
Dark Place in a middle of nowhere

In awareness

"Well, what's going on here??? Did I bite the dust from that idiotic electric snake well it appears that the world needs me dead haa…? I trust that I will get the following open doors for superior life and when I return I trust a least one more season to be there in precious stone no expert… .."

"So where am I?"

"I don't perceive any spirit other than me and where is the rebirth way that encourages me to resurrect? I don't perceive any god likewise I wonder where they are?"

As he said that the kid glanced around and found a glob that was connected to a PC and an entryway was joined to the side with a seat left there however oddly everything other the light from the PC was secured with dull haze.

"I wonder what it is!" as he went towards the glob first he saw that it was ordinary glob aside from that a wire was associated with it with the PC ". After intensive looking, it was same as a glob of the earth with minimal additional data and I was greater in size.

In the wake of taking a gander at the gob, the kid directed his concentration toward the PC and saw that it is as of now opened and not bolted it was abnormally had just a single application that had been as of now opened in the wake of taking a gander at it, it indicated some great data about what he required at this point.

Universe: 201#89

Planet: Earth

Age: hardly any trillions of years old

Rebirth opening: 5

Determination: required!

Recollections: evacuate

Capacities: ###

Expertise: ###

Expected Energy: B

"Well.." as the kid was watching he falls quiet and attempted if he can alter the data and he could!!!

"Hahaha…. I am super lucky!!!!" sooner or later of quiet the kid chuckled and yelled boisterously and immediately looked if can discover anything in it.

Following a couple of moments

"Hahaha I am currently discovering this dead so fortunate and I need to thank the snake for murdering me HaHaHa..."

As he was chuckling he out of nowhere got a thought regarding how to manage this one and immediately turned around to attempt it.

"How about we search if what I am thinking can be truly done"

Search: Diamond no Ace Universe

Stacking .......Loading......

Searching... Search found… ....

Indicating result… .... Indicating Result....3...2...1

Universe: Diamond no Ace Universe

Planet: 1 tenable planet

Age: Undefined

Accessible Reincarnation opening: 2

Determination: required!

Recollections: evacuate

Capacities: ###

Expertise: ###

"It is true there!!!"

"I questioned on the off chance that it is truly what I thought and can be utilized. Presently I transfer need to thank the snake for giving me these chances" in the wake of communicating some thankfulness to the snake he glanced through the PC and read as the data about the planet and tapped the determination mark.

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