One and I. Clint asked what it was all about and Pietro said he had places to be. I stopped them as I set a disk on the table, telling them as they saw a celestial wipe out a world with the power stone. "The world is in danger and it has been for a very long time."

I told them of celestials, how they were born, what their purpose was and what the Eternals and Deviants were. I tapped the round table we sat around and showed them videos and images. "Over a decade ago Lebeau satellites picked up proof of both Deviants and Eternals on earth. From there I contacted my teacher here, an ancient and powerful immortal sorcerer that leads the order known as the Masters of the Mystic Arts. For thousands of years her order has protected this planet from aliens beings that should honestly scare the piss out of even Banner here."

He huffed and I growled low. "So you will all listen and be respectful or you don't want to know what I'll do to each of you."

Tony held his tongue and the Ancient One spoke. "Seventeen years ago Ryan here contacted me about the discovery and I used the eye of Agamotto, a powerful artifact created by the first sorcerer supreme that led and created my order. It houses within it the ingot of time."

She opened it and revealed the time stone before telling it's role in protecting earth. She then went on to tell them. "I cannot see passed my impending death so I allowed Ryan here to use it's power and view hundreds of millions of futures in order to try and find a way for the earth and humanity to survive what is to come. In this viewing he came across a being known as Thanos, the Mad Titan and his quest for the infinity stones. In all the outcomes except one, the celestial born within two years wiped out all life on earth and leaves the planet dead, incapable of sustaining life."

They all flinched and she sighed. "My brightest student devised a plan around Thanos and the celestial's birth in order to halt the process for five years and buy the world another decade of time. Unfortunately I shall not live to see that day, so I shall not say more than this, it is the only home for humanity's survival so please do not blame him and reserve your judgement until the end."

She turned to me sighing. "Strange will be coming soon so I must take my leave."

I nodded. "Thank you, for everything. If you'd just let me-"

She shook her head. "My time is passed. I'm old and tired. Strange will become the next Sorcerer Supreme tasked with protecting this planet once I'm gone unless you-"

I scowled and she smiled. "Then Strange is the best choice."

She waved a hand and summoned a portal saying she made the right decision all those years ago. She left and I sighed while Tony told me to get on with the plan. I winced and told them Thanos's plan before speaking seriously. "His actions will wipe out half the world's population and slow or temporarily kill the celestial in the planet."

Banner growled. "You want to let a mad man kill half the world?"

I held up a hand barking. "I want to buy us some fucking time!"

He quieted as my eyes had gone red and I told them. "Thanos wipes out half the universe, it buys those that remain enough time to complete the terraforming ship, find a world, terraform it and move as many fucking people there as possible."

I tapped my necklace and all six stones revealed themselves, filling me with their power. "Then either Banner or I brings back those that were lost in Thanos's plan, buying us five more years to move humans off of earth before the celestial can be born."

I closed them and took off the necklace telling them. "Assuming we could kill the celestial before it's birth, those expecting it to be born will come and wage a war humanity won't survive even if we win it. It's a shit hand and it's the only plan in over seven hundred million scenarios that actually works. The celestial is born, humanity has another planet and the ability to start over on any world we want. Humanity can literally reach for the stars instead of dying a miserable extinction. If any of you have any better ideas, I'm all fucking ears!"

Natasha calmed me down and pulled me away as I saw only her. Thor asked where I got the stones and I sighed, telling them everything about them and why I sent Thor and Bruce to Sakaar. I grunted. "We need to know the consequences of their use. The being they come from is serious a Cosmic entity. I need more information if we're to save our people."

Tony asked. "And just abandon earth?"

I grunted. "Earth is just a rock Tony, humanity is what makes it a home world, not the place itself. The animals and everything will be transported to the new world once the terraforming process is done, from mosquitoes to whales, all of it can be brought over. The problem we're having is the lack of time. Lebeau industries has been working on this problem for nearly two decades now and while the plan is set, everything's working, we need you all on board."

I waved a hand. "As shit a hand as it is, it's all we've got and I've already died once already for it, prepared to lose a whole lot more than I did."

They all flinched and Fury said he'd get his people on identifying viable planets so we could cut the time necessary. I nodded. "Scan the earth. We need a planet with roughly the same core temperature and mass as well as size. It'll be difficult at first, but if you can find one in the Goldilocks zone we may be in luck. Remember, it can have life on it or it may have a celestial egg. We can make our own atmosphere and rapidly grow trees and plants as needed."

He nodded and asked. "What happens if we all die in the event?"

I shook my head and waved to Natasha. "Natasha won't die. The Ancient One made sure she couldn't die easily because of my own condition and what would've happened if I'd outlived her. The world would've been destroyed by Doomsday regardless."

