
Life in the Pokemon World

Would you be happy if you received a system? But how about a system you couldn't use? Ed who has a system but it doesn't have any use aside for sign in was living a normal life forgetting about isekai fantasy. Nearing the end of his college life as he has only one year left. But God has other plans and with the wishing pokemon, Jirachi, instead of graduating in college the one he graduated to was his life in his past world. Now reincarnating in the pokemon world and taking challenges along the way and learning the mystery of the new world he was in. _-_-_-_ Hello, This novel was my rewrite of the first novel I wrote, well maybe when I was in my senior years, 2016, turning it into my diary with my pokemon fantasy I was hoping maybe if I wrote a fanfic of my favorite show maybe I will be Isekai'd to it. I wrote this fanfic when the newest game was sun and moon, also the last pokemon game I got to play. Now with new regions and series such as Galar and Paldea I'm trying to integrate it with the story so the rewrite. Well I'm sorry but I'm not a writer I'm just doing it for myself.

Leery · Fantasy
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38 Chs

Chapter 04

With the help of the adults and Grandma Talya's pokemon Ed and his pokemons are finally able to return home. Seeing the house Ed couldn't help but feel his shut-off part of his past wanting to immediately go inside and shut himself off but that instinct immediately evaporated when he saw his grandparents in this life waiting for him. 

It was new to him as in the past as no one in his family will wait for someone including him except if they need something from the person. He only saw this in movies and other families but this time he could finally feel it. He always longs for the word called home and this time he could sense it. 

With his fusion of the young Ed's soul and memory he was happy as this life was like a gift of God to him. Unlike his little feelings for his family in his past life, most of it is just to repay them which was something taught to him by his own family. 

Like how his parents argue with his grandparents that they already repaid something which I don't remember what but most of it is that if the family don't have money the home will be like chaos. 

"I'm home grandma" Ed smiled as he greeted grandma Talya. Hiding his emotion but as always his partner Ralts sensed his emotions again but this time it just disregard it not doing actions that could embarrassed his trainer.

"Where did the four of you went?" asked Grandpa Yun

"We went to a garden full of flowers" Sol replied and the three brats also cried bouncing as they were trying to explain their wonderful experience. 



The two pokemon surround Grandma Talya as they happily explain their adventure. Ralts the big brother could only shake his head. 

"What are jumping for joy for!? Don't you know that going far from the house is dangerous, and you also went to a place full of wild Pokemons!" Grandma yelled even though most of the pokemon near cities are mostly docile some pokemons tend to attack humans and other pokemons.

"Now, now, calm down, at least the kids are safe." Grandpa said as he soothed Grandma as it wasn't bad to let his grandson have fun after all his grandson always stays at home except if his friend or Cynthia took him out. 

"You know how worried we are?" Grandma Talya asked Ed and the little pokemon. 

"I know, I'm sorry" Ed dropped his head. He didn't know what to reply but apologize. 

"You can wander around the town but you better ask for permission first" Grandpa beside Grandma patted Ed's head as he adviced Ed as he led everyone to the living room. 

"Thank you for taking care of our grandson" Grandma thanked the trio 

"It's not a problem, ma'am, but I think your pokemons already covered it." Norman scratched his head. As he saw Shiftry on top of the house. 

"Still, thank you, also congratulations to both of you. You've grown well Norman and also the two of you. Well, both of you are in the relationship for a long time now and it's better to seal up your relationship with marriage." Grandma Talya joked

"Right ma'am we want to invite both of you to the seminar at Slateport City next week." Norman invited the two elders which gained Sol's interest and spectate the conversation that will happen

"What for?" Grandma asked

"The alliance invite members of each region association to the seminar to implementation of pokedex and also they really want to invite both of you as both of you are the one that help retrieve the remains of a Rayquaza" Norman explained of the past event when they need the strength of both elders and also the new trend of using pokedex as a new identification for trainers and civilians under the association.

"If it's about pokedex why not just hold it on Kanto as the guy named Oak was the one who invented it" Grandpa asked

"Well I did not know about the inside information about why they held the seminar here at Hoenn but they especially want to invite both of you because of the relic of Rayquaza." Norman said and hearing about Rayquaza Grandma Talya was curious about something.

