
The rescue

I enter the town hall. The building looks like a mini castle made of brick and stone. I hear noises upstairs, the floor creaks.

(the mayors' office, I hope it's not him I'm going to save, I hate this guy ...)

I run up the stairs, not caring about the noise I make. I pick up where the noise comes from but the door is closed.

(For fuck sake !)

*Bam !*

I kick the door at the handle, thanking my Str boost once again. I then see something that I would have preferred to avoid ...

A woman is lying there, naked, in the middle of a group of goblins just as naked (although having only ridiculous loincloth is already not hiding much).

"- Giii ?" they all do seeing me suddenly.

My blood starts beating violently in my veins.

"- [Predator's Eye] ..."

I do not think about anything. I'm just rushing on these dirty little creatures. I enter a murderous madness. No one dies properly. I open the belly of one, crush the head of the other with my boot, decapitate the third, and slice completly verticaly the last. In my hurry I do not see that the blood spurts on the woman. When finally the last one dies and I stop hitting his body without life I see my carnage. The poor woman is covered with green blood but ...

(She is dead...)

I stand there in front of the first human body I see in my life. Suddenly I remember someone shouted and this woman ...

(... she died before I arrive! There is someone else here!)

I jump out of the room and activate [Sensitive nose]. I get a smell of goblin in the office down the hall, but it is different. I do not pay attention and go to the room in question, still covered with the blood of previous goblins. I smash the door open and am greeted by a punch. I receive it in the face.


-10 Hp


The damage window appears in my head as I take two steps back.

(170 Hp remaining ... but damn it hurt, I have 56 in Def !)

I do not bleed (thank you [Blood Manipulation]) and look who hit me :


Hobgoblin Raider (level 32)



(Hobgoblin? The evolution of the goblin? Fuck he is even stronger than Inukami ...)

The hobgoblin is the same size as the [Commander orc], 170cm more or less, he looks like a human teenager except he has green skin. He holds in his left hand a dangerous black dagger, like an obsidian dagger, and in his right hand some feminine clothes. I look away from him and see who they belong to. A young woman in her twenties, red-haired, who is curled up in a corner of the room, clinging to what little clothes she has left. She is as surprised as the hobgoblin by my entrance, although he hit me directly (a chance it was with a fist a not the dagger)...

I turn my attention back to him. He has a look full of resentment, obviously I interrupted his fun. He drops the clothes.

"Giii," he said with a voice much more serious than that of the goblins.

(He threatens me ... ah he puts himself in position, he wants to kill me ... nice, more experience and strong blood...)

I smile. The smile I have had for several hours now. A carnivorous smile.

"- [Predator's Eye] ..."

He does not even shake in front of me.

(He's mentally strong, that's another category compared to Goblins or Orcs, and he's sure of himself)

I have to be careful, I know it. But I feel excited ... I want to beat him. I want to bleed him. I want to consume him. My two weapons are ready, my machete in my left hand in front of me and my ax in the right back. I take a step and he take one too. He tries a blow with the dagger as I parry it with the machete and attack with the ax immediately behind. He avoids it with a side step and tries a move to push me away. I raise my knee to block (Thai boxing style), then in the same movement kick him back. He loses balance as well as 20 Hp.

(Decisively, every hit I'm doing really hurts, even at a level thirty elite. Weapon bonuses are great, I have to forge a new one !)

I feel invigorated by the blow I made and become more aggressive in my attacks. He begins to retreat more and more. Suddenly, after losing my machete because of a counter on his part, I manage to bypass his defense and inflicts a large scar on his chest with my ax.

"- GIIIIII !!!"

He steps back again, holding his chest with a lot of blood pouring out. I see on his status that I inflicted [bleeding] on him. I smile. But my smile fades when he grabs the young woman by the hair as she changes position in the room to avoid our fight. He lays his obsidian blade on her throat.

"- Gii! Gigi ah hog !

- I do not understand anything annoying green bastard ..." I say to his attention but I know that he would not understand either.

"- Lukas, please save me ..."

It's the redhead who just spoke, tears in his eyes. She doesn't dare to move so much that she has let go of her shreds of clothing, revealing her white skin.

(She knows my name. She has a pretty skin. How does she know my name. Completely white, like marble. We know each other ? She's has a nice figure with her green eyes and flaming red hair... I'm not thinking strait I think ...)

My mind runs at full speed, looking for a way to save her and if possible not to get killed in exchange.

I then decide to do what I advise against to all the series characters that I watch on the internet: I drop my weapons and raises my arms, I surrender for a girl. The hobgoblin indicates my weapons on the ground.

"- what do you want me to send it to you too? Damn an ​​intelligent monster ...

I push my weapons to him and then look at the redhead intensely ...

