
Life in the Pokemon World

Would you be happy if you received a system? But how about a system you couldn't use? Ed who has a system but it doesn't have any use aside for sign in was living a normal life forgetting about isekai fantasy. Nearing the end of his college life as he has only one year left. But God has other plans and with the wishing pokemon, Jirachi, instead of graduating in college the one he graduated to was his life in his past world. Now reincarnating in the pokemon world and taking challenges along the way and learning the mystery of the new world he was in. _-_-_-_ Hello, This novel was my rewrite of the first novel I wrote, well maybe when I was in my senior years, 2016, turning it into my diary with my pokemon fantasy I was hoping maybe if I wrote a fanfic of my favorite show maybe I will be Isekai'd to it. I wrote this fanfic when the newest game was sun and moon, also the last pokemon game I got to play. Now with new regions and series such as Galar and Paldea I'm trying to integrate it with the story so the rewrite. Well I'm sorry but I'm not a writer I'm just doing it for myself.

Leery · Fantasy
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35 Chs

Chapter 12

Gaining new friends the group happily return to where Luvia and their guards were but what they forgot, no Wallace forgot the scariest obstacle in their return. 

When they returned the group got an earful of complaints from Luvia. Wallace who has been with his sister for a long time was immune as he disregarded Luvia's scolding which gained him a strong pull on his ear. 

'The beautiful big sister is so scary' 

Don't know said that but Ed heard it or maybe not. 

After being scolded by Luvia they asked Luvia to guide them to the pokemon center. So with her lead the group walk towards the pokemon center with the guards following. 

They asked Nurse Joy to check the pokemons. Different from the game and anime Nurse Joy is not alone working in a pokemon center as there are also pokemon doctors and other nurses attending for the pokemon. Nurse Joy was the manager in the pokemon center and also the clerk. After all the Joy family was the one that most pokemon center and hospital in this world and also the director on alliance health department.

Few minutes later, Nurse Joy said that the pokemon were so weak due to being malnourished and didn't have enough food to eat. 

Hearing this Wallace, Steven, and Winona immediately buy pokemon food and feed them to the pokemon. The pokemon of course happily indulge themselves. 

Nurse Joy also gives us prescriptions and things to do for the pokemon. Such as feeding the pokemon with nutritious food also she gave specific instructions such as giving Spheal a nevermelt ice to maintain its temperature. Luckily it was autumn and the winter is nearing if it was summer it was impossible for Spheal to leave the water. 

The question is how did Spheal get here where it's surrounded with mountains. When Ralts asked Spheal but didn't know the answer which made Ed and Ralts helpless. 

Wallace on the other hand was speaking gibberish like it was destined and that fate brought them together. Spheal doesn't know but thinks it's cool that its little eyes sparkled. 

While they are waiting for the pokemon to finish eating. The pokemon center had a flock of people. This confused Ed so he looked at Luvia and she explained knowing Ed's question. 

"The battle for the top 32 of the tournament has concluded and there were few people a while ago because most trainers were watching the matches. But now the tournament is on break, trainers went to the pokemon center to heal and check their pokemon." 

"Tournament? Can we watch?" Ed shined as he also wants to see a pokemon battle live and want to differentiate it with the contest battle. 

"Well, we could" She agreed and with that the group bought tickets for the matches. 

The group watches Ed, someone he knows participating in the tournament. It was Norman and his opponent is a girl younger than Norman. He thought that Norman has the victory on his pocket but when he heard the name of the girl and add it with her full set of purple clothes this was problematic for Norman. 

His Rival was Fantina and if he was correct then she specialized in Ghost type pokemon which is counter for Normal type specialists such as Norman but it was also vice versa. 

