
Life in DXD

A young man dies and finds himself floating in the Void. After floating there for years he encounters a being which allows him to get reincarnated in one of the world's of his choice along with some wishes.

overloaded_maxima · Anime & Comics
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301 Chs

Rias vs Riser 3

Rating game field:

Right now Isami, Kiba and Koneko are running towards the sports field as per Rias's orders.

Isami then looked at her two teammates and asked, "Do you think that this plan will work?"

Both of them then thought about the question for a while Kiba said, "The possibility of this plan to work is very low and I doubt that President has a proper plan to deal with Riser but we cannot do anything about it. We have already lost the opportunity to fight with their members individually and our only option is to fight their while group at once. If we don't stop them they will gang up on president and the game is immediately over. So all we can do now is defeat them as soon as possible and then head over to where their king is."

Both Isami and Koneko nodded their heads and then Koneko said, "I didn't know that even you can doubt president's plan Yuuto-senpai."

Kiba showed a helpless smile and said, "If it was the me before training with Tatsuya's team I would not have doubted her words but all the hellish training I went through I have come to understand the the battlefield better. I have to admit Tatsuya has prepared his team to face of in any kind of situation. Even though all I was doing was getting hit by the punches, I came to understand a lot of things and even learned quite a lot from them."

Koneko then nodded and said, "The training was really an eye opener. We didn't even knew what our weaknesses were at the beginning."

All of them then sighed at the same time and said, "But his training is really hellish." and continued to run.

Soon all three of them were present in the field and Isami shouted, "Come out Riser's peerage, we are here to fight you fair and square." She didn't want to waste anytime and decided to call them herself instead of waiting for them to come on their own.

Both Kiba and Koneko who understood her intentions nodded and Kiba whispered, "Smart move."

Soon mist started to appear in front of then and through the mist the silhouette of a girl was seen.

The girl and then said, "You all are quite foolish to ask us to fight you directly, but I like fools like you. Behold yourself I am Riser-sama's knight Karlamine." She then unsheathed her sword which set ablaze on fire.

Kiba then stepped forward and said, "I am Yuuto Kiba, Knight of Rias Gremory and I shall be the one to fight you." and unsheathed his sword as well.

Both of them then narrowed their eyes and started running towards eachother and clashed their blades with their speed keep on increasing as the number of times their swords clashed.

Isami continued to look at their fight with a surprised expression and said, "He has become much faster. Koneko-chan are you able to follow their movements."

Koneko in her usual cold voice said. "Only barely they are too fast for even my senses to catch up."

Isami looked at them for a while and then said. "Wait doesn't that mean that we don't have to do anything."

As soon as she said that both her and Koneko heard a voice from behind, "I don't think so."

Both of them then turned around and Koneko's eyes looked at a certain person for a while and then she said, "Chicken found."

Isami looked at the blonde girl standing in front of her but then she felt someone else's presence and turned her head and said, "Come out now."

As she said that a girl with short hair with her right half of the face covered with a white mask came and said, "So you were able to sense me. You are not that worthless you know."

Isami then asked, "Who the hell are you?"

The girl then cracked her knuckles and she said, "I am Isabella Riser sama's rook."

The blonde haired girl got a bit irritated and said, "Hey don't ignore me."

Koneko then said, "Don't worry I am continuously focusing on you and waiting to beat the crap out of you."

Ravel who heard Koneko looked at her more intently and said, "Ah, you are the person who ruined my alone time with Tatsuya-sama." and glared at her.

Koneko glared as well and said, "And you are the one trying to seduce Senpai."

Both of them kept on glaring at each other and some sparks were seem to be forming between them.

Ravel then looked at her side and said, "All of you deal with the pawn, I have some matters to settle with this thieving cat."

As soon as she said that several more people appeared around them.

Koneko looked at Isami and said, "Can I leave these guys to you?"

Isami looked at her with a confident expression and said, "Sure."

and Koneko started chasing Ravel who was flying on the sky.

Isami looked at Isabella and said, "Hey who was that blondie just now."

Isabella looked at her and said, "That's Ravel sama, Riser sama's little sister and his bishop. But don't worry about her, you should be worried about yourself and your master who is struggling there."

At her words Isami's eyes widened and she looked at the top of the building and saw Rias trying to attack Riser who was not even giving her a chance by continuously attacking her which made her to only stand at one place with a barrier in front of her.

Isami gritted her teeth and thought, 'What should we do? If we don't hurry we are we will be defeated.'

Suddenly they heard an announcement was heard

"One of Riser sama's knights retired."

Isami the looked towards Kiba and saw the knight from Riser's peerage disappearing into light particles.

Suddenly an idea came to her mind and she said, "Kiba liberate your sacred gear immediately."

