
Life in the Pokemon World

Would you be happy if you received a system? But how about a system you couldn't use? Ed who has a system but it doesn't have any use aside for sign in was living a normal life forgetting about isekai fantasy. Nearing the end of his college life as he has only one year left. But God has other plans and with the wishing pokemon, Jirachi, instead of graduating in college the one he graduated to was his life in his past world. Now reincarnating in the pokemon world and taking challenges along the way and learning the mystery of the new world he was in. _-_-_-_ Hello, This novel was my rewrite of the first novel I wrote, well maybe when I was in my senior years, 2016, turning it into my diary with my pokemon fantasy I was hoping maybe if I wrote a fanfic of my favorite show maybe I will be Isekai'd to it. I wrote this fanfic when the newest game was sun and moon, also the last pokemon game I got to play. Now with new regions and series such as Galar and Paldea I'm trying to integrate it with the story so the rewrite. Well I'm sorry but I'm not a writer I'm just doing it for myself.

Leery · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
38 Chs

Chapter 02


Ed shouted and because of the sudden shout he all passerby's attention move at him which made him embarrassed.

A middle aged man near Ed laughed saying"Hahahah kid you better get home as you're already drunk and stop watching cartoons at your age. Don't think I don't know about Jirachi and Pokemon as I also watched them with my kids." 

"Why do you think I was drunk?" Ed's brows furrowed as his attention was going back and forth from the man and Jirachi.

"Hmph your sudden outburst really means you're as drunk as your hallucinating."

"But, brother don't you see Jirachi floating near the bus stop?"

Ed replied while pointing to Jirachi

"Oh no kid, did you drink so much or did you take drugs? There is no being to where you are pointing at. How about I bring you to a police station?"

The Middle Aged man replied

"Uh.. No need uncle maybe I'm really drunk that what I see and say is not what I am supposed to see and say."

Ed said while running away

Hearing Ed's reply, the uncle's face distorted. 'Did he mean that because he's drunk he called me brother?' 

Ed hurriedly walks away but he still peeks at where Jirachi is. That he didn't know that there is a truck zooming towards him. 


Ed fly for a few meters

"Fuck he's really drunk!" The man cursed as he immediately went to Ed's side. 

Ed was also on his soliloquy as he felt the pain all over his body. 

'Damn it! It hurts!!!' 

'Uh what the heck, Truck-kun?'

'Wait I still have my consciousness thus it mean that I will be reincarnated?' 

'No wait I can't die or be spirited away to another place! If it was before I would be happy dreaming of reincarnation but now I need to help my family! I already came so far with my bad luck and I need to repay everyone that helped me and for what they've done for me. 

As Ed losing his consciousness he saw Jirachi floating above him. 

'Can we go back to my world?' Jirachi cute voice can be heard inside his mind

'Who?' Ed was alarmed as the voice didn't come from his ears as he already can't hear anything but from his mind. 

'Jirachi is Jirachi' 

'Ah! Jirachi? But your world? Is it the world of Pokemon?' Sol didn't know but instead of pain he felt excitement and longing as he always dreamt of having pokemon. But he remembered all his hardworks, achievements, and challenges he experienced. His family, friends, and acquaintances that came to his life.

'I also want to go but all my hardwork will turn to dust.' Ed sighed

'But you can live if you come with me but if you stay you die or be in a coma just bringing misfortune to your close ones" Jirachi said in a matter of fact tone with a mischievous tone. 

'But.. Why now that I am almost finishing my academic years.' Before Ed could reply Jirachi give him an offer

'I can grant your wishes but you need to help me return to my world' Jirachi's said

'Okay then… I wish that my family will have a happy and peaceful life. Financially stable and lastly I wish that I can have a good life in your world. So I'll finish telling you my wish.. how can I help you return?' How the heck can I think clearly he just notice that his mind is working fast

'Just give me the comet core, Palkia and Dialga's orb within you. For the answer in your last question it was because where in telepathy so you can say I am talking to your spirit right now' Jirachi replied

'But I don't know how to take those -'

Before Ed could finish his sentence the unknown meteor, Lustrous and Adamant Orb show themselves in front of Ed. 


'Thank you' Jirachi thanked Ed

'But I didn't do anything' Ed lampooned 

'Now I will fulfil my part of the trade' 

Jirachi's Eye in the abdomen opened.

'Your wish has been granted'

' Umm. What will happen to me?' Ed asked Jirachi 

'I don't know but the one that gave you power has already planned about your fate. Jirachi replied

'You mean God or Allah?' Ed's eyes shined

Jirachi nodded but also shake its head

'I don't know but the one that can give that power to you has a stronger breath or aura than our pokemon god Arceus.'

When Jirachi finished talking it clenched the unknown meteor, Lustrous Orb of Palkia and Adamant Orb of Dialga and used its psychic power to activate the three items. 

A black hole opened sucking Jirachi and Ed inside 

'We will meet again' 

Ed heard Jirachi's voice inside his head. 

'What are you talking about, don't we have to be together as we go to your world?' Ed asked excitedly but also nervously, forgetting all the bitterness of how it was unfair that he would die making his experience and hard work useless. 