"What's the connection we have with that relic?" Grandpa Yun asked

"That I don't know sir" Birch answered as the alliance just ordered them to invite the two. 

"I want to ask about something pertaining the relic of a Rayquaza" Grandma inquire

"What is it ma'am?" Birch replied as he was having cold sweats when he saw the serious face of the elder.

"Do the draconids have any reaction towards the remains and the start of experimentation of the remains?" Grandma asked

"About that, the Hoenn association is prepared if the Draconids have any idea on opposing the research but when the association gives the news to them they easily accept it and prepare to help the research. Also the other two clans also want to be part of the research" Birch narrates the situation regarding the top tribes in Hoenn.

"That's weird but it also help me confirm my suspicion about the Draconids" Grandma mutters as she holds her chin. 

"Suspicion?" Norman asked as he was intrigued about the tribal clan and nobles in hoenn. 

"That their guardian deity, Rayquaza, has stopped helping and answering them and they want to find alternatives" Grandma sighs as she didn't like the three tribes and the three tribes that she was helping before backstab her by hurting her youngest son.

"Like cloning or resurrection!" Ed, who was listening to their conversation, quipped as he remembered the work of every evil organisation who wanted to catch, control, or clone pokemons most of it was legendaries. And hearing legendary pokemon increases his curiosity. Who doesn't want to know about legendary pokemon. 

When everyone heard Ed they were shocked on why Ed thought about those things. After all there are no methods on cloning pokemon. But what if the kid was right? These thoughts make the adults raise their guards up. 

"Ed, I think it's time for your dinner. How about you follow grandpa to eat dinner? We have Cleffa to be our guest." 

 Hearing the word "dinner" the four brat ran towards the dining room with Ed taking the 2 day old Cleffa to his arms and carrying it. Ralts silently followed them as Grandpa Yun smiled at his action. 

The adults continued their conversation for a moment but because of what Ed said they couldn't focus on their conversation. So grandma Talya invites the trio to dinner which the trio accepts. They had a merry dinner where they forgot about the troubles that may brew in the future. They tease Norman and Caroline about when they will marry and such.

Ed on the other hand, who was busy feeding the Baby Cleffa with the moo-moo milk he got in the system exchanging the milk supposed to be given to Cleffa. Ed got a notification from the system or should we say that he only got to read the notification of the system. 

[ Mission Complete] 

[Reward: Upgrade( The system will initiate upgrade when the host permits it) and User Profile] 

Ed first investigates the Profile before he upgrades the system. 

{Sarhed Xavier} 

{ Race: Human

{ Ability: (???)(Genetic Ability), Inventory }

{ Pokemon: 1 ( Ralts)} 

Reading his profile Ed was shocked as he couldn't believe that the blessings he got could have affinity benefits. But Celebi's healing wasn't a blessing so the affinity or should I say a cheat that makes you closer to a certain type of pokemon and could also enhance their power if you command them. That is what Ed learned from the books he read before.

"Clefi~" Cleffa returned Ed to reality as he wiped Cleffa's face and took care of Cleffa, afraid that he would hurt the pokemon. 

After having finished dinner Norman and the others bade their goodbyes and the four brats hurriedly with Clefa went upstairs to their room. 

When they are inside the room the pokemons immediately hoard on the sofa.

"Okay then let's watch television together" Ed smiled as he suggest watching tv

Eii~ The four growl in agreement. Ralts who always play as a cool and calm big brother become excited when it comes to watching television. 

Ed turned on the television so that they could watch poke cartoons but as he turned it on, the television showed a stream about Pokemon battles. 

On the screen he saw Claydol battling a Milotic. They can hear the voice of the commenter as the two pokemon clashed.

*Milotic is using a recover move oh Claydol used healed block* 

*Milotic is in chaos and Claydol still continues in his advance with Rapid Spin and it hits Milotic. Oh the Claydol followed up with a Hyper beam * 

*A direct hit!!!* Milotic flew out and hit the arena wall.

