
Life in mushoku tensei

After the dark timeline, rudeus magic to go back in time failed his soul merged with our mc's soul . Now follow his journey as he tries to do new things with all the knowledge he welds and see what he does. Is he going to do the same thing, or will he do other things that change his life. ... This is going to be my first time writing something properly, so please support me, guys. All the suggestions will be appreciated, and I hope you guys will like it.

1puck · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs


"Alright, take care."

I said as I left the restaurant . My smile vanishing slowly as I got far and far from the restaurant .

The lady of the restaurant always treats me well so I really like her her kind and motherly aura always draws me in this restaurant.

I am just an orphan as I live my life by doing various works . So being with someone with such a warm personality always helps.

I don't like being too dependent on others, so I left the orphanage at the age of 16 .

I have been living my life alone since then and doing various activities to earn and feed myself while continuing my studies .

I am doing various work related to computers and stuff like that cause it is paying me more than others, and it is fun as well .

I have come across many bad habits and even overcame it . But after all these struggles, I might have some mental issues. I don't know about it since I have not seen a doctor, but most of the symptoms point towards it .

I started walking in an empty street for some reason. I really like walking in the empty streets at night it makes me weirdly calm.

Life is beautiful, which is the biggest lie I have heard till now . Life is only beautiful when you are rich . Poor and unfortunate people like me can not afford to say that as living every day is struggling in itself .

Living alone without anyone's support and having no one to rely on is very sad . Such is my life .


Let's go home and sleep for now . I should not be thinking all this it is going to make my mental health worse than it already is .

Finally, after reaching my room, I opened the door and went inside . Seeing this room reminds me of the past, where I helped a boy from my orphanage study by letting him stay here .

He studied for a while, and after finishing it and getting a good job, he didn't even thank me. Rather, he told others that he was the one who let me stay with him. Even after being older than me and living off my earnings, he had the guts to say that.

But seeing this old shabby room, I could only blame my poor self for maintaining it so badly things are thrown everywhere.Maybe I should clean this room a bit before eating anything .

I slowly started to clean the room, placing everything in correct order, throwing the trash out after doing everything. The room looked more presentable than before.

Let's eat something. I went to the fridge seeing what was there to eat, but it was empty.


I think I am eating out again . I went outside my room and started to go around thinking about what to eat .





The world spun

I could see the driver .His eyes were not focused. This bastard was drunk even after trying to avoid getting hit. I got hit by this truck.

My world went sluggish as the truck hit me . It threw me meters in distance only to roll its tire above my skull the next second .

My brain matter split all over as I lost my consciousness slowly.

Am I going to die ?

Is it really all to my life ?

These were the things I kept thinking before I lost consciousness. And slowly died


In a dark room, there were books scattered everywhere. The room looked very messy. There was one man over there going through all of them reading them one by one, reading them very carefully.

"Hmm, finally, I have completed it. If everything thing goes according to my plan, I am going to get regressed at the time when I was born . This time, I am not going to let yo have your way hitogami."

After saying all this, the man starts to use a spell. The area near him started twisting in an unnatural way that should not be possible, and he disappeared.