They looked to Natasha and she sighed. "Don't worry boys, I'll keep things going and make sure it all goes down the way we want. Those of us that survive will work together for the next five years to get it done."

I grunted. "As for the evacuation, Lebeau industries is making a matter stream bridge through subspace."

Tony's eyes went wide and Banner grunted. "You're talking about a wormhole?"

I nodded and looked to Thor. "Jane Foster is heading up the research, but we've devised a device capable of mimicking the Bifrost of Thor's people with technology alone. Within six months initial testing will begin and within a year the devices will be ready for the evacuation. After that nanite technology and capsules will allow for a fast and easy evacuation of buildings, towns and cities. Teleporters will be available and set up immediately once the terraforming is done and the satellite shields and weapons will be moved. Humanity will endure this or we will damned well die trying."

Fury seemed relieved everything had been thought out before asking about food and water. I grunted. "Seed ships are being made with preserved modified crops. By the time the first evacuees get there the planet will be covered in forests, grass and crops. The seas will be filled with phytoplankton and all the animals will arrive after them. It will be a trying time and I'm counting on Shield and Sword to prepare the world for the next few years. Spread this knowledge to the governments and the plans. Just don't tip off the media or masses because if the Eternals find out they may attack to try and sabotage our plans in an effort for their Celestial to be born sooner."

They nodded and Maria asked about the children. I winced. "I've no idea how to prevent this and help them. I don't even know how the Ancient One did it for Natasha. She won't tell me and that probably means I won't like the answer. Prying secrets from a stubborn ten thousand year old woman is like pulling sand through steel, not impossible, but highly improbable and don't think I haven't tried. She can kick even my ass."

They looked impressed yet worried about the future. Banner asked to be sent back if only to help the slaves and hopefully get what we need. Thor said he'd try other contacts and connections. Bruce went back to Sakaar while Fury and Maria took the recording disks I offered to convince the world leaders to help keep their people calm when needed and working towards a common goal.

Thor left to do his own thing and I put my necklace back on. Tony did ask what happens if Banner and I both die in the snap. I grunted and told him. "Then someone dies bringing everyone back. No normal human is capable of wielding one stone, let alone all six. Banner and I have stronger bodies and can survive the backlash if however mutilated. It would render a normal human like yourself to ashes to hold one so you'd all have to come up with another way."

I turned to Vision. "Speaking of which, it's time you had the gem extracted and your mind entirely secured to your body. You can keep the stone until Thanos comes, but I don't want you dying for the Mad Titan or earth unless you have no other choice."

He nodded and left while I turned to Natasha and we went home. Wanda had learned all the magic she was going to and she was staying with Jessica in New York for now when she wasn't coming to the farm to live. Not everything was creampies and rainbows though. I had my own work I had to do including bringing Klaue bound and gagged to Wakanda, telling the border guards I wished to speak with their king and prince inside their city in exchange for their most hated criminal.

I told them to tell their king I was aware of how advanced Wakanda was and didn't give a damn about their technology or Vibranium. Eventually they brought me before their king and the council. I told King T'Chaka that Klaue was theirs in exchange for the audience. He nodded and said he knew who and what I was.

I smiled. "Then that makes things simple."

I held out a disk and asked if I may use it. He nodded and I tossed it down, activating the hologram recording of the meeting I'd been to. They watched it all and when it was over, one of them said it was a lie and I was after their Vibranium. I scoffed. "I don't give a damn about your Vibranium, your secret heart shaped herb or your people."

I turned to T'chaka. "My people seized the Vibranium Klaue had and with our technology we were able to synthesize more from raw materials of other metals. You can have all the Vibranium we took from Klaue as a show of good faith. What I'm here for is to ask that when the time comes you allow Wakanda to be the battleground to facing Thanos and his army. Away from your tribes and outside your shield of course, but with your people's help. I'm prepared to give you and your people the specs to our star ships so that you can build your own and evacuate your people when it's time."

He hesitated and I tossed T'Challa a capsule. He was familiar with the technology so I warned him. "Outside if you would. I'd rather not be crushed under a pile of Vibranium."

He left and came back saying I wasn't lying so the king looked to me more seriously. I sighed. "If it helps, my people have pulled the body of a celestial from the ocean that died over four billion years ago. They theorize it's the reason mutations and genetically different or modified humans are appearing and I'm not just talking about the Inhumans. I'm willing to give you and your own scientists access to prove my words."

I tapped my necklace and they saw the infinity stones as power flowed through me. My eyes glowed a rainbow as red was the core. "Or you can take my word as a being that could wipe you all out with a thought."

