
Life in Classroom of the Elite

A veteran weeb dead because of Truck sama. And he got a chance to reincarnate one of the series he loves the most. Of Course, Our veteran weeb chose to reincarnate in Classroom of the Elite with his three wishes from God. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ English is not my native language. Since COTE is my favourite novel currently and I really wanted to write fanfic of this masterpiece. This is wish-fulfilment fanfic. I write this fanfic to improve my English skills and my writing skills. Words count - 2000 words per chapter Please support me https://ko-fi.com/aharlequin20 you can support me with PayPal [https://www.paypal.me/aharlequin10] My twitter account - Aharlequin[@Aharlequin10] I don't own this series. Credits to respective owners. I also don't own cover if you want to take down please tell me Tags - romance, Harem, smut, Wincest

ArchbishopOfSloth · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

Chapter 5 : The Real Start

I really apologized for not having new chapters in these days. I was really busy. Watching series like ' The originals '. I need to read COTE again because I forgot almost every things. Please vote with power stone.


" Yep, that is the S-system. It assesses the students in real-time and assigns them numerical values. Look, you lost in Class D have proven, wonderfully, that you deserve to be ranked last. That you're the worst kind of defectives. " Sae explained with a smile.

" Look. You lot in Class D have pro, wonderfully that you deserve to be ranked last. That you are the worst kind of defective.

" Sae told us with a mocked smile.

' I really wonder what kind of face will she face on the bed. It is really interesting. Well, I do not blame them, my classmates. ' I thought.

" Even in history your guys are the first class the wasted every point with a single month. I really impressed. " Sae told us with clapping.

' Sae's strategy in anime was pretty good. She used horikita as bait and allured Ayanokouji. I will not change that much because that is a pretty good strategy and the problem Kushida also can take care with a simple move. The real problem is other classes. ' I thought and I was making plans in my head.

" It works like the real world. I can't reveal the details of your performance evaluations. These are the class points currently held by each class. " Sae explained and wrote down other classes' class points.

' A Class 940 cp

B Class 650 cp

C Class 490 cp

D Class 0 cp '.

' Of Course, other classes held good advantages and each class is really different from how it works. ' I muttered.

' Finding spies will be easy for Class C but Class B is really difficult to compare to other classes. I already planned for Class A. At least, I need two spies for each class ' I thought.

" For each class point, 100 private points are assigned to each student in the class. When you first arrived here, each class had 1,000 class points. In other words, you people lost them all. " Sae explained them with her devilish smile.

Students starting to ask Sae questions and she answered all of them with a devilish smile.

" Is there something you need to ask about S-System. If you don't have any questions, let starts homeroom. We have swimming class after this. " Sae told us with a serious voice.

" Teacher. I have one question to ask " I told her while took out my hand in the air.

" Teacher said you can buy everything with ppt in this school on the first day. That's mean we can also buy rules with ppt " I asked her with a serious voice. Because of my weird question, other students looked at me.

Sae laughed for a few second and said

" Yep. That's right if you have enough ppt, you can also buy rules with ppt. That's a good question. But there is an exception that you can not buy with ppt. Like real-world " Sae told me.

" I see. I can buy with the power. Thank you teacher " I told with a smile.

' The real reason I asked this question is that I wanted to know other students. The hole of S-system. From their faces, a few of them got.' I thought.

You could buy everything with money in the real world. Sometimes you needed to use power to buy somethings. People said love could not buy with money but I believed love came with Destiny. So you didn't need to buy, you just needed to wait.

Sae was a really good teacher. Her explaining was really short and on point. She knew what was good for students.

' A woman like her is must keep for every man. Pokemon, I choose you. I have three years. Well, I need to take care of a few things for now ' I thought while listening to Sae's teaching.

Well, I was not fan of History in my previous life. If I said, I hate History. Even now, I still didn't like History. I was sending my mind away while Sae was teaching.

" Make a review for today lesson. Dismiss. Today's Swimming Class is private time. " Sae told and left.

I got up from my seat and walked to the changing room to change swimming suit. Other students went like that with groups.

" Well, Are you going to participate in a swimming class? Haruka " I asked the girl who was walking in front of me.

" I am not planning to take part in. " Haruka told and looked at her breasts.

" You have a good body. You should proud and you will extremely look beautiful in a swimming suit " I told her with a smile.

" Well, If you say that " She replied me with a blushed face.

" If someone tries to annoy you, I will punch that person's face," I told her. We were the last people in line so no one heard our conversation.

Haruka didn't say anything and just downward her head.

I didn't say anything and we walked in silence. But she talked a few words with Mitachi.

Of course, she wore her swimming suit and I finally solved the mysterious questions that debated in my previous life.

' Who had the biggest oppai in 1st year's. Now I finally know. She is really big. Even her swimming suit has some difficulty to cover up her ' I thought. I didn't put them on my face.

" Wow, You are really beautiful," I told her with a smile

" Of course, my Mitachi is always beautiful " " I told the girls behind. I could sense her jealous.

" Thank you, Kozuki " She replied me with looking my upper body. I trained every day so my body was a really good condition and I trained with professional Trainers. And followed their workout plans for many years.

" Can you swim? " I asked her. She nodded me and we played a few minutes with water.

Suddenly someone voiced.