'You will be reborn or should I say reincarnated or transmigrate, hehehe you should thank the Truck-kun' Jirach giggles.

'F Truck kun' Ed shouted inwardly, still resentful about what he experience. 

'Wait, can't Jirachi just save me immediately?' Ed's sudden realization as Jirachi could just revive him on his deathbed.


Ed's consciousness black out


As Ed opened his eyes, what he saw was an unfamiliar ceiling. He also saw a hanging toy above him. 

'Did I turn into a baby?'

He raised his arm and saw that it wasn't from a baby but from a child between 5 to 6 years old. 

'I really Reincarnated!!' 

'But why is my body hard to move!? I feel sleepy just moving my arms' 

[Do you want to sign in?] 

'Yes' But Ed was shocked as he remembered he had just signed in before but also happy that this guy is still with him thinking that if he was in the pokemon world he could use it.

[Congratulations you received Jirachi's blessing: Affinity: Steel, Psychic] 

[ Congratulations you're blessed by two ultra beast: Type affinity added: Fighting & Bug] 

[Congratulations you received a keystone] 

Ed's eyes widened as he always got a mega stone but no key stone. But he didn't know about the blessings of Ultra beast but for Jirachi he's talking to it a while ago.

'Right I'm in the pokemon world now maybe I could take the items' 

{Warning: Host couldn't use the full service of the system for a moment. The host is limited to food and beverages items to take. To unlock the limitations, hosts need to sign in for a year.} 

 Ed was surprised as this is the first time other than showing a wheel and asking if he wanted to sign in but the best part is that he could now take an item out. He tried to summon the keystone but the system reminded him again that could only take out white items. 

*White items such as berries and other food related items.

'Oh, I know, I know.' Ed giggled and dreamed of using all his items. Which sounds like a cough in the present situation of his body.


The voice withdraws Ed from his dreamland and with some strength he turns his head towards the person. He saw a woman in her twenties. She had yellow green hair and gray eyes with a tint of pale blue in it. 

'Is she my mom or sister? She's beautiful!' 

"Sonia, me and your dad heard our grandchild making a sound! He finally woke up, thank god." An elder couple Grandma Talya with Grandpa Yun burst to the room asking the woman named Sonia

"Yes mother, I heard Ed made a sound so I went and checked him out. But he was just staring at us" Sonia replied happily 

"Mmm" The grandpa came closer to Ed and did some funny actions and whispered a joke. 

"Oh come on now Ed" the Grandpa said 

'I don't know why as I don't even understand the joke but I laughed even when I'm bedridden' 

The elders and Sonia smiled as they saw Ed laughed. Ed on the other hand felt that he could control his body now but before he could raise his body a certain pain on his head struck him. 


 Ed's Pov

' Uhh my head hurts remembering my past memories. Wait past memories why something is going in my mind too.' 

I hold my head and I can't stop taking a deep breath. I saw myself playing with other kids and sometimes watching them from afar and feeling weakness all over my body. He fell in love with someone, he will bring her flowers, buy her gifts, listen to her squabble about her dream of being an actress, and play with pokemon. 

When he gained a friend Ralts, both him and her played house as they pretended to be a married couple. He also saw the scene in which they gained a new friend, a boy. He couldn't help but be envious to how the two are closer to each other than him and the girl. 

'Wait isn't he still a kid!' I on the other hand was shocked about the brat which is now me.

Add that sad boy moments when his health began declining and he could only watch the other kids playing outside in their window. The only friend that he could say that is still with him is his Ralts. 

'Oh brother you wouldn't need to find a girl if you had a greater substitute!' 

When they had a family gathering he was only close to his girl cousin which he treated as a big sister and finally someone who had a name. 


Wait, isn't that the name and looks isn't she the Sinnoh ch Cynthia? Well maybe just the same name.

He was happy as he continued his life and lived to the fullest and then he fell ill and all his body was burning and he couldn't move. Luckily his Ralts was beside him and he was saved on time. 

 I saw Jirachi and it said something before suddenly two egg shone which I don't remember having them but instead of hatching the light entered inside of me. 

I felt warm and I suddenly have memories that foreign to me. 

I am Ed but I am also the Ed, Sonia and Argus son, but we didn't completely fused yet we are still fusing. I could influence him but he could also influence me.

 After the light entered my body. Father and Mother finally beside us with a giant pokemon. I laughed as I hugged the two eggs beside me. I felt connected to these two. 

The only thing that I could feel now is to get Ralts who was left in Kalos.

Then the last scene is where I think I was Ed and that I transmigrated. The memories Ed had integrated into me fused with me. Ed could finally regain consciousness and he could hear the conversation of Sonia and her parents.


