
Life in DXD

A young man dies and finds himself floating in the Void. After floating there for years he encounters a being which allows him to get reincarnated in one of the world's of his choice along with some wishes.

overloaded_maxima · Anime & Comics
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301 Chs

Great Red

After Tatsuya said Those words Great Red stared at the human in front of it in silence and said, "Quit joking and tell me who you really are? There is no way that you are Truck-kun. He never reincarnated himself, he only do it for others and there is also the fact that you don't have his aura. Also I banned anyone sent by him to reincarnate in this universe."

Tatsuya looked at the dragon in front of him in surprise and asked, "You banned him from reincarnating others in this universe? Why?"

Great Red gave out an annoyed groan and said, "Many of the people he sent here to reincarnate were trying to take over my body and since they are all souls it gets very annoying to deal with them, so I simply sealed off the dimension for others to come over here."

Tatsuya who heard what the dragon just said got in a deep thought, 'If the dimension is sealed, how the hell was I able to reincarnate in this universe, don't tell the one who sent me here is even a higher level being than the legendary truck.'

Suddenly a paper appeared out of no where and landed in Tatsuya's hands. Tatsuya then looked at the paper carefully and found out that it was a message from the being itself.

Hey Tatsuya,

How have ya been, the wish giver here. Hope you are enjoying there, I just saw your interaction with the dragon there and I was laughing my ass off at that and yeah I am a higher level entity than that damn truck, seriously he makes my work so much difficult, I have to organise another set of documents just for the people he send to another worlds. Well let's leave it at that, make sure to not let the dragon know of your origin, it cannot read your mind because of my powers but the aura you have can still be seen by such an old being, make up some excuse or something. Byee!!

Tatsuya then simply put the paper in his storage and looked directly in the dragon's eyes.

The dragon looked back at Tatsuya waiting for him to answer. Both of them kept staring at each other for a while and then Tatsuya said, "Stop staring it's getting creepy." which made the dragon slump its head dramatically.

The dragon looked back at the human and said, "You human, answer me first, and stop screwing around."

Tatsuya looked at the dragon with an expressionless face and said, "How would I know I have only seen been to three realms till now, Earth, Underworld and Takamagahara, how am I supposed to know where I belong from, I have been living in Earth till now. If someone as old as you cannot tell, how the hell will I know?"

The dragon who heard Tatsuya's answer thought for a bit and said, "That seems justifiable how can a someone like you know if even I don't know and I literally can see through the minds of all... except yours of course."

Tatsuya inwardly sighed and then said, "Yeah yeah, well does it really matter I think that it must be some kind of mutation that my aura must be different."

The dragon nodded his head and said, "It might be possible, well just leave it at that. So where was I... Ah! like I was saying that my creation took place after that of Ophis, but the fact is that Ophis was not here at the time of my creation. Though I am a bit thankful for that because there might be a chance that Ophis could have destroyed me even before I could have been created. Well, since I got in the dimensional gap I started roaming around here and there so, my power was not stagnant at a location and also because of the some characteristics of the void here, which even I am not able to explain, my presence was not detected by Ophis at all. But soon, when she came back to the gap and saw me she thought that I invaded her home in the time that she was not here, I even explained her that I was born here but since she was not able to sense my power in the gap during the time she was not here, she didn't believe me, but she still let me live here at that time.

We both were living here without even bothering eachother or so I thought, apparently my constant drives around the cap cause a lot of disturbances in the gap which annoyed her a lot and soon she started fighting over the possession over the gap, but since I was stronger than her she was not able to defeat me, so I stayed in the gap, I even told her that I have no problem living together with her, but she said that she was not able to get her silence here anymore."

Tatsuya who was now sitting over the dragon's head heard the whole story carefully and then said, "Then the whole problem with her originated from a single misunderstanding."

The dragon nodded its head and said, "Yeah."

Tatsuya thought for a while and asked, "Do you ever tried talking to her, I mean other than the serious talk, like talking to her like friends or family?"

At this the dragon fell silent and then after a while said, "No, I don't think that I ever did that, she never have thoughts and do most of the things on a whim and there is also the fact that I cannot hear her thoughts as her being the embodiment of infinite have some perks of their own."

Tatsuya sat back comfortably on the head and said, "Well I think if you have done that you two could have lived together. She is just....lonely, I have met her a lot of times and all the times our interactions have been a lot of fun." Both Tatsuya and Great Red then fell silent.