As Ed has expected the first pokemon she called out was Dusclops while Norman called out Furret


Type: Ghost

Level: 35 

Gender: Female

Aptitude: Gold I

Ability: Pressure


Status: Disable, Confuse Ray, Will-o-wisp, Curse, Destiny Bond,Taunt

Attack: Shadow Punch(E), Astonish, Bind, Thunder{Ice} Punch, Pursuit, Shadow Sneak

SpAttack: Dark Pulse, NightShade, Shadow ball


Type: Normal

Level: 37

Gender: Male

Aptitude: Silver III

Ability: Keen Eye


Status: Foresight(E), Defense Curl, Helping Hand, Rest, Protect

Attack: Quick Attack, Furry Swipe, Sucker Punch, Iron Tail, 

SpAttack: Thunderbolt, Shadow Ball, Flamethrower, Solarbeam, Water Pulse, Swift

*(E)- The pokemon is expert on this move

3,2,1 Battle Start

"Furret Foresight!" 

"Dusc Taunt" 

The two ordered at the same time but due to Furret Speed before Dusclops could taunt Furret, Furret's Foresight already hit Dusclops. Seeing this Fantina's face furrow as she could only instruct Dusclops for his next move. 

"Dusclop, Will-o-wisp!" 

"Furret, dodge it with quick attack" 

Blue eerie flames showed up around Dusclops as she willed the flames attacking Furret. The flames were fastly moving towards Furret but Furret boosted with energy sped up skillfully dodge the flames and finally tackling Dusclops with Quick Attack. 

"Dusclop!! Now a thunder punch!" 


Electric energy clashed as Dusclops was electrocuted but continued its punch hitting Furret. This clash paralyzed the two pokemon at the same time. But the two Pokemon still raring to go. 

"Dark Pulse" 

"Water Pulse" 

Again the two pokemons' moves clashed. Seeing the situation, Ed knows that Fantina was in trouble if they'll just battle in long range. Fantina knew it too and she has two choices: one is to continue to battle and the other is to switch pokemon. 

"Dusclops return" Fantina calls back Dusclops. As she called out Gengar, when Gengar showed up it mischievously laughed. 


Type: Ghost/Poison

Level: 37

Gender: Female

Aptitude: Gold I

Ability: Cursed Body


Status: Hypnosis, Mean Look, Spite, Will-o-wisp, Confuse Ray, Hypnosis(M), Curse

Attack: Ice Punch, Shadow Punch, Payback, Sucker Punch, 

SpAttack: Shadow Ball, Dream Eater, Sludge Bomb, Psychic

*(M)- the pokemon mastered this move and has faster casting speed and stronger effect. 

"Mean Look!" Fantina ordered Gengar and red eyes shone as she looked at Furret. 

"Gengar Ice punch!" Gengar agilely float in the air and when she heard her owners instruction she disappeared and reappeared behind Furret as her fist condensed with ice energy and she threw her fist towards Furret. 

"Furret, sucker punch!" Norman ordered

Even paralyzed Furret turned its body and also punched Gengar. Pokemon hitted each other Furret was knocked back the same for Gengar. But Gengar stand up again but Furret is unable to battle. 

"Furret is unable to battle, Green team please take out your next pokemon." 

Norman returned Furret to its pokeball and called out Noctowl. 


Type: Normal/Flying

Level: 40 

Gender: Female

Aptitude: Gold II

Ability: Insomnia


Status: Foresight, Psycho Shift, Roost, Hypnosis, Supersonic, Mirror Move

Attack: Sky Attack, Feint Attack, Wing Attack, Aerial Ace, Steel Wing, Zen Headbutt 

SpAttack: Confusion, Echoed Voice, Extrasensory, Psychic, Shadow Ball, Air Slash

"Battle resume!" 

"Noctowl! Zen Headbutt! Hit Gengar head on" 

"Gengar Hypnosis" 

Gengar induced a sleep wave towards Noctowl who was charging towards it with Psychic energy. Fantina planned to use her combo but she didn't know that Noctowl has an Insomnia ability. 

Her plan failed as Noctowl was nearing Gengar. Frustrated she change her instruction. 

"Gengar Ice Punch!" 

Gengar faced Noctowl with his fist and the two pokemon collided in mid air. Luckily her gamble work as Noctowl was Frozen and plunging to the ground. 


Noctowl eyes shone as the ice casing her was gone and transferred to Gengar and the one falling in cased with ice was changed to Gengar. 

"Noctowl Hypnosis" Noctowl stare at Gengar as her Eyes turned red. When Gengar fall and the ice that frozing him broke but Gengar is now on the Sleeping status. 