*Milotic lost as it was knocked out from the battle and Jane Stones wins the match!* 

"Stone? Wait Stone? like the Stones from Devon corporation? Is she Steven's relative?" 

He brainstormed about Steven's father as he remembered, the president of the Devon corporation is not a battler. He didn't remember Steven having relatives. While Sol was recollecting the information about the hoenn arc in anime, games, and manga. He felt something tugging his clothes.

"Eh, what is it Cleffa?" Ed saw Cleffa's crestfallen and pleading face.


Ed remembered that they were planning to watch a Pokemon cartoon which is Clefa's favourite as the main character is a Clefairy. 

He turned his attention to the other three and saw that except for Budew who is still trance from the pokemon battle, Ralts and Azurill gave Ed a death gaze.

"Oh I'm sorry guys" Ed switched the channel, fortunately the cartoon is still in its early duration. He couldn't help but be despondent for not having a phone as if he could have taken a picture of the cute faces of his pokemon. He remembered that Birch has a camera so he was thinking if he could ask where to buy one. 

Ed joined his little friends on watching the show and laughed with them. Idiotic it may be but watching comedic cartoons is still the best like how Ed always rewatches Tom and Jerry in his past life.

Ed didn't know what time it was but they already watched two shows and what followed were boring shows for adults that made the pokemons beside him fall asleep. Bored as the show was a drama and others were adult shows. He wanted to watch but having a supervisor, Ralts, is really a problem not because Ralts knew about this stuff, it was just he couldn't corrupt his good partner here. He turned his attention to the system as he initiated the upgrade of the system. 

[Upgrading….1% (Duration: 1 week - 10 days)] 

[System won't function except for the storage while upgrading] 

[Item Prohibition removed]

'No sign in anymore?' Ed asked but the system didn't answer.

Curious Ed opened his inventory and wanted to try to take other items. He tried to take one pokeball and miraculously he took out the pokeball. He was elated as he could finally take out items.

First he searched for the bag that he got from the user items. He took out the bound bag for him. He didn't know what the bag was but when he touched it he got an instinct to take all items he had in the storage and put it in this bag. When he took it out it was just like his small sling bag on earth . He couldn't help but think it was better if it was his bag that looked like a pokemon bag for trainers. Then suddenly the bag changed into a backpack he had in the past. Ed was amazed and turned the bag into a sling bag. With this he organized the items he think he would transfer such as berries and other food. He also transfer some pokeballs.

After organizing and transferring items to the bag Sol got sleepy so before he slept he turned off the television and lights. He didn't know but the sling bag he put on the table shone. 

 While he was sleeping there was a creature watching them outside. A Wurmple watched as the four brat inside the room had fallen asleep before opening the window and sleeping beside Sol.

The next morning, before Ed got up off the bed he habitually signed in. But what he saw was the updating window of the system. It was weird as it was his daily routine. 

As he was about to get up, Ed felt weird as if someone was sleeping in his chest.

'That's weird the pokemons don't like sleeping in my chest especially Ralts as it was afraid to hurt me' 

Ed rose and he felt that the one in his chest was smaller than his other pokemon but was as heavy. He turns his attention to his chest, what he saw was a Wurmple

'Wurmple? But it was so heavy!' 

 Wurmple opened its eyes


"Ah hello there Wurmple how did you get inside our room?"


"Can you get off of me?" 

The noise and movements of Sol and Wurmple woke up Ralts and the others. Ralts stares at Wurmple while the other pokemon come closer while Cleffa immediately starts circling around Wurmple. 

It's okay as the pokemons were cute but being one being stepped on even though they were light it made me annoyed a little but thankfully Ralts immediately controlled the situation and used telekinesis to stop the pokemon by floating the pokemon. 

Azu? (Who are you?)

Ed is also confused on how Wurmple came inside their rooms


Wurmple showed a flower which came from the flower field that the four of them visited.

"You're saying that you came from the flower field where Beautifly stays?"

Werm~ Wurmple nod to Sol's word

"Oh…" Ed and the others stared at Wurmple

"Why did you follow us?" Ed asked

Wurmple tilted its head in confusion as it didn't understand Ed very much. But before Ed could ask further he could hear a stomach growling and knew that it wasn't his but it could be heard near his stomach which means it was Wurmple. 