"So Sonia, do you and Argus really need to go back to Kalos? You just came here to hospitalize Sol and he need to recuperate" Grandpa Yun asked

"That right Sonia, I know both your work in the league is important so that Sol can have a better future but don't you need a vacation to take care of Sol? Just staying here in Hoenn for a year also both of you are already a master class trainer. Verdanturf town is small but west is Mauville City. Me and your old man retired and stayed here after all." Grandma Talya 

"Hmmm… How about Ed staying here with us except for our Day care business. Both me and your mother are not busy and taking care of Sol is not a problem. You can say that it is our way to compensate you for not taking care of you when you're young as we're also busy with our work." Grandpa Yun suggested as he couldn't let go of his first grandchild 

"Okay, I will talk with Argus about this but Sol is still six year old. We still don't want to be separated from him. " Sonia replied

"We understand" both elders replied.

The elders were concerned about the health of their first grandchild. Ed had weak health when he was born. They remembered that during a mission Sonia was hitted by a strong supersonic attack after that they went to the hospital and learned that she was pregnant. 

It was okay if she was hit by a supersonic attack but what she received is a strong supersonic attack from an elite rank pokemon which the doctors told them that there will be complications on the child's health. 

Grandma Talya, being blessed by Celebi, watched over their daughter as she used her power to help Sonia during her pregnancy. But what shocked them is that Sol's health miraculously healed and became stronger. 

Sonia recounted their journey and the miracle that happened to Sol.

Unlike in the anime or games, champions and elites in the league don't have a relaxing job as they need to take dangerous jobs and missions like battling against evil organization and exploring the region more for expansion. When Sonia was on an exploration mission she didn't knew that she was pregnant at that time until she received a surprise attack that she was hospitalized and hearing that it almost took away her and her child's life. Knowing her current situation she and her husband took a break from the association work due to her pregnancy and went to Hoenn. But the problem is that her husband is still bombarded with duties because he was a champion and also he didn't have the support of nobles as he wasn't one. 

In the present like in the anime the associations are named Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh, Unova, Kalos, and Alola. But unlike in the anime and novel they're not really regions but a country as big as Russia or China with the smallest region being Alola. But due to dangers the inhabited area was only in a small area and the exploration of the wild area is still in progress.

In the present all regions don't have close relationships but with the association as a lead and bridge all regions could live in harmony unlike in the past where war is trampling on the surface.

That's why Argus and Sonia, both being champion and elite of the Kalos region, couldn't stay in the Hoenn for a long period of time even though Sonia's hometown is Hoenn. As for why Sonia's parents stayed at Hoenn is due to Grandma Talya being once an Elite four in Hoenn but Grandpa Yun was the first champion of Kalos when the league in Kalos was established.

If Sol knew about his family's specialness he would really be shocked because he only thought that he would be reincarnated to a normal family. 

The two elders didn't want their daughter to work hard for the league and lead a normal life but she's strong headed and stubborn that even her husband was also part of the league.

 Even though the couple now had a high rank in the association, being a high ranking official of the league had many benefits but it was also full of dangers. 

When they heard that their first grandchild will have health complications due to an accident, they used all their power and influence to ask for help. Even Grandma Talya asked her father for help, which she became distant with because like her daughter she chose to work for the league. 

When Sonia gave birth to Sol they're happy as she safely delivered Sol but they noticed that the child didn't cry even once and this made them worried. 

They asked the doctors to check Sol's health and the family was shocked as the doctor diagnosed Sol's condition and told them that Sol has a weak body constitution but he didn't have problems regarding his vocals and they also scan Sol's whole body but except for his weak body there are no problem they can find about Sol. 

The doctors sighed as they know about this special family where every person in their family are elite trainers and too bad for the boy as he can't do extreme actions like battling. Everyone who knew the specialness of their family was saddened because of the loss of a good seedling of a trainer but the family were happy as long as the child could grow well. 

Even though they are busy in their work in association both Sonia and Lim will always take care of Sol and be attentive to their son's health. 

Then three days before Sol's transmigration, Sonia and Argus with Sol with them travelled to find cure from their grandparent, Grandma Talya's father, as Sol got a huge fever and doctors didn't know about the symptoms.

On their way they met two unknown pokemons that came out from a hole in the sky. Thinking those pokemons where hostile they attack them but despite their attacks both pokemon only defended themselves. Seeing this the couple caught each and when they caught them one of the pokemon which had the symbolism of beauty took Sol, which shocked the couple, to an island. 

They followed the pokemon and when they got there for the first time they heard their son giggling and laughing, they were excited to see Sol and they found the child in the pokemon's bosom laughing while holding two pokemon eggs. While the other muscular pokemon is teasing Sol by doing different poses which made Sol laughed at.

That was the last time the two pokemons came out of their pokeballs. As for the two eggs they were shocked as it vanished in thin air at Sol's grasp. They went to the hospital and the doctors were shocked as Sol had become perfectly healthy. Grandma Talya's father also checked Sol and told them that Sol was perfectly fine and healthy which was a miracle. He also sensed certain blessings on the child. 

The couple told their elders about their encounter but they couldn't call out the two pokemons. When nobles in the association got the news and became curious, they demanded both pokemons to be put in their custody but they're afraid to offend Argus as he was the present champion in Kalos. Also they're afraid to offend Sonia as she was the daughter of retired high ranking officials of the league and part of one of the nobles.