"Dream Eater" Norman commanded 

This scene shocked Fantina as it was her combo that won her until top 32, but now it was used against her. 

After a few hits from Noctowl, Gengar was out of cold. Next she called out her Mismagius, her starter pokemon. 


Type: Ghost

Level: 44

Aptitude: Gold III

Ability: Levitate


Status: Confuse Ray, Mean Look, Pain Split, Hypnosis, Double Team, Will-o-wisp 

Attack: Astonish, Phantom Force, Payback

SpAttack : Confusion, Shadow Ball, Magical Leaf, Mystical Fire, Hex, Thunderbolt, Power Gem, Energy Ball, Dream Eater, 

The two pokemon clashed but combined Power Gem and Thunderbolt of Mismagius and the tricky Phantom Force, Double Team, and Shadow Sneak to evade. Troubled Noctowl and finally defeating the owl. 

The last pokemon Norman called out was Slaking. That with one Shadow claw of Slaking knocked Mismagius out. Taking Norman to the top 16. 


Type: Normal

Level: 49

Gender: Male

Aptitude: Platinum I

Ability: Truant


Status: Bulk Up, Yawn, Slack off 

Attack: Fling, Punishment, Hammer Arm, Shadow Claw, {Thunder, Fire, Ice} Punch, Stomping Tantrum, Play Rough, Smack Down, Brick Break, Fury Swipe, Reversal, Chip Away

SpAttack: Water Pulse, Hyper Beam, Flamethrower, Solarbeam, Focus Blast, Snore

After the battle of Norman and Fantina other battle were is also exciting such as Raymond and his rival Yuki, Prima and Benny. Until the battle for top 16 is finished and the tournament will continue tomorrow for the top 8. 

Ed had an idea of visiting Norman so he told the group and the other agreed. With of course Luvia as the guide or else they'll be lost. Moments later they finally found Norman but he was surrounded by people in black like the bodyguard they have and the one leading them is a boy who was the same age as Luvia but younger.

"Excuse me, hello big brother Norman, are you busy?" Ed asked Norman as he look at the teen as he saw that the teen was watching them with contempt.

'Who's this big head?' 

"Tch annoying brats, now you Norman aren't you honored that I, Ghillis from the Jiling Family, want to buy your Noctowl."

"I'm sorry I'm not selling my pokemon" Norman strongly decline 

"Hah? I won't repeat myself for the third times, sell your pokemon or else don't even think you could continue participating in this silly tournament." Ghillis threaten 

'Uhhh… Am I really in a novel story right? How come there people like him who is arrogant, idiot, and only using his background. If I was really reincarnated in a poor family I would think I will be one of those characters struggling but stepping a brat like him as my strength increases.'

'Sigh a typical arrogant young master' 

"Well you are telling me that we are the annoying brat but aren't you the real annoying brat here?" Wallace said as Ed couldn't help but secretly give a thumbs up. But this anger Ghillis as he glared at Wallace and want to say something but Steven add more fuel to the fire. 

"Why are you so proud and look down because you're from Jiling? Are they the creator and controller of Alliance?"

"Hah? So what I could just order to destroy you brats and your family! Now Norman I will ask you one last time, sell your Noctowl or else I could just take it away!" Ghillis asked Norman in a threatening tone but stopped when he saw Ralts

'What good for my collection!' 

"Hey you kid, sell me your Ralts, no give me your Ralts as an apology for your groups atrociousness against me." 

Ghillis word snapped something from Ed as he glared at Ghillis. 

"Jiling family huh? A family from Kalos?" 

"Oh you know something for a brat" Ghillis hearing that someone know his family is little happy

" So you should be hono-" Before Ghillis could continue Ed said a word that shocked him and everyone around. 

"Aren't you a little arrogant? Just for a measly Jiling family, the patriarch of Jiling is even need to kneel in front of me" 

"What gibberish are you talking about" Ghillis was furious when someone was looking down on him. 

"I said kneel!" Ed ordered as aura and psychic energy gushed out 

"You dare!" Ghillis want to punch Ed but before he could move his body felt heavy and he can't move his body. Not only him but everyone couldn't move except for Ed as he walk towards Ghillis.