Immediately he got an idea to catch Wurmple so he searched for the bag but he couldn't find it which made him anxious but moments later the bag showed up in front of him. Amazed he commanded it to turn invisible and it turned invisible he couldn't help but had a huge grin. But a growling stomach immediately took his attention and this time it wasn't from Wurmple but his.

Ed smiled as he carried Wurmple


'Cleffa is bigger than him but he was heavy' 

Cleffa then cried as it also wanted to be carried. So Ed could only take Cleffa luckily the pokemon was light as a cotton pillow. 

Luckily Ralts used telekinesis on Wurmple to take the heavier brat on me. Azurill led them to the kitchen. 

*Azurill bouncing is so cute*

When they got down they saw Grandpa sitting on a sofa reading the newspaper again. Ed saw the headline about a cruise ship sinking near Slateport city. 

"Good morning grandpa, is there a ship that sank?" 

"Good morning little ones, yes but luckily there are no casualties well there are missing pokemons but they couldn't find the ship like it vanished in thin air" Grandpa eerily narrated and added some horror hoping to scare them but except for Ed, Ralts, and Wurmple the other were scared. 

Seeing his attempt to scare is in vain Grandpa Yun finally saw a new pokemon clinging to Ed. 

"A Wurmple?" he asked

"Yes when I woke up it was above my chest and it was so heavy" Ed answered

"How did it get to your room?" Grandpa asked

"I don't know but I think it entered through the window" Ed shook his head as he still didn't know how but thought it entered from the window.

"Oh, that Wurmple is quite close to you" 

"Yes, I think of catching this little guy" 

After saying this everyone heard a rumbling stomach. Ed couldn't help but do a poker face but Grandpa Yun laughed

"Hahahaha let's go, I think your grandma and her helper already prepared a breakfast" 

Ed nodded as he was getting hungry already. They saw grandma and her helper Macy and when they arrived grandma invited them and had breakfast.

After breakfast Ed brought Wurmple back to the living room. He showed a Net ball to Wurmple.

"Wurmple this is a Net Ball, I will use this to catch you" 

"Wurmple?" The little caterpillar stared at Ed. Ed pushed the white button in the center of the pokeball. It hurts Ed as it needs a little blood to activate a pokeball. Ed knocked the Netball on Wurmple's head as Wurmple turned into a red light and entered the pokeball. The netball shook for a while before stopping. 

"Welcome Wurmple" Ed smiled at the netball. 

The other three pokemon; Azurill, Budew, and Cleffa saw the scene of Ed catching Wurmple.They also want to try it but Ed declines their pleas as they are not his pokemon. But they pestered him that he couldn't continue watching a show he could only ask for his elders permission.

"Oh, did you catch it?" Grandpa Yun wasn't surprised as he already knew that Ed was familiar on how trainers catch pokemon 

What he didn't understand is where Ed got his pokeball and a rare ball to boot. But thinking that his son in law had a collection of pokeballs it wasn't weird if his grandson had one netball.

"Yes" Ed answered

"Well take care of it then" 

Azurill, Cleffa, and Budew jumped around grandpa Yun. While Ralts was staring at the other.

"Eh what's wrong with you fellows?"

"They also want to try PokeBall"

"Oh, do you have any pokeballs on you?" Grandpa Yun asked

"Yes!" Actually I have hundreds of them and I think they will be all useless unless if I want to catch all Pokemon that I will encounter

"Eh? Where did you get those pokeballs?" Ed's answer surprised him as even for him he can only have a limited amount of pokeballs. 

"I saw a bag in our ranch and they are full of pokeballs" realizing he made a mistake so could only lie

Luckily Ralts wasn't there as he was helping Macey on something. 

"What!?When?" Grandpa Yun was surprised as he didn't even know that there was a bag of pokeballs in their yard. 

"While I was roaming around the daycare yesterday" 

"How about showing them to grandpa?"

"Okay wait grandpa" Ed hurriedly returned upstairs while mentally connecting with his bound bag. 

