
Life In Another Reality

I thought my life was full of twists, but the biggest shock came after I died. Here I was, staring at a 17 years old guy in the mirror. Just your regular brown eyes, short black hair, and a good-looking face. Maybe I looked better in my past life, who knows? It's strange to wrap my head around the fact that I'm now this teenager after all the twists and struggles in my old life. Well, what can I do other than live it again? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- P.S. - This is my trial novel since I'm not that experienced with stories. I'll try to update it daily or every 2 days, just doing it for fun or to try something new. So, please be a little lenient on me with reviews.

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Chapter-17: Little Rich Lady and Visiting Alex

Today is a really good day, and it being a Sunday, most of the families are enjoying the time together with their families in our community, and the same is happening in Dunphy's house, but with a little drama.

[Dunphy's House]

"What? Alex, how much do you say you have earned? Mom, how much does she have in that account?" exclaimed someone who looked the same age as Jim. She is Haley, a member of the Dunphy family and the troublesome child. Claire sees much of herself in her elder daughter.

"Hmph, didn't I tell you that Jim is really good at coding? His game was tested by at least 8 to 10 people, all from different age groups, and everyone played it non-stop. You were the one who doubted what he could earn," said Alex proudly as she looked at her sister.

"Yes, yes, brother Jim is really good at making games. I asked him to make another one, and he said he is working on another one. Hehehe, me and Gia will be the first to test it," said Luke happily, jumping from one place to another as he was about to enjoy something incredible.

"Well, me and Luke have about $58,000 in our accounts as of now, and now I can pay for everything for myself. I am independent now, my dear sister," said Alex with a smirk while also teasing Haley.

Haley was shocked as she heard the figure, but most of all, the person who did all that is her neighbor and the same age as her. Claire and Phil were also surprised with Jim. But, Claire, knowing that Jim was quite sensible but also had time to learn things before because he didn't have people to talk to in his previous school and about incidents related to friends that made him more isolated, felt a little pity but also amazement for him.

"Alex, dear, you are not independent now and will not be until you are 18 years old. That money is for you after that or for some purchases you want to make. The rest, until you reach adulthood, your mom and dad will handle," said Claire. She felt that, even if Alex was responsible, it wasn't good to give her this amount of money until she understood its value. Claire whispered to Phil, "Say something, Phil."

"Yeah, I am going to take care of my daughters until they are earning themselves," Phil repeated genuinely to Alex.

"We, Phil, we will, and she is already earning quite an amount," corrected Claire in a low voice as she looked at Phil and then turned to Alex. "Yes, we will pay for your things as much as we can until you are mature enough to handle your finances maturely and efficiently," said Claire to Alex, who looked somewhat embarrassed, as her family rarely said such things to her, often paying more attention to Luke and Haley.

"Well, okay. I am also not going to use the money Jim's game earned recklessly. I just bought some equipment that was needed to record a clear video for the course, Mom," Alex said to Claire.

"What video are you talking about? Tell me also," exclaimed Haley as she spoke loudly to get clarity on the topic they were discussing.

"Well, Jim had an idea, and as I am quite intelligent, he asked me to provide videos for courses on each school class subject until the class I am in, that are easy to understand. He will add those courses to the online learning application he is creating. We can learn things from there by accessing the courses," said Alex as everyone, including Luke, listened intently as the topic was about Jim, their favorite brother.

She further explained as she saw everyone listening, "Even his mom is involved, as she will also upload her course on being a beautician online to teach others. One video will be an introduction that is free, and the rest will be a paid course if you want to learn. Jim will earn 30% from it, while the creator will get 60%, and the rest for the company's team," she explained further.

"Anyone can do it, like Mom can teach people about your side of work or work you did before becoming a housewife, as you will earn every time someone wants to learn from your videos," Alex explained at the end, suggesting the possibility of even Claire joining if she wants.

"Ahh, I didn't know there would be a time when I think I'd regret not studying someday," said Haley, with some sorrow and regret on her face, looking pitiful.

"Well, Jim is coming today to get the equipment to record the course till your class subjects by himself. You can ask him for advice. He told me he is going to create some different sections in the application, so he might need your help with something," suggested Alex, informing her family that Jim was coming to their home. Claire was the only one who knew, but she didn't have any problem because Jim was a good kid in her view.