Kiba looked at her in surprise and decided to trust her and said, "Here it comes SWORD BIRTH!!!" and immediately an energy was thrown towards Isami.

Isami then pointed her hand towards the energy and let it get stored in her gauntlet.

The red gauntlet in her hand glowed and shouted, "TRANSFER" and Isami smashed her hand in the ground creating a large number of swords around her.

Seeing all the swords appear around them the remaining members of Riser's peerage along with Kiba and Koneko were shocked.

Soon all the remaining members of Riser's peerage (except Ravel) were stabbed by the swords and were retired immediately.

"1 knight, 1 bishop, 1 rook and 2 pawns of Riser sama's peerage retired."

Isami then raised her hand and said, "Now that's badass, I didn't know that it would work so well."

Kiba who heard her looked at her in disbelief and asked, "You mean to say that you used that attack without even knowing what you were doing." Isami then showed a thumbs up and said, "Nope, afterall I only unlocked this Power yesterday Booseted gear:GIFT sure is a very nifty ability."

Isami then turned serious and said, "Anyway Kiba go to Akeno-san and help her defeat the queen as soon as possible and then come and assist us, we are going to deal with Riser."

Koneko looked at Isami and asked, "Is it necessary to go now (dodged a fire ball) I have yet to settle my business with her (Punched through one of the bigger fireballs)"

Isami looked at her with a serious expression and said, "Yes, we need to go immediately or the prez will be defeated. All our effort will be in vain."

Koneko nodded reluctantly and looked at Ravel who had fire revolving around her and said, "We will settle this matter later, chicken." Ravel also glared at Koneko and said, "Sure, come anytime you thieving cat." She then paused for a while and said, "except when I am alone with Tatsuya-sama. Those moments are for me to enjoy."

Koneko who heard her gritted her teeth and ran towards Rias along with Isami without saying anything.


In another location of Rating game field:

Akeno was looking down on Yubelluna who was currently in a very bad condition after their fight. Akeno herself was in tattered clothes but was still doing better than the queen.

Yubelluna looked at Akeno with a smile and said, "You really live upto your name priestess of thunder."

Akeno just smiled and said. "ara ara you were plenty strong yourself bomb queen."

Yubelluna continued to smile and said, "But still you must be pretty tired to help your remaining peerage from the attacks of our peerage."

Akeno just smiled and said, "No, even if I am a bit tired from all the attacks I can still help my friends even if I don't rest."

Suddenly an announcement was made

"1 knight, 1 bishop, 1 rook and 2 pawns of Riser sama's peerage retired."

Hearing the announcement Yubelluna was dumbfounded and Akeno giggled and said, "Ara, looks like my help was not needed afterall."

Yubelluna looked at Akeno with rage and said, "I will take you down" and put her hand in her cleavage and took out a vial with a red cap on top of it.

Seeing the vial Akeno frowned and knew that she would not be able to cast her magic immediately.

Yubelluna smirked as she knew what Akeno was thinking and opened the vial and was about to drink the contents in it.

But suddenly they heard a voice which said, "Not so fast" and suddenly a blurr passed by both of them.

Yubelluna who was surprised by the voice looked back at the vial and saw that it was not there and began to panic.

"Looking for this" both Akeno and Yubelluna turned their heads and were surprised to see Kiba holding the vial in his hand. They were not surprised by Kiba holding the vial, what they were surprised by was-

"Kiba why are you holding the opened vial upside down"

Kiba who heard the words looked at his hands and saw that he was indeed holding the vial upside down and it was already empty. He then looked down at the ground and saw that a small portion of the land was about wet.

Kiba then scratched his cheek and said, "Looks like I took the vial in the same position that she was holding to pour it on herself." and gave a wry smile.

Both Yubelluna and Akeno were looking at him with a weird expression and were not sure what to think of him.

Akeno then sighed and said, "Anyways let's forget about that, now back to you bomb queen." and showed a sadistic smile and electricity started to come out of her hand.

Yubelluna who looked at Akeno's sadistic smile was a bit scared and was about to use her magic to attack her but before she was able to Akeno immediately came close to her and placed her hand on her exposed chest and started electrocuting her making Yubelluna scream which only made Akeno smile in bliss.

Kiba who looked with a scared expression on his face thought, 'And she is supposed to have toned down her urges after the training.'

Soon Akeno stopped electrocuting Yubelluna when she saw that she was severely damaged and said, "Aww, you already broke." and then Yubelluna started to disappear in light particles.

"Riser sama's queen retired."

Kiba who heard the announcement looked at Akeno and said, "We should be going now President is in danger."

Akeno who heard that came out of her stupor and turned serious and said, "Let's go then." and both of them started to fly towards Rias and the others.