Then he took out most of his pokeballs, and pokeballs that could be created using apricorn, premier ball, Great ball, ultra ball, heal ball, and lastly he included the masterball in the bag of a Team Rocket researcher. 

'I can't believe that this bag could carry hundreds of pokeballs I can even put the television in our room, well it can't be helped it was a space bag after all'

Then Ed went downstairs and gave the space bag to his grandpa. 

"A space bag?" Grandpa was surprised but when he saw the R mark on the bag he frowned. 

"Can I look at it Edward?" Grandpa asked which confused Sol but he didn't know why but he could feel a crafty laugh in his mind. 

Grandpa opened the bag and saw different kinds of pokeballs which some were new to him. He also saw some files and read one of it. It details the masterball as Grandpa searched and took out the masterball.

He took out three friend ball and told Sol to catch the three with it. 

"Use it to the brats Sol" 

"Really?" Ed asked but he wanted to use the dream ball or heal ball for Cleffa, Friend ball for Budew, and Dive ball for Azurill but he can't really take out the pokeballs he wanted as seeing grandpa's serious face he could sense he made trouble.

"But why them?" Ed asked as he was curious if the friend ball in game is also the same in real life.

"Because this pokeball could make the pokemon friendlier to its trainer." 

Hearing this Ed face the trio and asked them

"Do you three want to be my Pokemon?" 

The trio nodded and jump around Sol

Sol took the trio in the Friend Balls in front of them and put the three inside the pokeballs. The three friend balls shake for a few seconds and after that Sol calls out the three pokemon. 

"Azu , Clef, and Dew come on out!"

The trio reappear while Azurill and Cleffa don't have any additional action and effect but for Budew when it came out shiny stars circled around it before disappearing and Budeew also took a battle stance. 

Seeing Budew's action Grandpa Yun laughed when he saw this

"Hahahaha do you want to become a battle pokemon? Well your just the same as Talya's Roserade" 


 Grandpa Yun turned to Ed as the elder smirked as he teased 

"When I was your age I only had one pokemon which was not even my pokemon. While on the other hand you my little grandson, already had five pokemon in the age of six." 

"Hehehe it was because of you guys" Ed smiled as he felt lucky because he had his family. A huge backer if you ask me. 

"Grandpa, I read that anyone who wants to work for the association could get their starter pokemon." Ed asked what he read because it was different from the games and anime where trainers could get a starter from professors. 

"That was that but the seminar that will be happening next week talks about giving starter pokemon to children whose family is at the age of 10 or above." Grandpa narrates the law that the association will implement next week. 

'Just like in the anime and games then.' Ed inwardly clapped. But couldn't help but question

"What about those kids whose family is not part of the association? Isn't it unfair to someone who wants to be a trainer?" 

"Well the guy named Oak wants to give equal opportunity to every kid who wants to be a trainer. That's why I heard that children at the age of 5 and above with the limit of 15 years old are invited to enter the summer camp." Grandpa replied

"But Sarhed, you need to know that not everything is given to everyone as equal. That's why your parents are working hard to give you a better future even if you can't become an elite trainer of the association." Grandpa added. Even if someone is part of the noble family as long as they're not from the main family they need to work hard for their future which is why the main family's heirs are arrogant because of the golden spoon they had. 

Even someone who became a Champion would fall if he didn't prepare any plan for his family in case of an accident. 

"If those kids were given starter pokemons I think the highest grade the association will allow them to have is silver grade pokemons" Grandpa continued 

"Grade?" Like aptitude or something? Ed questioned inwardly as he didn't expect that there would be something new that didn't come from anime or games. 

"Grades are something that diversify the same species of pokemon with the addition of their characteristics." 

'Like IV or EV huh' Ed remembered those which he didn't really understand as he was just a casual gamer.

"The grade where divided into Steel as the lowest, Bronze most acceptable for most trainers, Silver, Gold, Platinum, and lastly the highest which is diamond." Grandpa enumerated the different grades 

"Is there a problem if your pokemon's aptitude(grade) is low?"

