
Life in DxD Verse

This will be a story about a devil, who wishes to lead a pleasant life filled with love and adventures yet he rules over the world.

Urban_Flower_ · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

ChApTeR 1.

Let me tell you the weirdest thing that has ever happened to me.

I died.

Yeah, I died yet I could retain my consciousness perfectly.

I was just an average person you could ever find on Modern Earthland, but a strange thing happened to me when I reached my 18th birthday. I, someone with no family had become an adoptive grandson of a famous mafia and a business tycoon. Although I didn't ask the old man who adopted me, as I thought that he might be related to me in some or the other way.

The old man started to train me in every possible way in all forms of martial arts, literacy, political and technical skills.

I was from a world where empires exist and technology is more advanced.

Under the instructions of the old man, I grew up in a protective life till he died.

I was 28 years old when the old man died, he finally said to me that I was the old man's only biological relative not adoptive. He had to make drastic decisions to keep me from the darker side of society. I also learned the truth from him that my parents were killed by another family and he had no choice but to leave in an orphanage to as not to get involved in this mess.

It's impossible to say that I was not affected by the old man's demise and the truth about the death of my parents.

His death started to change my life trajectory, I was just 28 years old and officially had taken over the mafia family, and the company, built my empire slowly as I stretched my hands to capture the whole world in my palms.

There were some situations when I almost conquered more than three-fourths of the world. But Ironically, there were a group of people from my own family for their own greed as they colluded with the opposition empires and companies to stop my plans, who were eradicated from time to time.

I was given the title of the tyrant, who forged his path standing on the piles of corpses.

The time flew by as I started to grow old until I was 78 years old. In my old age, I started to remember and write my own biography and my further plans for the world for its evolution.

I never married in this life of mine but I had sex regularly, and I still had one step to conquer this world. It is to eradicate the last couple country that has been the last lines of defense. And this step is something that I must do. The murderer of my parents was from this last empire that is yet to be put under my leash. He is the current king of that empire and was almost 90 years old.

The war gradually started, after six years of time, the war started to calm down as that rotten king was panting under my foot as I placed mine on his head.

"Haa... I should have killed you back when you were still a child." He said with eyes full of hatred and coughing up blood.

"As if you could. Now, any last words?", I asked under the eyes of the whole world.

"Kill me." He said.

- Puff -

Without any further ado, I shot into his brain shocking everyone watching me. They could have thought that I would slowly torture him, but torture is not for someone who is beyond repair.

I threw my gun as I slowly walk to the highest platform available and I face the world.

I was almost worshipped as a god by the people from the empires I conquered.

"People of my cherished kingdom and the ones watching me standing here, I officially declare the end of the war. I step down as the king of the united empire as of today and I pass the throne to my Illegitimate son. Thank you." Shocking the world, I go back to my palace through the teleportation device.

I sat in my study, I heard a knock just when I completed my autobiography with my will along with my signature at the end.

"Come in," I said.

A man, around 26 years entered the room. He had similar facial and body features to mine. Yes, He was my son who was born to one of my sexual partners. She gave birth to him while she died. Although I had never officially recognized him, our relationship was very harmonious.

"Did you really have to do that? I mean you are the one who built everything and how can you just give it to someone, even if it's me, your son?" He said in a flustered voice.

Taking a deep look at him, I stated, "I am 97 & I don't have much time."

This reply made his body tremble and his eyes red, "Wha... are you talking bout? I don't believe... Majes.... Dad, You can't joke with me on matters like thi..s.", Shuttering he put on a hopeful expression in his eyes and he asked me.

"The older protects the younger ones, just like my grandfather paved a way for me to stand on my legs, I have been paving way for you to stand on your own legs with all the merits you have earned. I had many partners but had no children, as I always feared that they would be under the threats of the darker society, surprisingly you were born and my thinking changed. Before I just fought for my personal interests but after you were born I fought to protect you.", Took a deep breath, as I feel difficulty and my eyes start to get dim.

Putting up the most genuine smile ever I had, I said to him, "It's your turn to protect the younger ones. I love you, my son."

I conveyed my last words and my sight dimmed just to see my son running toward me fanatically yelling my name.

After a while.

I opened my eyes, to see a large void surrounding me.

I came to the realization that I was 'dead'.