
Life in DXD

A young man dies and finds himself floating in the Void. After floating there for years he encounters a being which allows him to get reincarnated in one of the world's of his choice along with some wishes.

overloaded_maxima · Anime & Comics
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301 Chs

The territory is mine

The sudden voice which was heard by all the made them surprised and all of them turned their heads in the direction of the voice.

What welcomed their sight was a man with black hair with his hands in his pockets looking unintrested in what all was happening in front of him.

Seeing the man standing in front of them the frost giants and the fire demons started laughing and said, "See a puny Human has come to destroy us. Hahahaha."

Tatsuya ignored their comments and started walking towards the giants.

Seeing the man walking towards the giants the muscle man came forward and said, "Young man I appreciate your courage but please stand back, we will try to hold them back."

Tatsuya looked at the muscle man and said, "You have some nerve to order me while you are in my territory."

Hearing that all of them were shocked and then the old man said, "Don't speak non-sense the one who govern this town are the devil girls one with small boobs and the other with humongous boobs and you doesn't match the description of any of those."

All of them looked at the old man with a weird expression and then the lady with black hair said, "That's some nice way to remember someone, pervert."

Tatsuya looked at the old man and said, "Yes I know that they are the one who administers the town are those two but you see one of them is my girlfriend so this town is technically mine as well. Infact the ruler of the whole Shinto territory is my girlfriend too."

Hearing that all of them were shocked and the old man pointed his finger at Tatsuya and said, "Don't lie to me brat, there is no way that the sexy hot milfs Amaterasu and Yasaka are in a relationship with you."

Tatsuya had some tic marks on his forehead and he then used his psychic powers to squeeze the old man's balls with some strength.

"Ahhh!!!" and the old man crouched down on the ground holding his balls while screaming in pain.

Tatsuya then said, "You have some guts to say that about my girlfriends in front of ne you bastard."

The frost giants and the fire demons who were being ignored by them were getting impatient and finally of being able to bear it more one of the frost giants said, "Stop ignoring us you shit." and punched towards Tatsuya.

All the people got worried (except for Odin as he was in pain) on Seeing the frost giant attack the young boy.

The muscular man gritted his teeth and said, "You coward you dare attack a human, try someone wh..o c...an... gi..ve. you....a figh...t."

Just as he finished saying those words the frost giant was slashed in half.

All the people present there got shocked by the scene in front of them.

"Like I said, you guys have a lot of guts to attack me in my territory after coming without permission."

All of them looked towards Tatsuya and saw his body radiating his aura while he was holding two huge axes in his hands.

Tatsuya looked at both the groups of demons and the group which looked like humans and said in a cold voice, "If you surrender now, you live Make a wrong move you die. Choose now."

His voice made all of them suck in their breath but then the frost giant's and fire demon's leaders said, "Like hell we will surrender to a human like you."

Tatsuya just sighed and said, "Why do all guys like you appear in this town." He then turned serious and said, "Anyways you decided todie then. Rhitta, Storm breaker."

and raised his axes in the air.

Soon red lightening started to gather around Tatsuya making even the musclan took a step back on Seeing the power of those lightening bolts.

Seeing that even the muscle man tak a step back his whole group were shocked beyond belief.


The silver haired girl then said, "Did Thor-sama really take a step back after seeing those lightening bolts."

The other people who had their mouth open wide suddenly came out of their stupor and then the black haired lady said, "No we are not seeing thing that muscle brain really retreated after seeing that lightening."

Then the purple haired lady said, "It seems like we are in deep shit now, if that man take us for an enemy we are done for. Hey perv why did you have to say something pervy about his girlfriend. If we die it will all be your fault Odin."

The old man or Odin looked at the ladies and said, "Hey, it wasn't my fault that I got surprised after hearing him claiming that those milfs are his girlfriend."

Odin then suddenly had an idea and said, "Hey why don't you three try to seduce him if the situation gets dire, we can have a chance to survive because I can feel that he can kill me without any problem."

All the girls looked at him with a weird expression but then looked at Tatsuya and then the one who had slightly purplish hair said, "I don't mind he is both strong and handsome."

The other two looked at her and the black haired lady sighed and said, "I can agree on that but you sure never change Freya. Already eyes on a strong person even without knowing anything about him."

The silver haired lady who was standing besides Odin said, "How can you accept something like this so easily Freya-sama, Hela-sama, you will have to marry him are you sure about that?"

The black haired lady looked or Hela looked at the silver haired woman and said, "It is because of your this attitude that you still didn't find a boyfriend for yourself Roseweisse, you are too serious."

The one named Roseweisse got shocked and crouched down on the floor and started crying and said, "Hey it's not my fault, I want a boyfriend as well. Uwaaaaaa"

Odin looked at her and said, "Then my Virgin assistant it is your chance now to get one for yourself. He is both handsome and strong and seeing that he is this strong he must be quite successful as well."

Roseweisse then looked at Tatsuya and stopped crying and said, "What you said is true, but the fact that he already have girlfriends is the issue. I don't want a womanizers like him."

Hearing her Odin said, "Our likes are at stakes here and you are thinking about your ideals. Because of this you are still single."

Roseweisse who heard that again crouched down and started crying.


Tatsuya who has charged his attack in both Rhitta and Storm breaker held both the axes just above his head and started to combine their powers and once he was done he swung his axes and said, "Solar storm" and then very hot bolts of lightening started to fall on the frost giants and fire demons which even disintegrated their bodies, not even leaving a trace of their bodies.

Within a blink of an eye the whole army of giants which were standing in front of them were completely obliterated which made Odin sure that the young man in front of him could kill all of them in an instant.

Tatsuya then glared back at Odin's group and asked, "So do you want to surrender or...."

"We surrender" and all of them raised their hands showing that they really surrendered.

Tatsuya nodded his head and said, "Good."