Tatsuya then caressed on the dragon's scale and said, "You know your scales are very soft and comfortable, don't you think that they are bad for defense."

The dragon shook its head and said, "Nope, despite they are soft, they are still unbreakable upto a very high extent..... though I think that you might be able to break it at your full power."

Tatsuya just nodded and then asked, "Don't you get bored living here all the time?"

The dragon sighed and said, "Well it's a bit boring but it cannot be helped, if I step in the other mortal realms for a long time, the beings there will start having various problems, this is something that I am jealous of Ophis, she is able to step into other realms without bothering others, where as for me that is not possible my presence will hamper their senses and many problems will arise for them, only once in a while when there is dimensional instability that I am able to step in the realms, without causing any problems."

Tatsuya widened his eyes and said, "I didn't think that a being as powerful as you will care about other mortals."

The dragon snorted and said, "Huh, who cares about them, they can all die and I will not even bat an eye. I only refrain from harming them because they are the only source of my entertainment."

Tatsuya looked at the dragon with amazement and asked, "How?"

The dragon then said, "You see the dreams that these mortals have are very fun to watch and interfere to, you will cry out because of laughing so much on are my how weird the dreams can get. Not to mention the so called wet dreams they have, they are even weirder than their normal dreams."

Tatsuya looked at the dragon with a deadpan expression and then said, "I am changing your title, from now on you will be the dragon of wet dreams, pervert."


Tatsuya who still had a neutral expression said, "And that's why you are a pervert to peep on others."

The dragon who heard Tatsuya became more annoyed and said, "You are in no position to call me a pervert when you yourself act like one with cat girls and little girls."

Tatsuya shook his head and said, "I am not a pervert the only things I like are fluffy and cute."

The dragon remained silent for a while and then said, "THAT'S THE SAME DAMN THING YOU BASTARD."

Tatsuya who was not floating in front of the dragon was blown away by the wind coming out of its mouth said, "Woh Woh Woh, Calm down there and how the hell do you know that i like loli- I mean cute and fluffy things? You just said, that you can't read my mind."

The dragon looked at him with a deadpan look and said, "Of course I cannot read your mind but it doesn't mean that I can't read the minds of others and since you do it in front of everyone I have seen everything."

Tatsuya who heard that thought, 'There is really no such thing as privacy in this world.'

Tatsuya then said, "Well whatever it was nice talking to you but I must get going now."

At this the dragon got surprised and said, "Huh, what's the hurry, stay a bit longer it's been so long since I get to talk to someone who is not pissing himself in my presence or is challenging me to a fight or even worse, 'trying' to take me under control."

Tatsuya waved his hand and said, "I would love to keep you company but it is getting quite late already, the others must be worried about me."

At this the dragon got depressed and and slumped his head and said, "I understand just try to come here from time to time, it can get really boring here, since the only thing that I can do is watch over things....." in a sad tone.

Tatsuya looked at the dragon for a while and then asked, "Do you want to try living in the human world?"

The dragon looked at Tatsuya with an annoyed expression on its face and said, "Listen here I just said, that I cannot step in thos-"

Tatsuya cut her speech and said, "That's not what I asked for, what I asked is whether you want to live or not?"


Tatsuya looked at the dragon with widened eyes and said, "You got over dramatic there and what's with that torture of an example, that's just plain cruel. Anyways if you want to live in that world I can let you do that."

The dragon blinked in surprise but soon narrowed them and said, "You are not planning on sealing me in some sort of sacred gear or something right?"

Tatsuya shook his head and said, "Nah, that way you will be sealed for an even longer time, I mean who would be able to control your power and I don't have any need of a sacred gear, even if it's your power. So do you want to go?"

The dragon looked at Tatsuya for a while judging whether what Tatsuya is saying is true or not. Finally sighing the dragon said, "Fine, but don't try anything that can lead to serious circumstances even if I cannot perceive your power there is no way that even you can take me down easily."

Tatsuya nodded and said, "Ok, now turn into human."

The dragon looked at him and said, "Why?"

Tatsuya looked at the dragon as if it was an idiot and said, "What you want me to put a leash on you and say that you are my new pet dog, of course how will you live in that world if not in a human form."

The dragon nodded and then suddenly it's body started glowing.