"Hah, even Luke is earning now," said Haley, feeling jealous of her brother and sister for being this lucky, but also happy for them. It was complicated, but she won't ever tell them her feelings or that she felt a mix of envy for her siblings' luck and genuine happiness for their success.

[Ding Dong] The sound of the doorbell echoed through the house, prompting Luke to dash towards the entrance. He was confident it was Jim.

As Luke opened the door, he saw Jim and Gia standing there, while Gia was looking at her brother and saying something.

"Bro Jim!" Luke exclaimed and hugged Jim, but this time it was genuine, not in competition with Gia. After some time, as he felt his family's presence behind him also arriving, he separated and looked embarrassed, acting like a kid in front of them. Gia looked at him smugly, as they were now competing on acting like adults, a new area of rivalry.

"Hello, everyone," said both Jim and Gia. Gia, being cute with a serious face, looked irresistible to Claire, Alex, and Haley. Haley was the first to move to Gia. She hugged her and said, "So cute, how are you, Gia?" She bombarded Gia with questions while picking her up and smothering her, completing her quota of Gia's cuteness.

"Hey bro," said Phil, attempting to look intimidating as Luke being close to someone made him a little jealous. But, still a little in control as this was Alex's first friend who visited their home.

"Hey, hello, Mr. Phil. I've heard a lot about you in this area, heard that you're the best real estate agent around here," said Jim. With the smile Phil gave, Jim knew he made a good impression in front of Phil.

"Ah, well, you can just call me Phil. So, how's your day going?" With what Jim said earlier, it seemed like he and Phil might become friends soon.

"Ah, Jim, come inside. Phil, at least welcome him in," said Claire.

"Yes, Claire, here." As Jim entered the house, he handed a beautifully wrapped box to Claire from his mom. There were some pastries in there that Claire and his mom wanted to try, so his mom made them for both families.

"Oh, say thanks to Ava for me. No, I will just make a call to her; you guys talk," she said as she hurried to her room to talk to Jim's mom on the phone.

Phil went to the garden with Luke to do something they were about to do before Jim arrived. Only Jim, Gia, Alex, and Haley were left in the room.

As they had their fill of Gia's cuteness, Alex and Haley came back with Gia, who was jumping and telling Haley about the draft she made for her brother's story, as she had forgotten to tell her.

"So, Alex, where is the equipment? I will take it with me to record," Jim told Alex as he turned to Haley.

"Hi, name's Jimmy. You can call me Jim," he greeted Haley as she turned to him.

"Hi, I am Haley. You can also just call me Haley too," Haley replied as she examined the handsome boy in front of her, feeling he looked familiar.

Jim, his mind having sorted out all the memories of his two distinct lives, suddenly recognized Haley as a classmate from his previous school.

"I've heard a lot about you; you're the most fashionable person in your family," Jim commented on what he knew about her from Alex and from what he saw in school.

"Yeah, Jim, don't. She will start daydreaming, being some fashion model or sh... ahmm... some influential person," commented Alex as she saw her mom getting out of her room and changed the last word of her sentence.

"Oh, is it that bad? But, am I not right? Even in class, I saw her wearing some good pair of clothing," said Jim.

"Hmm, ah, I remember you. You're the new guy who came and joined our class one month before holidays," Haley realized, and said with a surprised face.

"Yeah, I am. But, in school, I feel more awkward talking to girls, might be because a girl who used to be my friend, was like you, fashionable and all in my previous school, and she made some nasty rumors about me. Now I feel weird talking to girls in public in general, as I am doing something that might start the rumors. It's a weird feeling, I don't know how to explain," Jim tried to explain to Haley, as Alex already knew, and from her, he knew that Haley was not like them, and being in his friend's house he was able to talk quite easily, but crowded places brought back those memories, giving him quite a life experience.

"So, that's why I used to avoid talking to girls in class, especially those with a pretty face and a keen sense of fashion like you," further told Jim.

"Well, if you want, I can introduce you to the school and the places around. Don't worry; I'll protect you in school. As Alex's older sister, I have to protect her friend, or she might not get one soon," said Haley as she smirked and remarked about Alex being a loner in a different way.

[to be continued...]

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