I tapped my necklace and grunted. "Sorry about that. My less than civil side still lingers even after the last death I went through when I use them. The power is unimaginable you understand."

The old king nodded wearily saying his people were willing to see the celestial. I flicked a card to T'Challa. "Good, send them to that address and show that your from Wakanda. They'll let you into the underground complex. Suffice it to say the dead celestial takes up a lot of real estate and keeping it from the public has been a hassle. Lord knows the army would want to make weapons or something and the thing is diseased so odds are things would go badly if that happened."

I turned to T'Chaka. "You should know your nephew may come for your head and your crown one day for your past sins. You were right though, N'Jobu was the one who helped Klaue get ahold of the Vibranium. If it continued Wakanda would've been at war with the world over such a precious resource at the time. Back then even I wouldn't have been able to synthesize it."

He asked wearily. "And the herb you know about?"

I shrugged. "The herb is a hallucinogenic compound that has traces of Vibranium and the blood of an alien creature in it. Whether that alien is your goddess like Thor or not, who can say. Just like no one can really understand if Thor is an actual god or if he took the role of the gods early Vikings worshipped. The hallucinogenic compound is able to enhance a human's capabilities if it bonds with them which likely suggests a psionic connection to the one you call Bastet."

I waved a hand. "I've no need for such things as my own labs are capable of making super soldier serum and the perfected Extremis compounds. Though if you bring the big ass chunk of Vibranium with you when your people evacuate, enough ground samples and the herbs, your people's traditions and way of life can be maintained. Again, I've no interest in such trivial things. I didn't want the power I do have, it's just something I need now to keep those I care about alive."

I turned to leave T'Chaka thanked me for everything. I nodded. "All I ask is that you and your people help. If we all survive you can thank me then. For now I just hope you and your people can keep this secret and help when it's time for war and evacuation. I ask nothing of you that I don't ask of myself and my people, for the survival of us all. I await your decision oh king of panthers."

I walked through a portal that snapped shut behind me and headed to see Hank Pym about rescuing his wife. It was hard to convince him to share his Pym particles even for a ship capable of entering and exiting the quantum realm safely. Even when he returned with his wife, he was reluctant to share the technology. I took the particles and told him it would help in a great many things, none of which was weapon related.

He asked how he could trust me and I grunted. "Kid, I'm nearly a century old and I'm retired. I couldn't give a rats ass whether you trust me or not. Lebeau industries isn't a weapons manufacturing company. Now our deal is done, you have your wife and I have what I came for. Go back on your word and you'll wish you'd stayed in the quantum realm."

He asked if I was threatening him and I shrugged. "Take it however your paranoid ass wants."

I left and dropped the sample off at the labs which found the Antman suit and the small man in it. He was put in a forcefield and warned not to unshrink or he'd be mush. The janitor tossed him outside and broke the forcefield before he un-shrank. He said it was stolen goods and I told him what I'd traded for it so in fact it wasn't.

I told him that if he tries to break into my company the alarms would go off and deep fry him in his suit, ending him with the power of a lightning bolt. He grimaced and left so I let my scientists work on the Pym particles. In the meantime I had another meeting to attend to, meeting Odin off the coast of Norway. I showed him the hologram and told him that if he was thinking of moving his people here he was in for a bad surprise.

He grunted and I sighed. "I have them you know, all six stones. If you want to use them to bring her back-"

He shook his head. "Friga is gone and soon I shall be as well."

I patted his shoulder. "Then take it from a man who reincarnates when he dies, death is just the beginning of a new adventure. It is only a temporary stopping point of the road of life. An eternal cycle that is always renewed. Someday in another life you will see her again and you'll just know, in the span of a moment that can last many lifetimes that it's her, even if you no longer remember who you yourself used to be."

He smiled. "And I'm supposed to be the all knowing one."

I chuckled before going silent with a sigh. I stood and told him. "Asgard is it's people, just like earth is and your people will endure as mine will. It may be on some distant world, but I swear to you that so long as even one of your people survives they'll be welcomed with my own."

He thanked me and I nodded before touching his head and showing him land of immortals, the gods there and what hope eternal springs from. I released his head and told him. "If we meet in the next life, you and all you love will be welcomed there with true immortality. Hope springs eternal so long is there is even the glimmer of life."

I walked through a portal and rested for the night with Natasha before heading to the moon to speak with the Inhumans of Attilan. I told Blackbolt, Medusa and the royals as well as their council that earth is aware of their history and of Hive as well as the Kree. I told them of Afterlife and the inhumans working to protect earth and those working to protect their rights before the prince and brother to the king said they should kill me.

I broke down laughing before apologizing. "Sorry, but that's the funniest thing I've heard in almost a century."