"Jiling family huh?" Ed smirked 

Then a man showed up as walking towards them he was searching for Ghillis.

"Ghillis, my son here you are I've been searching for you" Then the man saw Ed and was familiar with Ed. He immediately bow down to Ed, Ed now finally remember that this man was one of the many friends of a noble man that offended Argus and they saw Argus beating all the trainers of that noble family and even their guardian pokemon was now half dead.

*Most guardian pokemon are master rank and above

"Oh young master Ed, how are you?" Afraid to offend the boy, when they search the background of Argus they found out that his in-laws are high ranking members of the alliance, the couple are one of the elders being one of the Grandmaster rank trainers in the alliance. So offending Ed is also offending 2 master rank trainers and 2 grandmaster rank trainers. 

"You're the father of this bastard?" Ed asked which made Ghuel's heart cold as his bastard son offended another person with a strong background again. He already scolded his son to change his attitude and he also taught his son manners and ethics. 

But his wife who was a descendant of a noble even though her family has now fallen has more influence on her son than him and his teaching. He doesn't understand why his wife won't change her attitude when her family was beaten close to eradication from a person they look down to. Now his son is also following the footsteps of his in-laws.

'Again with a psychic!?' He cursed silently as the first person his son offended was the granddaughter of a high noble in Unova and in their manor to boot. She was Caitlin and like the boy she also had psychic abilities. 

"I'm sorry if my son offended you and your friend. I apologize for my son's manner." Ghuel bow down to apologize not only for Ed but also the others. 

Ed with his psychic power spiking up could sense Ghuel's emotion on his helpless emotion seeing his son, genuine surprise and genuine apology made Ed calm down. Unconsciously deactivating his Psychic power. 

Ghuel was shocked that Ed didn't have any backlash from his release. 

'What a monster!' 

Ed looks at Norman, Ghuel also looks at Norman and the other adults following Ed. Unlike his son, wife, and in-laws Ghuel has an admiration for trainers who don't have any backers supporting them. 

Norman is also one of the people he admired. His family could continue standing due to his vision that everyone is equal and to survive you need to be wary and treat others equally but not as equal to your close one.

"Please teach your son" Norman said tired as he came from the conference battle to this scenario.

After saying that he left and the children followed him. 


"Father, why did you do that?" Ghillis asked angrily

"Why? I'm damn saving you and our family!" Ghuel roared at his son 

"Don't you know that your mother's family has fallen because of the parents of that kid? Do you what you uncles do? Just like what you did brat! Now tell me, did you see your uncle this year?" 

"No" Ghillis answered as he doesn't know what his father getting at.

"Now he was working as a small worker like Norman who you look down to! Because one of your other Uncle has the same attitude like you!" 

"Impossible! Uncle John is so great that no one could beat him!" 

"Just accept the fact! I thought your mother told you about your uncle's situation." Ghuel said as he knew that his son always following his uncle John and he let it be as John is a good in-law, friend, and family. Its just all his hardwork destroyed as his four brothers did some illegal actions and offended the strongest powerhouse in Kalos.

"No, mother never talk about uncle" 


Hearing Ghillis reply Ghuel remembered how his wife treat her brother who was always supporting and spoiling her, no not just her but her whole family. Its like their downfall was due to him. 

"Funny the one that helping them survive was the one they look down to while the one who caused their downfall didn't get even a single contempt. They're crazy." Ghueles suddenly felt that Ghillis hearing this stared at his father.

After this event Ghuel will meet with John and he explained the situation to John. That night John confronted his family and they crazily wanted John to stop working for the alliance or be kicked out but when John explained about his work he saw the craziness of his family for the first time. They even curse their Guardian and him as useless trash. 

Now they are planning on selling their guardian pokemon to the underground team in Kalos. This causes him and their guardian pokemon disbelief. With this John took their guardian pokemon and cut ties with his crazy family. 

Because of that Ghuel and his wife had a huge fight that they went to their separate ways. Ghillis followed his mother back home to Kalos not knowing the hardship he will experience with the crazy family.