Immediately he releases her and throws himself on me. I feel the dagger enter my flesh. We both fall and see disturbing information appear in my head:


-100 Hp


You suffer the bad status [Internal bleeding]

loss of Hp: 5 /second


([Blood Manipulation] ! )


Status [Internal bleeding] dispelled


But despite the fact that I stopped the bleeding, the hobgoblin is still on me and waved the dagger in my wound, constantly inflicting damage.


I scream and then plant my teeth in his neck. He tries to free himself but I lock him in my arms. I feel his blood flowing in my throat and on my face. The more he moves, the more damage he inflicts on himself. He wants to scream but I grind his throat under my teeth. Suddenly I can feel him contracting. I look over him and see the redhead with my ax. She planted him in the back.

([Blood Manipulation], [Absorption]!)

The flow of blood from his throat then suddenly increases under the effect of my skill, I drink it and absorb it at the same time. He dries up in my arms.


You have defeated and fully absorbed an elite: [Hobgoblin Raider]


level up

3 unallocated stat points




Achievement !

You have absorbed enough goblin blood and that of an elite of this race to understand their language.

You inspire the fear of goblins who will see you as a predator now.

You win the goblin skill [Fecundity]


([Fecundity] now?! First [unlimited libido] with the orcs and now that ... why do the skills I find or win on monsters have a relation with sex ?!)



You have defeated the elite responsible for [looting] the village

the monsters under his command will flee the village


20 unallocated stat points


I finally let go of the hobgoblin's neck and push it away from me. He still has my ax planted on his back. The redhead remains there watching the scene: me intact, the hobgoblin dead and mummified, the ax, her hands with green blood on it...

"- You're still naked", I say bluntly.

It makes her come out of shock. She collapses to the ground, covering herself with her arms. I get up and noisily cracks my neck.

"- Aaaaaah it's soothing. Ah shit the dagger ..."

I had just noticed that I still had the dagger buried in my belly. I withdraw it unceremoniously and use [Blood Manipulation] to avoid emptying my blood on the ground.

"- You're okay ?"

The redhead looks at me. She seems both worried for me and a little shocked. It is certain that seeing the monster that was prepared to violate her being mummified on the spot by the guy whom he planted on the ground is not commonplace.

"- What ? This ?"

I say showing my wound who's not bleeding.

"- It's nothing disabling especially since I recovered my Hp thanks to him". I show her the desiccated body.

She looks by reflex where I point my finger but quickly looks away, disgusted.

"- So it was you who ... who did this to him?

- Yes."

I had no reason to lie. She saw what happened anyway. I suddenly hear noise on the stairs. Her too. By reflex I get my ax and put me in front of the door.

(oooh the white knight in shining armor...) I think to myself.

I see my kobold appear, showing his fangs. But as soon as he sees me he becomes the nice dog he is.

(Oops it's not a dog Lukas, remember, it's a kobold, a monster ... well with me it's more a dog walking on two legs and talking ... and who knows how to fight .. yeah no ok it's a monster cool with me that's all)

"- Blóðvölva! You are fine ! I would never have forgiven myself if something happened to you ! And Inuyasha and Inukami either ... and your kind family ..."

He lowers his head, ashamed. I scratch him and he seems happy. My mother then appears behind him.

"- I'm fine mom do not worry ..."

*Clack !*

(yes I expected that but it still hurt ...)

"- I told you to pay attention! What happened ?!"

I sigh.

"- Calm down, I met difficulties it's true. An elite was there and was about to rape ... the redhead there who seems terrified by Inuyama. Oh right !"

I turn to the cute redhead :

"- Don't worry ... uh ... do not be afraid he's nice and obeys me".

She comes back to her and looks at me.

"- you do not really remember me anymore, do you?

- Effectively.

*Clack !*

"- Mother, I would like that if it doesn't become a habit, please.

- You have no tact or communication skills, that's what I said !"

(yes, I know, I'm not good at this ! No need to ruin my image of a superhero who saves the girl, sacrifices himself but nothing in return ! ... well at the same time I mummified the other there and I probably destroy this image myself ... shit)

I blink my eyes several times and then just get my machete.

"- By the way, well done for attacking him while he was with me on the floor".

She looks at me surprised.

(damn she is not a quick one this girl)

Then she laughed:

"- Do not say that as if you were for nothing. You made it happen: you threw your weapons at my feet and held it to the ground ! You even looked at me to make me understand !

(I withdraw what I said, she is smart!)

My thoughts are obviously not visible on my face, I am bad to communicate but excellent to hide.

My mother raises the redhead and suddenly I see her face light up :

"- Ah ! You are the Duchatel's girl ! You're the deputy mayor right ?

"- Phew, thankfully you're better than your son to remember faces !"

(who the hell are the Duchatel ?!)

"- yes, look at him I bet that he wonders who the Duchatel are.

(Damn, my mother really knows me too well ...)

"- Effectively ! I grew up with you just to remind you! We've known each other since we were kids !"