" Everyone, I want you to listen to me seriously for a minute We didn't get any point. This is a problem that's going to haunt us through the rest of our school time. There is no way we can make it to graduation with zero points " Hirata told. Other students agreed and voiced.

Sudou didn't agree and pushed Hirata's shoulder with his shoulder.

" Of course, we don't need to do anything right now. Just being a good student is good for now. And Sudou, You also need to stay like an obedient dog before you can't play your really love Basketball" I told Sudou before reaching the way out with cheerful voice.

" What did you say dog?" Sudou shouted and came straight to me. Before he reached to me, Mitachi kicked his legs. Mitachi took that moment and restrained Sudo. And Sudo's body was faced with floor and Mitachi's knee restrained Sudo hand and restrained another hand with her hand. The other hand was on Sudo's head. She restrained Sudo with a few second with her extreme speed. Sudo tried to free with his strength but that was futile.

" Are you still want to try? Michi is pretty strong. If you can not even free from her confine, you can't fight with me. I am stronger than her " I told him with a smile.

He tried a few minutes but he could not free from Mitachi.

" Free him Shirogane. He is also your fellow classmates " Hirata tried to resolve but Mitachi didn't reply. I waited a few minutes.

" Are you done? " I asked Sudou

" Well, I am telling you for your own good. Sudou " I told him

" Mitachi, free him. " I told her. And she released Sudou.

Sudou tried to punch me but I caught that easily.

" Nice try," I told and patted his shoulder. Released his fit and said.

" As I said. We don't need to do anything yet. The real thing we need do to right now is to act like a normal student. As a fellow student, I am trying to advise you. That is my opinion" I told them with a smile.

" I understand what Kozuki wants to tell but we need plans for CP " Hirata told me.

" Ok. We have an upcoming exam so we need to study. That's the plan " I told them. We discussed for a few minutes and like that Swimming Class was finished.

" Why did you do that Kozuki? " Haruka asked me. We were returning to our classroom.

" Because I need to show them who is boss and I need to tame Sudou who was a wild beast. By doing that my standing point in class will increase and I can control properly. " I replied with a smile.

" You are not an idiot. You know what I want to mean. Right now, we are in an extremely bad situation and I just took that chance " I replied her.

She looked happy because I told her the truth. I patted her head and she looked surprised. Haruka looked at me.

" Oh, sorry. You look extremely cute. If you hate, I will not do that again " I told her and stopped but she took my hand and put my hand on her head.

" I don't hate it. I really like it " Haruka told me with an embarrassed face.

" Do you want to go to the cafe after school? " Haruka tried to invite me but I had something to do.

" Sorry I have something to do. I will invite you tomorrow" I told her. That was the first time she invited me. I spent the whole month with my Misuzu and my sister. I didn't have a very close friend.

After the Swimming Class, we had English Class and whole day passed like that.

I got up from my seat and went to market. To find someone. I found him within a few minutes and went to him.

" Hi. Do you have some time " I told that person. He had light beige hair and purple gradient eyes.He wore glasses.

" Who are you? " That person told me.

" My name is Kozuki and I had dew words to tell you. I will give you 100 ppt for each minutes. I just want to discuss with you a few minutes " I told him.

" Ok. My name is Kaneda " that person replied. It looked like he was in broke state.

I moved right now because people started to notice the real importance of ppt.

" Follow me. Kaneda " I told him and moved to another expensive private cafe with small room. This cafe was really expensive because of elegant design and vibe that was gave you High-Class place.

I already booked room and I followed staff.

" What would you like to order? If you decided, please ring the bell " the staff told and bowed 45° and left.

" You can order everything you want Kaneda " I told him with smile.

" Really," Kaneda told and ring the bell. Ordered a lot of juices and cakes.

I ordered the Orange Juice for myself and Michi ordered butter cake. After staff put our orders, I told him.

" Let's start the talk. I have some offer for you. You look like intelligent so I chose you. " I told him with a smile.

" What is it?" Kaneda asked me while drinking tea.

I took out a paper from my bag and gave him.

" Read this. " I told him. I prepared that paper yesterday and terms were very simple. Kaneda read a paper and said with surprised voice.

" You want me to become a spy "

" Yep. As paper said I will give you 10000 ppt pre month" I answered with smile.

" Why should I do that? " Kaneda told me.

" Because you will receive free ppt. If you don't want to accept, I can ask another Class C student. " I told him. Kane's was in thought and I said

" I will increase 20000 ppt. How about that. If you agree, please sign that paper and on another paper " I told and took out another paper.

" I will keep one paper and you will keep another. Is like that? " Kaneda told me. I nodded.

" Can you give me one day? " Kaneda asked me.

" No. Decide here. Please. If you don't want to just get up from seat and you can leave. I will not stop " I forced him to decide.

" Ok. I will do. I just need to tell you our class inner situation " Kaneda confirmed me. I nodded. He signed paper and I gave Mitachi's student ID number to communicate.

" If you want to tell something, please call to this ID nunber " I told him. I held Mitachi's device and transferred ppt to him. I already got his ID number.

" I hope you can keep this as secret. Pleasure to work with you Kaneda " I shook his hand and said.

I transferred 30000 ppt to him and he surprised.

" That is a bonus for your smart choice. Please

eat everything before you leave" I told him and left.

' One down ' I thought and I moved to my today new target. I went to the Female dorm for the second person.

Guess who that girl is.

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