
Life is a miracle

Jiyoo is a 19 years old girl who just lost her long term high school Crush Yoo Joon. Yoo Joon was a clever student who studies with Ji yoo at the same Tutor class since middle school. And Ji yoo was really interest in him hence he was an introvert, unique, silent Character at the class. But she hesitate to confess her feelings and ultimately she lost him. However luckily she got a chance to study in a well known University in Seoul which is full of VIP students Including Celebrities. She was very happy to study there hence she wanted to quiet her hometown to forget Yoo Joon. She was very surprised by the new environment of the Curious university because she also a huge drama fan girl. However let's see who will she meet there and how her life flows through such a upside down circumstance.

Chan_blossom · Teen
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20 Chs

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"Aish... What are you still doing?" Lee raised his voice and came to me.

"Kaja ! "he hold my hand and drag me away from the class.

"Oh ....bye...Unni ! Let's meet tomorrow" Yujeong shouted and wave her hand.

Ahh...this idiot .........What is he doing?

We came out from the class. I take my hand away from him.

"Ya....don't chat with her too much" finally he awake his voice.

Mmm....Why is he avoiding my companionship with her ?

"Wae?" I asked curiously.

"Ahh.......then our lie will be reveal, So don't be too friendly with her." Again he warned me.

"Ooo....yes , that's the question! Why did you lie to her? I'm not your real cousin. So Why...??" I yelled at him.

"Huh....now I'm the bad guy who helped you. You have to thank me for that ,instead of scolding" he said with his usual sharp look.

"Ahh....I don't thanks you. You should thanks me first" I argue with him.

"For what ?" he roll his eyes. The only way I identify his reactions are his eyes, because he always covered his face with a mask.

"Awww.....now you can't even remind it. Hey....that day I didn't change my seat, because of your words .And I didn't have any reason to stop there. So now thanks me" I looked at him.

"Oh don't say lies, that day you said that you have a respiratory problem and you don't want to change your place with her. So now what?" He didn't give up.

"Aaaa.....that just a lie. I 'm almost healthy ,I don't have any respiratory doubt" I confessed.

"Okay that's it, lie to lie deal. So no thanks for anyone." He replied as a winner.

Woww what a cunning guy he is!!!!

"Ok... ok...That's great." I replied madly.

"Oh Lee!...." Someone shouted from behind. We turned back.

He is Lee's friend Yoomin.I remind that he was the guy with Lee yesterday. He came towards us." Awww..... you found a new friend for us .So what's your name Sis?" He looked at me and asked.

"Ahhh....She is not a friend, from now on she is my cousin" Lee answered Voluntarily.

"What ? I didn't get it." Yoomin smalls his eyes in a doubtful way.

"Hmm...I'll tell it later " Lee sighed .

However Yoomin seems friendlier than Lee. He is humble too. What a pleasent boy he is !!!!

Anyway now I should leave them. They are not much familiar with me, So it's uncomfortable to talk with them casually .

"Aaa...it's nice to meet you. But I'm little bit late. So I should go now." I smiles to Yoomin .

"Oh okay Sis ,see you next time" He waved his hand and said." Sure " I said with a bright face and leave them.

Lee and Yoomin

Lee: Wooah what's a surprise !!! She talks to you soo friendly.

Yoomin: Wae? She is so nice girl. So What's the surprise ??

Lee: Huh, She is nice!!! Oh my buddy don't make conclusions that easy.

Yoomin:Ahhh....I know the reason why she act harshly on you.(With a smile)

Lee:Oh really ? Why.....Why is that ?( staring at Yoomin With curious eyes )

Yoomin: Because you're too cold hearted ..... (didn't end the sentence )

Lee: Hey ya.....(Chased Yoomin )

* * * * *

"Hey Ji yoo.......get up girl ,get up" Fang li disturbed to my nap.

"Ahhh....Why are you shouting at early in the morning ??"I lazily raised up with messy hair. "OMG! It's not early ,it's 7.30 hurry up lazy girl" she smiles at me.

"Oh no....my class is at 8.30 " I jumped up from the bed ran to the barthroom. "Ok byee...I'm leaving now. Hurry up and don't be late" I heard Fangli's voice.

"Okkk...let's meet at the break" I shouted from the barthroom .

Actually I have a special ability than others .It is that ,I can ready for any occasion with in 30 minutes. I think the reason is 'No make up.'

So as I wish I be able to ready at 8 O' clock .After that I ran to the bus stop. Ohh...today is Saturday so there may be crowd. I waited for a bus soo long.

Oh please...please come quickly.If not I'll be late to my new lesson. I stared at the road.

After little while I saw a bus." Awww that's a relief" I muttered to myself happily .But my happiness fade away after knowing that , it is fully loaded.

Ooops....I can't see any space to enter there. So I let the bus to go.

Mmm...it's okay. I'll take a taxi, it's better than thrusting on a bus.So I turned back to cross the road.

Aigoo.... a large crowd is about to cross the road. I joined them too. Finally green light lighted up and we started to cross. But unfortunately someone pressed my left shoe. I tried to drag it away. As a result it get off from my foot and slipped far away.

Ahhh....What the hell is going on? Why all these troubles come on me ? I lean downward to take it. But it's too hard to find a shoe in such a crowd. Finally I pushed forward with the crowd and miss my shoe.

I looked at my bare foot. How can I go to the class like this? Even I don't have money to buy a new pair at this time. What will I do....

Finally I reveal that I didn't have any option. So I turned back and search for my missed shoe.

Oh no....I saw it at the middle of the main road. Anyhow I should take it. There are 10 seconds left to turn off green light. So I ran towards the road and picked my shoe. Ahh...I hurrily cross the road but green signal turn off soon.

"Hey ....girl are you crazy?" One of a truck driver stops his vehicle and warned me. Because of all these things now I was totally messed up. I looked at the phone, it's 9.30 .

Aish.... why my fate always struggle with me. I feel lonely, I haven't any one to ask for a help..... Ahhh .....it's okay finally I found my shoe. "Hey Mr.Shoe thanks for coming to me again" I smiles at the shoe and worn it.

After all I be able to took a taxi .

* * * * *

Finally I went , and ran towards the class. Ooo...I saw Miss Park leaving the class. It means she has finished her Whole lesson earlier.

Oh....now, how can I know it. I haven't any helpful friends here to ask. Even I can't ask for Miss Park, definitely she will punish me .

So...from Whom I ask a help? I stand next to the door without entering to the class with a blank mind.

Anyhow if I get the note, how can I solve my doubtful points without any explanation ??

So how....??

"Hey...." someone came out from the class and looked at me. It was Lee.

"Take this" he handed me something .And also he snatched the phone from my hand.

"Hey...What are you doing give it.....give it back..."I try to get it back. But my effort is useless .After taping something on it he return it to me. Then he leaves.

I looked at the handed stuff. It was today's note.

"Huh....what a weird guy he is?" I whispered .Anyway he is not cold as I thought. But why he snatched my phone?

"Ahhh....his behavior is too hard to understand " I stare at his way and sighed .

 Korean Vocabulary help ;

Kaja : Let's  go

Wae :Why 

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