I wiped away a tear of laughter and told him. "Kid, even if you weren't just a human with no powers, the fact is that none of you can kill me for long. My own mutation makes it so that I will revive from a single drop of blood or skin cell and not only make me stronger, but immune to dying that way a second time."

I grew into my full fifteen foot height and the princeling nearly shit himself. I shrank back down and asked. "Now, where were we? Ah yes, the real reason for my visit."

I took out a disk and tossed it down. The big ass dog, Lockjaw, went for it and I moved, stopping the teleporting dog in it's tracks with a hand. The hologram kicked on and I scratched him behind the ear before taking out a red rubber ball and tossing it. The ball bounced around as he chased it while the hologram expanded and explained everything. Lockjaw caught the ball and brought it back to me.

I scratched his chin as he whimpered and rubbed his big head against me. I petted him and threw the ball a few more times before the hologram finished. Lockjaw came back and I threw a ball of bacon he ate while Blackbolt used sign language. I took out a communicator and tossed it to him.

I tapped my temple and he winced when he applied it. I told him to think and focus on what he wants to say and it will translate brainwaves into safe sound waves. He was surprised when it worked and asked. "What is it you expect of Attilan?"

I shrugged. "Nothing really. When earth is destroyed by the celestial about to be born, you'll all be left here. Your resources will eventually run out as your population grows and eventually you'll break into civil war and kill each other for the right to survive. Earth will be inhospitable and drained of resources when we leave and don't forget, half your people will be temporarily wiped out from Thanos for five years."

I tapped my chin. "The real question is, do you want to rejoin the people of earth or do you want me to leave you a ship so you and your people can find their own planet to survive on?"

Medusa asked. "Are the people of earth so welcoming?"

I shrugged. "My company is about to mass release a super serum that will give them all the peak strength human physiology allows. Add that to the fact that there's another serum that makes them heal so fast they're effectively immortal and adds to that strength, the real question is how many religious purists will reject the serums, enhanced individuals and inhumans as a whole. The simple answer is no one knows because there are always those that reject change simply because it's different or doesn't fit their beliefs."

I waved a hand. "I'm not a psychic and I may have seen the future a bit too much, but I was looking at the events to save the world, not at their opinions on the matter. Those afraid to accept change or refuse to go can stay and die like dumbasses. It's they're right just like it's yours to refuse anything and everything I've shown and am offering."

Lockjaw came to me and I scratched his drooling chin. I smiled. "You however can ride with me on my ship when I leave this solar system. I'll let you be my co captain, what do you say? Want to see the universe and join a semi-crazy space pirate for an adventure?"

He barked and looked back to the princess. I nodded slowly. "I see, already have a co-captain in crime. Damn, well, happy hunting my friend."

I fist bumped his paw and he teleported back to the princess's side. He sniffed her and pushed her while she blushed. I ignored it and Blackbolt asked how long they have now to decide. I tapped my chin. "Six years at most. One and several months before Thanos comes and five more before we're revived. Any time between now and then you can contact me via Lebeau industries or my wife and lovers if I'm temporarily dead by the snap. I'm not to sure if it can kill me, but I'm going off of the worst case scenario."

He nodded and I told him he could keep the cerebral vocal device and have his people replicate it if they can to help others afflicted by their change and unable to speak. He thanked me and I opened a portal before princess Crystalia asked if she and Lockjaw could come and see Afterlife and earth. I looked to Blackbolt and he nodded slowly so I tossed her a shell like device. "It's a personal shield. It's thought activated and senses danger to activate as well. I can't say all of humanity is safe, but most of them aren't assholes."

I put one on Lockjaw and told him not to jump my dog at home because it will scar my children for life. I widened the portal and told Blackbolt that regardless of what happens the serums will be offered to him for people as I still considered them humans of earth however far removed they are from the rest of the world. I warned him it wouldn't necessarily work on all inhumans, but those like his brother should gain great strength and semi-immortality.

I walked through with Chrystal as she asked to be called and Lockjaw. I warned her that she'd have to get diplomatic status as a princess if she expected special privileges and since Attilan was only known by a handful that was nearly impossible at the moment. She waved that off and I called Coulson, telling him of Chrystal and her status as well as her desire to meet other Inhumans from earth and see Afterlife.

He said he'd be here soon so I waited at the Avengers base. The Bus flew in and we got friendly with Coulson's team. I met the rest of the team including Fitz, Simmons, Trip and Melinda May. Daisy was excited to meet an inhuman princess since she basically was the princess of Afterlife.

Coulson asked if I was coming along and I said no only for Lockjaw to bite my hand and drag me onboard. I grunted as I got up. "I guess I'm along for the ride."