"Well there is really no problem if your pokemon's grade is low it's just that if the same species of pokemon battle and if they had the same level the other factor that differentiate them is their grade. Also based on research until now is that bronze limit is Quasi- Elite and Silver is Champion rank. 

"Wow that's wonderful so what is the aptitude of my pokemons?"

"Hahaha your lucky as Azurill and Cleffa are in Silver while Budew at Gold nearing platinum rank but we wonder as he had a different color than the other of the same kind."

"Color? Is there a problem if the pokemon had different colors?" Ed asked as he knew that Budew was a shiny pokemon.

"There is no research about it but most people tend to think that those pokemons with different colors could be sick." 

"But Budew was healthy" 

"That's why it was just in the people's minds without any factual truth." 

"How about Ralts?" 

"Hehehe your Ralts is one of a kind Ralts you know." 

"Eh? Why?" Ed nervously asked but he also had a hope that Ralts will be in the top grade pokemon. 

"Your Ralts is a platinum grade pokemon that near diamond" 

"Near diamond?" Ed was happy but confused as why not just grade it platinum+. But he still inquire like a kid

"Well yes, it means that if raised well and Ralts evolve it will become Diamond." 

"That's wonderful, isn't that right Ralts?" Ed smiled as he talks to Ralts who has arrived.

"Raaa" Ralts answered as it thumped its chest.

"Then how about Wurmple grandpa? How do we know what grade it is?"

"That I don't know but there is an instrument that measures a pokemon's grade. Follow me." 

Grandpa Yun leads Ed and the pokemons to the place where the elder place pokemon eggs. 

Ed saw that grandpa Yun took a device from a cabinet near where they check the health of Pokemon eggs 

"Now bring your Wurmple and put it in its pokeball and put it inside here here" Grandpa Yun instructed Ed as he points toward a circular hole of the device. 

Sol put Wurmple in its pokeball and carefully put it to the device and Grandpa Yun activated the device. 

The device lit up and the monitor told them the aptitude of Wurmple. 


"Oh your Wurmple has a Silver grade, hohoho as I remember it was already rare for a worm pokemon like Wurmple to have an aptitude of silver as mostly seen are steel or bronze but their aptitude changes when they evolve into Beautifly."

"Aptitude changes when they evolve?"

"Well yes, in case of some species of Pokemon some needed to reach a certain stage to change their grades" 

"Oh" Sol was enlightened about the knew knowledge he learned today

"Will wurmple become a gold grade in the future?"

"We don't know but you need to raise it well for it to advance" 

"I understand grandpa as I will take care of all my present and future pokemon to unlock all their potential." 

Learning about the grade system, Ed asked grandpa Yun about pokemon levels. 

"By the way grandpa you talk about pokemon levels does this affect anything such as pokemon battle?" 

"Well pokemon do have levels and ranks. There are Child, Beginner, Advance, Elite, Master, Grandmaster, Epic, and Peak. Child are like your pokemons, the rank talks about the pokemon being a child some researcher said it was level 1-15. Advance is where the pokemon already got off of its child stage and researchers said that the levels are from 16-30. Advance is where anyone will know as the pokemon is already experienced in battle the level is between 31-45. Elite is at the level 46-65 in this rank, pokemons are veterans in terms of fighting and are already strong pokemons. Master is at the level 66-80. Grandmaster is 81-90 and 90 above are Epic rank pokemon." Grandpa teach Ed about the ranks of pokemon. 

"But the level,ranks, and grade didn't mean everything for the pokemon. As there are instances that a pokemon in a lower rank and grade could defeat a pokemon in the higher rank and grade. That's why sometimes rank are now only symbolized as a pokemon's experience and power. But if not careful they could be defeated" Grandpa said as he warned Ed. 

"You mean that my Ralts could defea

t an Advance rank pokemon?" Ed asked

"No, because it needs will, strategy, and luck to win against stronger opponents. Also if the gap between the two pokemon is huge the chance of winning is slim. That's why I want you not to be arrogant and be cautious in your battle." Grandpa warned

"Yes grandpa" Ed affirm 

"Ed~" Grandma Talya's voice could be heard calling for Ed.