I stay watching them there, still without recognizing the pretty redhead. My mother sighs:

"- you're incredible ... it's Marie Duchatel, we were neighbors with her family for several years! You were two years older when she was born and since then you spent your childhood together! You even took baths together!

(oh the redhead blushes ... pretty ... wait what?)

- Madam !

- Come on, come on, do not use that with me darling, I've changed your diapers and given you those famous baths. Call me Nathalie.

The redhead, Marie, is now a crimson color.

(It goes fine with her hair and her white skin ... but what happens to me ?! I've never been attracted like that! It's my nature? The fact that I'm a Blóðvölva? The blood I have absorbed and who influences me ?!)

"- He's thinking right now, let it be darling, come on, let's find you some clothes."

(Oh no, she's fine like that .. oh for shit sake Lukas ! Get it in your pants !)

"- Thank you Nathalie ...

- Do not go in the room in front of the stairs !" I warn them.

My mother does not ask questions but I see Marie looking at me with questioning eyes. I do not say anything more.

( Well in the mean time, [Status] ! )


Status Window


Name : Lukas Maîtres


Age: 22 | sexe : Male | level : 13 | Race : [half-monster]


Title : Blóðvölva (beginner level 3), Magus, Dominator


Hp: 123/180 | Mana: 236/295 | Stamina: 239/239


Strength (Str): 50 (+63) | Agility (Agi): 50 (+9)

Vitality (Vit): 28 (+10) | Dexterity (Dex): 38 (+8)

Intelligence (Int): 39 (+10) | Wisdom (Wis): 18 (+10)

Chance (Cha): 18 (+4) | Charisma (Chr) : 10

Defense (Def): 10 (+46) | Courage (Cou) : 0 (+35)

Unallocated point: 66


(well at least I gained a lot of points with all these green dwarves and the hobgoblin ... it's weird but directly swallow the blood of this elite monster and kill it like that ... it invigorated me much more than only when I kill and then absorb ... to verify that)

I place my points in Agi, Vit and Int essentially, twenty each and the last six in Cha. I immediately feel the bosst of Agi, feeling lighter, the other two does not really makes me feel something.

"- Well Inuyama, we're going back to the v ... what's that?

From the corner of my eye I see an object near the body of the hobgoblin. It's a bag like the [Commander Orc] bag, and inside it also finds a stone I can not identify.

(two elites, two stones ... well I imagine that there must be an explanation but very frankly I'm too lazy to look into it. Ah and the dagger too, she penetrated my clothes and the plastron easily, better identify it)

I get the dagger that still have my blood on it. It seems to glow with an unhealthy glow.

(Decidedly it really looks scary with those irregular and sharper than razors edges ...)


Black dagger, "Räskvir"

A strange dagger created by a madman in an unknown material

It name would mean "killer of kings" according to this madman

Its sharp edges make it hard to handle

damage: 75-95

+30 Dex

+50 Agi

bonus [half monster]:

+15 Dex

+30 Agi


level 25

Dex> 150


(This description ... it's the same as the halberd ! A series of weapons ? The stats are once more monstrous but the restriction of Dex and level ... I will have to go to a new dungeon or return to that of the career during the rest of my week of double experience ...)

I get what seems to be the dagger's sheath on the hobgoblin mummy and then go out to see my mother and the redhe... Marie (who is dressed) in front of the office door where is the body of the other woman and my carnage goblin. The two begin to tremble and Marie collapses, her legs can no longer support her.

(Shit I told them, and yet ...)

Even my mother seems deeply shocked, she had already seen my various carnages but they were only mummies, nothing bloody. There I had not absorbed them and there was a corpse of a woman.

"- Mom..."

No answers.

"- Mom !"

She reacts and looks at me.

"- Take Marie to the car with Inuyama. Right now."

I think my title [Dominator] certainly helps me because my mother reacts immediately and with the help of Inuyama they take her away.

(I feel a little bad to order my mother like that after she's seen this but ... staying here will not bring anything good, we need to get water and food. The elite eliminated, the goblins should pose no more problems in the village ... I hope not to have worse than them after that)

I'm going to the room where the woman's body and the corpses of goblins I left are. I see the carnage.

(There's nightmarish enough ... I understand the reaction of mom and Marie ... so why it reaches me so little ? Is it because I do not know this woman or because I do not have empathy other than for my family, or ... because I'm not human anymore, well ... it's useless to look for answers that I do not even want and that I do not care about anymore. At least let's recovered some stats points ...)

And I began to absorb the green blood of these filthy little rapist dwarves. Once done, I look at the woman.

(... No ! No no no Lukas, do not think about her blood)

I slap my cheeks and leave the building...

New character unlock ! [Marie Duchatel] the cute redhead and childhood friend ! Will the perverted blood takes control of Lukas ?

Miaksoucreators' thoughts