
life in the Apocalypse

read how Alex survive in an apocalypse world for 10 years. he's not an OP character he will found love and happiness but also get hurt and betrayed by people as he tried to start a new life in the Apocalypse. I like system stories but most of them sadly suck with terrible op characters over complicated systems getting strong item from doing the most basis of stuff they are such so boring. warning there will be some messed up stuff in the story like torture and sexual assault and they're will be time skips throughout the story a couple of days for each chapter and a year for volume.

Jose_Rivera_3339 · Games
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Work to live

I get to see what going on making my to the courtyard.

soldier: ok everyone here if not i don't care how that the barrier is up and we take some time to cool down it time to work go to HQ for work that is ass.

after he left everyone started talking to one another.

some guy: fuck i thought this below over.

some another guy: why the hell would you think that.

some guy: army have tank and jet.

some another guy: didn't you see that blue wave it killed all electronics.

some guy: fuck.

after listening for a little bit i left and started walking to the HQ building going inside seeing a couple of lines one was for labor and another for the army getting in the army one 30 minutes later i was at the front office.

soldier: okay listen up you can be a soldier or mercenary and sign your name and age here.

Alex: what's the difference.

soldier: if you become a soldier will give you training food shelter and give you gear but everything you get you have to give us if you become a mercenary basically you're on your own we'll give you some training and some gear but that it so come on pick one.

I pick mercenary don't went be in a dead end job again the soldier marked mercenary.

soldier: ok basic training start tomorrow here you paper go NEXT

i took my paper and left to get something to eat tomorrow is go to be busy day go into the cafeteria gating a tray gat my food sit down it corn and bean soup as i was eating wit came in a see gat his food and sit next to me.

Wit: so are you a soldier or merc.

Alex: merc.

Wit: cool me to want work together.

seeing no reason not i say ok.

Wit: cool men see you tomorrow.

we eat are food and left i went directly to my bed by the time i woke up it was already tomorrow i gat up to use the public bathrooms and did all my hygiene stuff we only can wash are self with a wet cloth after that headed to basic training when i got there bunch of people already here.

drill sergeant: ok maggot who here to become a soldier raise your hand.

i looked around to see most of them raise they hand 75% i think.

drill sergeant: ok come with me the rest of you stay vice drill sergeant you're in charge of the merc.

i look to see who the vice drill sergeant only to see a pale deck jockey.

vice drill sergeant: look the army is only going to give you a week of training that it any questions.

maggots: why only a week. what gear are we getting. what will we be training in.

vice drill sergeant: one because we don't have enough resources to give unless you sign your life away to the army two some armor and a pistol 3 how to shot the pistol and hand to hand combat that it on come with me.

we follow him to temporary gun range made of cinder blocks and wooden planks with a few cans at the end of it vice drill sergeant walk to gun rack with two soldier holding rifles next to it.

vice drill sergeant: ok form a line and pick one gun go to the range here and WAIT for me.

we pick are gun and walk to the range vice drill sergeant telling want we have in our hand is a 9mm pistol most common gun in usa so easy to find.

a week went by of shooting and getting are asses getting kick me and wit 4 other guy were at the front with our backpack and gear what the army give us.

Alex: so who are you guys. Zack: I'm Zack and those three are Bob Mick and dick you. Alex.

Wit: and i'm wit ok now we know all our name on to skill i'm a training i have a wood club and a metal spear.

Zack: i'm a training too and so are they we all have axes.

Alex: apprentice magic bolt.

Wit: ok i was giving a map by the army you see these red dot there are locations army want us to go i think we should to this gas station that close by.

eveyone: ok

so we all pick up our stuff and go.